

  Chapter 257 Qinglin Soul Breakthrough (First Update!)

  Su Yun heard this, and a dark line flashed across his face.

  "You, bastard, can't you wait a little longer?"

  "No, no, I want it now, please."

  Zi Yan pulled Su Yun's sleeve, her voice childish.

  Su Yun was a little helpless, took out the medicine cauldron, picked up a herb at random, and began to refine pills for Zi Yan.

  Under the terrifying temperature of the three-color fire, Su Yun quickly refined the herb into liquid medicine.

  Then he used his soul power to control the liquid medicine to form pills one by one, put them into the jade bottle, and handed them to Zi Yan.

  "Well, that's it, the rest, let's talk about it after dinner."

  Zi Yan took the jade bottle and didn't care what Su Yun was saying.

  Two pink little hands held the jade bottle and poured it into their mouths, making gurgling sounds.

  "So silly..."

  Zi Yan said vaguely with a pill in her mouth.

  Su Yun touched Zi Yan's little head. Zi Yan had been stuck at the peak of the King of Fighters for a long time. She must be able to break through after taking some more herbs.

  In the original book, it would be three or four years later.

  But because he made pills for Zi Yan, she absorbed the medicinal power of these herbs much faster.

  She also ate more, so this time must be advanced.

  Su Yun shook his head slightly. There was no need for him to worry about Zi Yan's growth. When he

  brought her to Zhongzhou in the future, the people of Donglong Island would take her back, and she would naturally grow rapidly.

  After Qing Lin arrived at the small attic, he went into the kitchen to help Xiao Yixian.

  After a while, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin brought one delicious dish after another to the table.

  If Su Yun hadn't pulled Zi Yan, she would have eaten her fill of grease before all the dishes were served.

  "Okay, let's eat."

  Xiao Yixian brought the last dish and said with a smile.

  The four of them ate a big meal happily, and of course, most of it went into Zi Yan's mouth.

  Zi Yan sat limply on the chair, looking like she didn't want to move after eating and drinking enough, with a satisfied look on her face.

  Then Xiao Yixian cleaned up the dishes, and Su Yun pulled Qing Lin to the room.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and the soul origin flashing with white light appeared in his hand.

  Qinglin looked at the soul origin in Su Yun's hand, and a trace of throbbing flashed through his heart.

  "Young Master, is this the soul origin?" Su Yun

  was a little surprised when he heard this.

  "Qinglin, do you recognize this thing?"

  Qinglin tapped his snow-white chin and explained.

  "The inheritance of the snake saint mentioned this thing.

  Well, and my green snake three-flower pupil is very sensitive to the soul."

  Qinglin said, and the green snake three-flower pupil appeared in Qinglin's pupils, flashing with a bewitching green light, coupled with Qinglin's oval face, exuding a different kind of temptation.

  Qinglin has a slender figure, and now she is gradually growing up. She is also a rare beauty. The soft and boneless waist forms a moving curve with the body, which is quite charming.

  "Your soul realm is currently stuck at the peak of the middle stage of the Mortal Realm. After

  absorbing this ball of soul essence, you will surely be able to completely break through the late stage of the Mortal Realm."

  Su Yun handed the soul essence to Qing Lin.

  Qing Lin's little face was a little surprised, and looked quite cute.

  "Is this for me?

  Young Master is an alchemist, so you need the soul essence more than me, right?"

  Qing Lin hurriedly shook her little hand.

  Su Yun smiled.

  "My soul has already broken through the spiritual realm, and this thing won't help me much.

  But you, the stronger your soul power is, the more powerful the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils will be. Take it."

  After saying that, Su Yun took Qing Lin's little hand that was as warm as jade, and put the soul essence in Qing Lin's hand without saying anything.   

  "Young Master..."

  "Okay, why are you being so polite to me? The stronger you are, the better you can help me in the future, right?"

  Qing Lin nodded.

  A warm current flashed through her heart. It was because she knew what the soul origin was that she knew more clearly how precious the soul origin was.

  The young master was so good to her. He personally rescued her from the hands of the human traffickers. He

  also taught her how to practice and gave her precious inheritance. He also asked Master Hai to protect her and catch snake monsters for her. She hasn't repaid him anything until now...

  Qing Lin will never be able to repay this kindness in this lifetime...

  Thinking of this, tears flashed in Qing Lin's eyes.

  "Thank you, young master."

  Su Yun looked at Qing Lin's reaction, slightly stunned, a little bit amused.

  "Why are you still crying? If your sister Xian'er knew about this, she would definitely give me a good scolding."

  "Qinglin didn't cry, it's just that the young master is too good to Qinglin."

  Su Yun saw that everything they did for Xiao Yixian and Qinglin was just an investment.

  But for them, Su Yun was the real savior in their lives.

  It's just that Su Yun now treats them as a family member, and they have never felt anything about it, but they have always kept it in their hearts and will never forget it.

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Let's not talk about this. You absorb this soul origin first, and I will protect you."


  Qinglin wiped his tears, activated the soul spell, and began to absorb the soul origin.

  Qing Lin's soul was extremely gifted, and with the help of the Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils, he quickly refined the essence of his soul, and his soul power smoothly entered the late stage of the mortal realm.

  Su Yun watched from the side and nodded slightly. If Qing Lin's soul power made another breakthrough, the number of snake monsters that could be controlled, or the upper limit of his cultivation, would surely increase again.

  Qing Lin slowly opened his eyes, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

  "Sir, I succeeded in breaking through!"

  Qing Lin's face was full of joy, and he shared his joy with Su Yun.

  "Qing Lin is awesome."

  Su Yun did not hesitate to praise him.

  And it was this simple sentence that made the smile on Qing Lin's pretty face three points sweeter.

  "You are now a Fighting King, and you have the soul power of the late Mortal Realm. To what extent can you control snake monsters?"

  Su Yun asked.

  Qing Lin was still a Great Fighter, but he could control four peak level 6 snake monsters.

  Even if he couldn't control level 8 monsters, he

  should be able to control level 7 snake monsters easily. I just don't know how many he can control. "Well, with the current ability of the Green Snake Three Flower Eyes, he should be able to control six level 7 snake monsters."

  Qing Lin thought for a while and answered.

  Su Yun nodded. So many level 7 snake monsters were already very good.

  The only question was whether he could find snake monsters for Qing Lin.

  However, those snake elders were able to absorb Qinglin for a long time, so there was no need to worry about Qinglin's cultivation.

  Then Su Yun took Qinglin out of the room and came to the living room.

  Zi Yan circled around Qinglin, her face full of doubts.

  "Nothing has changed."

  Qinglin covered her mouth and laughed.

  "There have been changes, but Sister Zi Yan didn't see it."

  Zi Yan pouted, her mind was full of food, how could she care about these.

  Zi Yan took Qinglin's hand and walked out.

  "Let's go, Qinglin, let's find some more medicinal herbs.

  So that Su Yun can make more pills for me, otherwise he will run away at any time."
