

  Chapter 248 Knocking on the Bamboo Pole (Second update!)

  Han Feng came outside the hall, shook his shoulders, and dark blue fighting spirit wings emerged.

  Han Feng flashed and flew in the direction of Han Pavilion.

  He can't wait!


  Han Pavilion, Hai Bodong welcomed Han Feng into the VIP room.

  "I don't know, Your Majesty Yao Huang, how come you have time to come to my Han Pavilion today?

  You really caught me off guard, haha."

  Hai Bodong smiled politely.

  He was secretly surprised that Han Feng was just like Su Xiaozi expected. He came to Hange before the auction officially started.

  "Why, Mr. Hai doesn't welcome me, Mr. Han?"

  Han Feng reluctantly suppressed the heat and restlessness in his heart and said a few polite words to Hai Bodong.

  "Of course not."

  Haibodong waved his hand.

  "That's good. To be honest, I came here to ask for something."

  Han Feng said with cupped hands.

  "Oh, Yao Huang, it doesn't matter."

  Hai Bodong showed appropriate surprise on his face.

  "Aren't you Han Pavilion going to hold an auction? I've also got news about this.

  Will there be earth fire lotus seeds in your auction?"

  Hai Bodong pondered for a while.

  "There is such a thing. Why, the Emperor of Medicine is also interested in this thing?

  It's just that the news has been spread out. If I sell this thing to you now, I won't be able to get it at the auction. I'm afraid our Han Pavilion will have a bad reputation. Lost."

  Han Feng sighed inwardly.

  For those who come here to hang out in the Black Corner Territory, this reputation is nothing. To put it bluntly, aren't they just looking for an excuse to increase the price?

  Although Han Feng was slightly annoyed, he still said.

  "Mr. Hai Lao, my main goal this time is not the Earth Fire Lotus Seeds, but the owner of the Earth Fire Lotus Seeds."

  "That's it."

  A trace of regret flashed across Hai Bodong's face.

  "The Medicine King has been in the Black Corner Territory for much longer than me. I must be aware of the crooked ways of this black guy."

  Han Feng nodded.

  There are few forces in the Black Corner Region that only engage in serious business, and burning, killing, looting, and looting are what every force can do.

  Judging from Hai Bodong's words, the origin of this Earth Fire Lotus Seed may also be shady.

  "I'm quite impressed with this Earth Fire Lotus Seed.

  It was a month ago, at the edge of the Black Corner Territory.

  Two Dou Huang elders from Han Pavilion snatched it from another seriously injured peak Dou Huang expert. "

  Where is that man? Where is he now!"

  Han Feng shouted to Hai Bodong with small blood marks in his eyes.

  "Uh, this..."

  Haibodong was stunned for a moment, and at the same time he became vigilant, fighting energy flowing in his body.

  Han Feng was not in the right state, and he might suddenly get angry and hurt someone at the next moment.

  "Ahem, I'm sorry, I lost my temper.

  Don't blame Mr. Hai."

  Han Feng coughed lightly and apologized to Hai Bodong.

  "It doesn't matter."

  Haibodong waved his hand, but the fighting spirit that was flowing did not stop.

  "The two Dou Huangs under me at that time did not kill the man, but let him escape.

  The peak Dou Huang is very powerful. If he has a grudge against me, Hange, because of this matter.

  Even if I, Hange The forces will also have a headache.

  He has recovered from his injuries and returned to take revenge. If he happens to catch two powerful Dou Huangs in our Han Pavilion, it will be a disaster.

  We, Han Pavilion, only have these two Dou Huangs,

  so they are precious. I am also very concerned about the whereabouts of that powerful Douhuang warrior, and I happen to know about it."

  Hearing this, Han Feng couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

  There is really news!

  "So where is he?"

  Han Feng asked hurriedly.   


  I wonder how much this news is worth?"

  Old fox!

  Han Feng cursed in his heart, knowing that he was too anxious and might be beaten by Hai Bodong today.

  "To tell you the truth, this news is very important to me. Mr. Hai may make conditions."

  "Oh, how about offsetting it with the favor you did last time?"


  Han Feng refused.

  The last favor related to Canaan Academy's strange fire was also quite important and could not be used lightly.

  Only children make choices. He wants both of these two strange fires!


  "A sixth-grade elixir."



  "This is not a matter of elixirs and elixirs. This person is related to my Han Pavilion..."

  "Three! And! I will help you deal with him completely and give you his head!"

  "Oh, Yao Huang is so polite. This makes me so embarrassed,"

  Hai Bodong smiled broadly, but his eyes were a little shy. There was a strange flash in his eyes.

  These bamboo-stealing procedures are necessary. If the information is handed over easily, there is no guarantee that Han Feng will not become suspicious.

  Seeing Hai Bodong agree, Han Feng was relieved.

  Even he felt a little pain after being given three sixth-grade elixirs at one time.

  But compared to the strange fire, these values ​​are not worth mentioning.

  After devouring this strange fire, he will definitely break through Douzong!

  Thinking of this, Han Feng looked at Hai Bodong with a vague murderous intention, which quickly disappeared.

  No, this old guy is a strong Douzong expert after all. Even if he breaks through Douzong, he is not sure of victory against Canaan Academy.

  This person does have some uses, but after I get the strange fire from Canaan Academy, huh.

  "Mr. Hai Lao, can you tell me where the powerful Dou Huang warrior is now?"

  "Of course."

  Hai Bodong took out a map from the ring and spread it on the table.


  Haibodong then pointed to a place with a red circle.

  Han Feng looked attentively.

  "Warcraft Mountains?"

  "Exactly, this person seems to have other enemies, otherwise he would not be seriously injured.

  He did not stay in human society, but fell into the depths of the Warcraft Mountains."

  Han Feng waved his hand and removed this person. The map is stored in the ring.

  "Thank you very much for this.

  Did the two Dou Huang warriors under your command tell you whether the peak Dou Emperor warrior has any obvious characteristics?"

  "That's true. The male Dou Emperor hesitated. He said he didn't know.

  But the female Dou Huang revealed to me that that person seemed to be able to cast a very powerful cyan flame. "

  Cyan flame! It is indeed Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire!

  Originally, I just wanted to find the owner of the Earth Fire Lotus Seed, and then keep searching along this line until I found the person who owned the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire.

  But I didn't expect that it happened to be me.

  God is really helping me.

  As for that egg male fighting emperor.

  Han Feng sneered.

  He had the impression that the male fighting emperor was a fire attribute fighter, and he probably recognized that the man used strange fire.

  He was just greedy for the strange fire, so he wanted to hide it from Hai Bodong.

  Han Feng didn't want to remind Hai Bodong about this kind of thing.

  It is normal for such a strong Dou Huang warrior who has been recruited not long ago to have his own selfish motives.

  "I'll go back first."

  Then Han Feng took out a jade bottle from the Najie, which contained a sixth-grade elixir.

  Han Feng placed the jade bottle on the table.

  "I'll give you one first. The remaining two and the man's head will be given to you when I come back."