

  Chapter 260: Qi-Solidifying Pill (Second Update!)

  "Oh, I am so honored to be remembered by a great Dou Zong master, haha."

  Su Yun's laughter was chilling.

  "In less than three years, you have grown from a Dou Ling to a Dou Huang master, and even have such combat power, cough cough.

  At the beginning, I should have ignored Su Qian's obstruction and strangled you in the cradle."

  Zhang Ritian's tone was unexpectedly calm, but he kept coughing, letting people know that he was seriously injured.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not relax his vigilance because of Zhang Ritian's injury.

  You have a trump card, and others will have it too.

  Zhang Ritian's background is unknown, but the four words "Dou Di Fei Pulse" are enough to attract Su Yun's attention.

  "I admit defeat this time. I just want to ask you one thing. After killing me, please let Xiao Wei go.

  In return, I'll give you this storage ring."

  Zhang Ritian said, taking off his storage ring from his finger.


  Su Yun's eyes narrowed completely.

  It's very abnormal. He wants me to get close to him.

  Su Yun's heart flashed a trace of coldness, and he didn't take it rashly.

  Any backhand and trump card, in front of the system, can't escape!

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function to scan Zhang Ritian, quickly checked the face, and soon found the details.

  Seventh-grade low-level elixir, the Qi-fixing Pill.

  After taking this elixir, even if you are seriously injured and dying, you will immediately recover to your prime.

  But this state can only be maintained for an hour, and then he will fall into a state of suspended animation.

  Within this month, if he cannot take the seventh-grade top-level elixir, Shengxi Fuming Dan, he will die completely.

  Su Yun's vigilance reached the peak.

  When he was still in Canaan Academy, he had scanned Zhang Ritian, and he didn't have this elixir at that time.

  It must be that Zhang Ritian found it from somewhere later.

  Of course, it is also possible that Zhang Wei, the beast, found it.

  Although he can check the situation of Zhang's father and son through the soul mark, it is impossible for him to watch them all the time.

  Su Yun scanned Zhang Ritian's storage ring again.

  Soon, Su Yun checked it clearly and immediately took two steps back.

  The Juexi Guqi Dan was not in the storage ring!

  Zhang Ritian saw this and a trace of pity flashed through his mind.

  Su Yun waved Canyang, and a blazing sword energy quickly killed Zhang Ritian.

  Zhang Ritian snorted coldly, bit his teeth lightly, moved his Adam's apple, and instantly rose up with a terrifying momentum, and the breath of the six-star Dou Zong swept out.

  Sure enough, you can't underestimate the world.

  "You are very good, but you shouldn't seek revenge on me at this time."

  Zhang Ritian waved his hand, drawing the energy of heaven and earth, and the sword energy was instantly dispersed.

  "Oh, senior is really confident."

  Su Yun's face was calm, but his eyes flashed with unprecedented seriousness. The

  six-star Dou Zong strongman, who was only one step away from reaching the level of high-level Dou Zong, was the strongest enemy he faced at present, without a doubt.

  Moreover, Zhang Ritian's real fighting power is definitely not low. I don't know if he can challenge a higher-level opponent, but even in Zhongzhou, he is still a leader among his peers.

  Zhang Ritian twisted his neck, his muscles and bones cracked, and he lifted the heavy hammer with one hand.

  "If I give you a few more years, no, just one year, I won't be your opponent.

  But unfortunately, you don't have this opportunity."

  "It's too early to say that, senior."

  Su Yun's mouth curled up slightly.   

  He hasn't revealed all the cards in his hand yet, and it's still uncertain who will win.


  Zhang Ritian chuckled, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot. A thunderous sound instantly came from the air.

  Su Yun's face changed slightly, and at the same time, a fiery fighting spirit rose in his heart.

  He has the system space to protect his life and is invincible. Today, he can borrow Zhang Ritian's hand to see where his combat power limit is!


  Su Yun held the sword in both hands, and the fighting spirit was madly injected into Canyang. The physical strength that was comparable to that of a seventh-level monster also exploded instantly. The

  spiritual power of the spiritual realm captured Zhang Ritian's figure, and seized the opportunity to slash forward with a sword!


  The swords collided, making a very harsh sound. If there were any powerful fighting emperors watching the fight nearby, they would probably frown.

  Along with the sound, the fighting spirit of the two was madly colliding through the swords. The aftermath was madly spreading, and the space was trembling.

  Zhang Ritian's face was slightly gloomy. He thought it was a head-on confrontation.

  With his powerful strength, he could suppress Su Yun in an instant, but the current situation was beyond Zhang Ritian's expectations.

  What a strong power!

  His body has been tempered a thousand times, but even so, it is only comparable to a sixth-level initial-level monster.

  From the force transmitted from the hammer, it is not difficult to see that the boy in front of him has tempered his body to the point comparable to that of a seventh-level monster.

  Coupled with the power of three kinds of strange fire and the terrifyingly high quality of fighting spirit, he can fight him to this extent.

  However, it is still a little short.

  Zhang Ritian's fighting spirit burst out again, and Su Yun was blown away.

  Su Yun's shoulders moved slightly, and the three-color light flashed on the wings of fighting spirit, and he stabilized his body in the air.

  Zhang Ritian, holding the hammer, came to Su Yun's side in an instant, and the pitch-black hammer smashed Su Yun's head with a strong force.

  Although Su Yun was not panicked, he used the Xuantian Cangyu Step while his fighting spirit was flowing. He turned his body and rubbed the edge of the hammer to avoid the attack. A

  perfect earth-level fighting skill!

  Zhang Ritian was startled, but his hands did not slow down. He quickly changed the direction of the hammer and hit Su Yun again.

  Eight Extreme Collapse!

  Su Yun attacked Zhang Ritian's hammer with his elbow and used the long-lost Eight Extreme Collapse.

  The fierce force collided with Zhang Ritian's hammer and knocked it away directly.

  Zhang Ritian's body also took three steps back because of the force transmitted from the hammer.

  The strength of the flesh and the Eight Extreme Collapse are indeed a perfect match.

  This attack pushed Zhang Ritian back, although it took advantage of his lack of fighting skills, but it was still good.

  Zhang Ritian frowned slightly, and there was a dark force passing through the hammer to his hand.

  Zhang Ritian immediately let go of his hand, and the fighting spirit came out of his body, wrapped around the pitch-black hammer, and quickly dissolved the eight layers of dark force that Su Yun had hit on the hammer.

  Su Yun sighed in his heart.

  The eighth level collapse is only a high-level fighting skill of the mysterious level, and it has its limitations.

  The eighth level of dark force successfully exploded, although it can be comparable to the low-level fighting skills of the earth level.

  But the higher the cultivation level, the more sensitive the perception, and the easier it is to detect this kind of force.

  Su Yun did not wait for Zhang Ritian to dissolve the dark power, but used his skills to draw the energy of heaven and earth, and the three-colored flames surrounded the sword.

  "Flowing Flame Dragon Slash!"

  The three-colored fire dragon rushed towards Zhang Ritian with terrifying power

  . It was at this time that Zhang Ritian just dissolved the eight layers of dark power on the hammer.

  Zhang Ritian looked at this terrifying fire dragon, and even as an enemy, a trace of amazement flashed in his eyes.

  It was another great earth-level fighting skill, and it was an intermediate earth-level fighting skill. He

  was a genius with excellent cultivation talent and comprehension.

  This made Zhang Ritian's murderous intention towards Su Yun rise to a higher level.
