

  Chapter 272 Yao Lao's shock (Second update!)

  However, Xiao Yan's doubts seemed to fall on deaf ears, with no response at all.

  Xiao Yan's heart became alert, as the connection between him and his teacher had just been unilaterally cut off!

  Xiao Yan looked around and found nothing unusual, with a slight flash of doubt in his eyes.

  "Teacher, teacher!"

  Yao Lao was hiding in the bone inflammation ring at this time, not daring to show his head.

  Xuhuan Cang Lao's face was full of surprise and shock.

  He had just sensed a soul-piercing pupil power from a young girl!

  If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been discovered!

  A trace of cold sweat rose slightly on Xiao Yan's forehead.

  Yao Lao has always been his last resort. Now that Yao Lao suddenly lost contact, he couldn't help but panic.

  At this time, a girl about fifteen years old walked through the crowd and looked at him in confusion.

  Xiao Yan's heart tightened slightly, and a mysterious feeling told him that

  the teacher cut off contact with him because of the seemingly harmless girl in front of him.

  "Little sister, what do you have to do?"

  Xiao Yan greeted the girl with a stiff upper lip.

  The girl was like a flower bud about to bloom, full of youthfulness. She

  had a slender figure, a thin and soft waist, and a delicate face that made people feel pitiful, but also revealed a hint of charm.

  Xiao Yan had no intention of appreciating such a young girl. Xiao Yan looked directly into the girl's eyes, and a chill ran down his spine.

  The girl was just standing there, but Xiao Yan felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

  Especially in those shiny black eyes, it seemed that they could see through his soul.

  Qing Lin looked at Xiao Yan, and a trace of distress flashed across her small oval face.

  Just now, she suddenly sensed a sense of prying.

  Subconsciously, she used the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils to explore the surroundings, but the sense of prying quickly disappeared and could not be found anywhere.

  It seemed to come from this person, but he was just a fighter. Could it be that I sensed it wrong, hm.

  "Qing Lin, where have you been!"

  A childish voice came, drawing Qing Lin's attention back.

  Well, forget it, I must have sensed it wrong.

  "Sister Zi Yan, here!"

  Qing Lin nodded slightly to Xiao Yan and rushed into the crowd again.

  Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

  Why do I feel a suffocating sense of oppression from this girl?

  "Haha, of course.

  With the cultivation of a fighter, facing the gaze of a powerful fighter king, you should be happy that your legs don't become weak and you don't fall to the ground."

  Yao Lao's teasing words rose from his heart, making Xiao Yan's eyes flash with shock, and he almost cried out in surprise.

  Fighting King!

  Xiao Yan smiled bitterly.

  "Teacher, please stop joking. What happened just now?"


  let's talk while we walk."

  Xiao Yan heard this and pretended nothing happened. He walked steadily on the street, but his heart was already surging with turmoil.

  "That girl is actually a Dou Wang strongman?!"

  "Although I also find it incredible, this is the fact."

  Yao Lao shrugged in the space in the Bone Inflammation Ring.

  "Did she find you?"

  "No, but she almost did.

  Just now, I habitually used my soul power to scan the surroundings, and she sensed it, but fortunately I reacted quickly and was not exposed."

  Xiao Yan smacked his lips.

  "Teacher, could this girl be a mortal or spiritual soul? She can actually sense your presence."

  "That's not the case. The girl's spiritual power is still a little lacking.

  I guess she was born with heterochromia and her spiritual perception is very sharp."

  A trace of suspicion flashed through Yao Lao's mind.

  When did this Northwest Continent have so many talented people?

  It was okay with the two young men last time, but today I met another one. It's really strange.   

  "Let's not talk about this, let's go to the Alchemist Guild."


  The Mittel Family.

  "Oh, he showed up?"

  Su Yun's eyes flashed.

  "Well, according to the spies scattered all over the imperial capital,

  the young man carrying a huge ruler just came to the imperial capital on a flying monster."

  Hai Bodong said truthfully.

  Su Yun nodded.

  "The spies are back, right?"

  "Well, according to your instructions.

  Once a suspected target is found, leave immediately and don't look at it for too long.

  Although Tengshan is a bit useless, he still does a good job in training manpower."

  Mittel Tengshan, who was accompanying him, showed a bitter smile on his face and did not refute.

  In the eyes of these two people, this is the only thing that he can be regarded as.

  Mittel Tengshansi did not feel offended at all, but was glad that he still had value.

  Yafei squatted beside Su Yun, pretending not to hear, and silently made tea for him.

  Su Yun took the teacup from Yafei's hand and took a sip.

  Bitter and sweet, Yafei's water tasted good.

  "Haven't Qinglin and Ziyan come back yet?"

  "They may be having fun, how can they be so fast."

  The little medical fairy sat next to Su and said with a smile.

  These two girls are very playful and occasionally go out to the imperial capital to go crazy.

  Of course, it was mainly Ziyan who pulled Qinglin.

  Su Yun was not in a hurry to see Xiao Yan.

  Tianhuo Sanxuanbian appeared at the guild's booth when the pharmacist competition started, but the time had not come yet.

  That night, Qinglin and Ziyan came back after a day of playing.

  Qinglin took out a bunch of small things from the ring, most of which were jewelry. Now Qinglin likes to dress up when he is not practicing.

  "Sister Xian'er, which one do you think is better looking!"

  A glimmer of excitement flashed in Qinglin's dark and shiny eyes, and she pulled Xiao Yixian's hand to the table.

  Xiao Yixian was also very interested in these things, and she picked out jewelry and whispered to Qinglin.

  As for Ziyan, she was still so heartless.

  Her two little hands were full of some special snacks from the imperial capital. After eating, she took some more from the ring and continued to eat, without stopping at all.

  Maybe for her, filling her stomach and not being bullied is the greatest happiness in life.

  A colorful beam of light flashed from Qinglin's cuffs, and instantly came to Su Yun's face. The colorful little snake spit out its tongue, and Su Yun suddenly felt a little itchy on his face.

  Everyone was having a good time, and it was late, so everyone returned to their rooms.

  The little doctor wrapped his arms around Su Yun's neck, and then slowly slid down. After a while, he squatted down.

  An hour passed.


  The next day, early in the morning, the little doctor didn't want to drink porridge.


  On the other side, in a house courtyard in the imperial capital.

  Xiao Yan wielded the Xuanzhong ruler with great force and might.

  Yao Lao was suspended on the side, nodding slightly. After such a long period of running-in.

  Xiao Yanzi has completely mastered the Xuanzhong ruler, and his actual combat ability has also greatly improved.

  Xiao Yan practiced the Ruler Technique for a while, and then inserted the Xuanzhong Ruler into the ground.

  He circulated his fighting spirit and drew out a powerful and terrifying flame force from the Naling. Soon, black and white flames appeared in Xiao Yan's palm.