

  Chapter 252 Breakthrough, Seven Star Fighting Emperor! (Second update!)

  "Now that the matter is over, let's go."

  Su Qian said.

  "No hurry."

  At this time, Su Yun smiled mysteriously, and then Su Yun stretched out his hand in the puzzled eyes of everyone and summoned the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  Suddenly, the Monster Mountains rose and fell one after another, and the roars of various monsters came. The earth trembled slightly, and the monsters in the mountains rushed out like a beast tide.

  "You want to create the illusion that they died in the beast tide?"

  Wu Tianlang asked Su Yun thoughtfully.

  "Not bad."

  Su Yun nodded.

  Ants bite elephants to death. It is not impossible for these monsters to kill Han Feng and others with their combined strength.

  Elder Yang was a little surprised when he saw the scene in the Monster Mountain Range.

  "Your Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire can control so many monsters!"

  "There is no limit to the number of monsters that can be controlled, but it cannot control high-level monsters.

  This is similar to the Heaven Burning Refining Qi Tower."

  Elder Yang nodded when he heard this. Even the lowest level of the Heaven Burning Refining Qi Tower can only work on the Emperor of Fighting, and there is no limit on the number.

  Then Su Yun made the four level six monsters entrenched in the Monster Mountain Range explode one after another.

  Well, it is very reasonable for the beast tide plus the level four and level six monsters to sacrifice themselves and explode, killing Han Feng and others.

  After doing all this, Su Yun nodded with satisfaction.

  The Soul Palace is a truly huge thing, and he cannot help but be cautious.

  Afterwards, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian parted ways with Elder Su Qian and others.

  After returning to Han Ge, Hai Bodong hurriedly asked about the situation.

  "It has been handled properly. How is it over there?"

  "Everything went well, and the auction was successfully held."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "These days, you should show up in the Black Horn Region.

  After a while, pretend to care about Han Feng's whereabouts and go to Fengcheng a few times, and then you can disband Han Ge.

  You have to grasp the measure and timing of this."


  Hai Bodong said he understood.

  Afterwards, Su Yun explained some things and left Han Ge again.

  Next, it is to refine the Sea Heart Flame and reap the fruits of victory!

  Su Yun came to a place where few people go, and after carefully exploring the surroundings, he entered the system space.

  Looking at the Sea Heart Flame quietly staying in the system space in front of him, Su Yun's eyes could not suppress the heat.

  The Sea Heart Flame ranks fifteenth on the list of exotic fires, which is much higher than the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  The higher the ranking, the greater the gap between the exotic fires, unlike the few at the bottom of the ranking, where the difference is almost the same.

  This Sea Heart Flame can provide him with more energy, even if he is now a fighting emperor, it can make his cultivation advance by leaps and bounds.

  Su Yun sat down with his knees crossed, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

  The power contained in the exotic fire is extremely strong, and every refining requires sufficient preparation. Even if he has successfully refined it twice, he must be cautious.

  After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes, but he did not refine the Sea Heart Flame immediately. Instead, he began to search for a body refining fighting skill in his mind.

  His physical strength had always remained at the level of a sixth-level monster, which was enough before, but now he had to strengthen it to refine the Sea Heart Flame.

  Soon Su Yun found a ground-level advanced body refining fighting skill "Pure Yang Body".

  "System, merge the ground-level advanced body refining fighting skill "Pure Yang Body" with me!"   

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected. Three sixth-order magic cores are needed. Do you want to consume them?"


  The three sixth-order magic cores in the system space disappeared. At the same time, Su Yun's body was filled with a strange energy, which was strengthening his body in all directions. The

  tearing sensation of muscles came, and Su Yun was familiar with it. Even though the pain this time was unprecedented, Su Yun was also calm. The

  strength of soul power will also increase the tolerance. It's just a little pain, which is not worth mentioning compared to the gains.

  An hour passed, and this strange energy gradually strengthened Su Yun's body.

  Su Yun was already full of sweat at this time. Su Yun opened his eyes, clenched his right fist, and waved it forward lightly. The explosion of the air echoed in the system space.

  Su Yun's face flashed with satisfaction.

  There is no doubt that the physical body is strong, which is helpful for refining the alien fire and improving combat power.

  Su Yun rested for a while, and then took out a jade bottle, which contained the sixth-grade elixir, the Earth Spirit Pill.

  He had prepared this elixir a long time ago, but it was originally used to refine the Meteoric Heart Flame, but he didn't expect to use it to refine the Sea Heart Flame first.

  This time, he did not plan to use the Blood Lotus Pill. The Blood Lotus Pill was only a fifth-grade elixir, and it was fine to use it to absorb the alien fire ranked low on the alien fire list.

  But it was a bit dwarfed by the sea heart flame.

  The ranking of the sea heart flame was not too high on the alien fire list, but compared with the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, there was already a substantial gap.

  Su Yun took the Earth Spirit Pill, and as the medicinal power dissipated, a stream of energy protected Su Yun's body, forming a faint energy protective film.

  Then Su Yun stretched out his right hand and penetrated into the interior of the Sea Heart Flame. Under the protection of the energy spirit film, he took out the Sea Heart Flame's alien fire source and immediately swallowed it into his mouth.

  The Sea Heart Flame's alien fire source entered Su Yun's meridians and immediately released a hot dark blue flame.

  Even though Su Yun's body had been strengthened again and reached the level of a seventh-level monster.

  After two alien fire trainings, his resistance to flames gradually increased, but his face still flashed with pain.

  Fortunately, there was the protection of the energy film formed by the Earth Spirit Pill, otherwise Su Yun's meridians would probably be burned through in an instant.

  The next step is to run the "Burning Cold Art" to let the source of the strange fire of the Sea Heart Flame run a big cycle in the body.

  Through the strong suppression of the strange fire by the "Burning Cold Art", it becomes obedient and bears Su Yun's aura.

  Then it is stored in the Naling Space and merged with the other two kinds of strange fire.

  Su Yun has experienced this whole process twice.

  While resisting the terrifying temperature of the Sea Heart Flame, nothing went wrong. After a whole day, Su Yun completed the whole process.

  Before Su Yun could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge energy that was much stronger than when refining the first two kinds of strange fire surged from the Naling.

  Here it comes!

  Su Yun quickly concentrated and ran the "Burning Cold Art" to refine this energy.

  Another month passed.

  Su Yun's aura rose steadily during this process.

  Su Yun's cultivation was already at the peak of the three-star Dou Huang. On the first day, with the help of this energy, he broke through to the four-star Dou Huang!

  This momentum did not weaken because of this. The energy in the Soul Absorption was still gushing out, and it was inexhaustible.

  Five-star Dou Huang!

  Six-star Dou Huang!

  Seven-star Dou Huang!

  The terrifying aura emanated from Su Yun, and the huge energy brought by the Devouring Sea Heart Flame was gradually consumed within this month.

  Su Yun opened his eyes, stood up and moved, and a burst of popping sounds rang out between his muscles and bones.

  Su Yun felt his own aura and grinned.

  Breaking through from the peak of three stars to seven stars is really a surge in cultivation!