


  The ice-blue spear shadow immediately destroyed Feng Xuan with overwhelming force, and the energy fluctuations released even affected the nearby Yunlan Mountain.

  On the top of Yunlan Mountain, Yun Yun's expression froze, and he waved his sleeves and sent out several hurricanes to disperse the aftermath.

  Yunshan saw this and his face looked a little unhappy.

  "Go up and fight."


  Hai Bodong nodded. They were not far above the top of Yunlan Mountain.

  Once he really let go, it would not be as simple as these aftermaths. It was not his intention to affect innocent people

  . Jia Xingtian and Fa Ma were shocked by the fluctuations caused by the battle between the two.

  With such strength, he was no longer on the same level as the Douhuang strongman.

  Even if they were facing Yunshan, who was the weaker among them, the two of them would probably not be his opponent even if they joined forces.

  Jia Xingtian clenched his fists, and it was unknown what he was thinking as his eyes flickered.

  Hai Bodong and Yunshan flew above the clouds and started fighting again without saying a word.

  Since Yunshan broke through the Dou Zong, his self-confidence has been inflated. He no longer had the mentality of a leisurely and reclusive master.

  Now that he has suffered a loss, he is a little embarrassed and is eager to get back at them.

  Yunshan looked solemn, and pointed his dry hand at Hai Bodong. The deep blue fighting spirit gathered in his palm, and the energy of heaven and earth quickly rushed towards Yunshan.

  Hai Bodong raised his eyebrows, grasped the spear tightly, and poured the icy fighting spirit into the spear like a tide, and the spear turned into an ice-blue beam of light.

  The meaning of ice makes people feel cold, and the temperature above the clouds drops sharply, and there are even sporadic snowflakes condensing.

  "Great Sadness Wind-tearing Hand!"

  A dark green fighting hand appeared in front of Yunshan, and slapped Hai Bodong with a strong wind.

  "Ice Spirit Spear!"

  Hai Bodong immediately threw out the Broken Evil, and the long spear turned into an ice-blue beam and collided with Yunshan's fighting hand.

  The piercing energy explosion sounded, deeply attracting the attention of Jia Xingtian and other spectators.

  Yun Yun frowned, and a trace of deep worry flashed across her face, which could be called peerless elegance.

  The ice-blue beam and the fighting hand only stalemated for a moment, and the long spear actually smashed the hand alive and continued to kill Yunshan.

  Yunshan's face couldn't help but tremble, and the anger of losing face quickly faded away.

  Only then did he clearly realize that the gap between him and Hai Bodong was so huge.

  Although he was shocked at the strength of himself and Hai Bodong.

  But Yunshan's movements were not slow, the dark green fighting spirit continued to surge, and the handprints kept changing, forming a dark green wind wall in front of him.

  The two suddenly collided, and after a few breaths, the extremely cold fighting spirit on the spear was finally offset by the wind wall.

  Hai Bodong grabbed with his palm, and a huge suction force emerged, holding Po'e in his hand.


  Yunshan breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed the wind wall.

  "I lost."

  Although he could still continue fighting, Yunshan had already fully understood the gap between himself and Haibodong, and was unwilling to fight again.

  Haibodong's face was full of joy. He flipped his palm, put Po'e into the storage ring, and folded his hands across his chest.

  I've been waiting for you to say this.

  "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, Yunshan, you're old."

  "You talk as if you are very young."

  Yunshan lost the battle but not the person, and said stubbornly.

  Unlike Jia Xingtian, although Yunshan admitted that he was not as good as Haibodong, as a strong man of the Dou Zong, he was not as restrained as Jia Xingtian.

  Haibodong laughed and didn't care.

  Instead, he went up and chatted with Yunshan.

  Su Yun saw this scene below and was thoughtful.

  Yunshan failed in his attempt to break through the Dou Clan, but before his death, he reached an agreement with the Soul Palace's guardian, and only then did he succeed in breaking through with the Soul Palace's help. However, the Soul Palace's secret method

  is not a good thing.

  Yao Lao is an enemy of the Soul Palace and knows something about it. It goes without saying that the Pure Lotus Demon Saint knows most of the Soul Clan's secret methods.

  Because of their relationship, Su Yun also guessed about Yunshan's situation.   

  The secret method that the Soul Palace guardian helped Yunshan break through is called "Soul Devouring Sacrifice".

  It can force people to break through the limit, but the disadvantages of this secret method are very obvious.

  As time goes by, the user's temperament will become violent and moody, and negative emotions will be gradually magnified until he falls into madness.

  If Yunshan in the original book had not been killed by Xiao Yan, his final end would probably be to become a madman.

  However, Yunshan has just broken through, and the secret method has limited effect on him.

  He has not become as obsessive as he was a few years later, otherwise he would not have regained consciousness so quickly and voluntarily admitted defeat.

  He had keenly sensed before that there seemed to be a layer of haze shrouding Yunshan's soul.

  This is also one of the reasons why he guessed that Yunshan used "Soul Devouring Sacrifice" to break through.

  "We've seen enough excitement, let's go back."


  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian did not stay, but fought to transform their energy and returned to the imperial capital.

  Old friends meet, Hai Bodong is still reminiscing with Yunshan, they are not willing to wait.

  Fa Ma looked at Jia Xingtian, and his old and bitter voice sounded.

  "Old monster, why don't you go up and have a chat?"

  "Me? Haha, forget it."

  Jia Xingtian's body was stiff, he shook his head slightly, and turned to leave. Seeing this, Fa Ma sighed and followed Jia Xingtian.

  The four people of the same era, who were both enemies and friends, could not go back to the past because of their different identities and strengths.

  Hai Bodong and Yunshan watched the four people leave.

  "Why did the old monster and the old man leave like this? It's a rare opportunity, so why don't you come and reminisce about the past."

  Hai Bodong's face flashed with regret.

  "There's nothing to talk about. We are two different levels."

  Yunshan's eyes flashed with indifference, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuations about the two people's departure.

  Hearing this, Hai Bodong's heart slightly trembled, Yunshan seemed to have changed.

  "By the way, do you know those two young men?

  When did such a young fighting emperor appear in my Jiama Empire?"

  Compared with Jia Xingtian and the other two, Yunshan cared more about Su Yun and Xiao Yixian.

  "Of course I know them. I work under that kid."

  Yunshan was slightly startled when he heard this.


  Where does this person come from? You have always been unyielding, but you were conquered by him."

  "He is a sixth-grade pharmacist.

  As for his origin, I don't know either."

  Hai Bodong said with a smile, and only told Su Yun's identity in the Jiama Empire, without revealing any other information.

  A trace of melancholy flashed across Hai Bodong's eyes.

  Yunshan's changes touched him vaguely. Perhaps the four old men of their Jiama Empire could never walk the same path again.

  After that, the two chatted for a few more sentences. Hai Bodong was a little bored and took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

  After Hai Bodong left, Yun Yun and the great elder Yun Leng came to Yunshan.

  "Teacher, you have successfully broken through!"

  Yun Yun's face flashed with joy, and he was happy for Yunshan.

  "Hahaha, of course."

  Yunshan laughed.

  "Yun'er, thank you for your hard work during this period."

  "This is what a disciple should do."

  Yun Yun said with a smile.