

  Chapter 274: Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire (Second Update!)

  Xiao Yan stared at Yao Lao in amazement.

  Yao Lao smiled helplessly.

  "Really not."

  "No way..."

  Xiao Yan felt like crying but couldn't.

  The hope he had just raised was shattered again. This feeling was really not good.

  "But you can think of a way."

  Xiao Yan pointed at himself, with a flash of surprise on his face.


  "Not bad."

  Yao Lao nodded.

  "That Zhang Xiaofan has a personal relationship with Han Li. With this relationship, you might

  as well give it a try." Xiao Yan was stunned, and couldn't help but think of the master Han who was always smiling at him in Wutan City, and his heart couldn't help but warm.

  Xiao Yan calmed down.

  "But, teacher.

  How can I prove to that brother Zhang that I know Master Han?"

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with hesitation and doubt.

  It was true that he knew Master Han, but getting that brother Zhang to believe him was another matter.

  Speaking of that Zhang Xiaofan, Xiao Yan's heart flashed with a trace of longing.

  This brother Zhang, whom he had never met before, was only about the same age as him, but he was already a sixth-grade pharmacist, which was really enviable.

  "I don't know either."


  "We have to try.

  Zhang Xiaofan is now in seclusion in the Mitel family. Even Jia Xingtian and Princess Yaoye from the Jiama royal family were turned away when they went to visit him.

  If you go to visit him head-on, it is unlikely that you will be received, but the Jiama Empire's Alchemist Conference is a rare event, and he might go.

  In the next period of time, I will focus on cultivating your alchemy ability."



  On the other side, Su Yun looked at the invitation in his hand and touched his smooth chin.

  This is an invitation to the Alchemist Conference, and it was delivered personally by Fa Ma from the Alchemist Guild.

  Of course, it was received by Hai Bodong, and Su Yun did not meet Fa Ma.

  "How about going to have a look?

  It's boring to keep practicing."

  The Little Medical Fairy held Su Yun's arm, rocking him gently and coquettishly.

  Su Yun thought about it and decided that practicing all the time was not a good idea, so it would be good to go out for a walk.

  He originally didn't want to join in the excitement and planned to wait for the three-year agreement after getting the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, but since it was the Little Medical Fairy's request, it would be different.

  After making the decision, Su Yun scratched the Little Medical Fairy's delicate nose.

  "All up to you."

  A look of joy flashed across the pretty face of the Little Medical Fairy, and she gently touched Su Yun's face.

  "That's a deal, you keep practicing and don't know how to stop."

  Su Yun smiled, hugged the Little Medical Fairy's slender waist, and held her in his arms.

  The girl's delicate figure is like warm jade, making people want to love her and ravage her.

  "Don't worry, I will do what I promised you."

  More than 30 days passed, and it was the day of the preliminary election.

  Xiao Yan came to the preliminary election site wearing a human skin mask and the Xuanzhong ruler that he always carried on his back.

  "So many pharmacists!"

  Xiao Yan looked around and marveled at the pharmacists wearing pharmacist robes.

  "After all, it is a pharmacist conference held in the imperial capital.

  All qualified pharmacists in the entire Jiama Empire are here, and there may be pharmacists from other countries. How can there not be many?"

  Yao Lao's voice echoed in Xiao Yan's heart.   

  "Teacher, do you think Brother Zhang will really come?"

  "Who knows? If he doesn't come, he can only try to go to the Mittel family.

  Don't worry, this conference is also a good experience for you. Just compete well first and don't think too much."

  Xiao Yan thought about it and it was the same reason.

  The primary election has not started yet, Xiao Yan plans to go to the nearby stalls to shop.

  A middle-aged man walked out of a hidden corner and followed Xiao Yan quietly.

  This person is naturally Su Yun.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a barely detectable gleam of brilliance. It was at this time that Xiao Yan picked up the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire from a small stall.

  If everything goes well, one of his purposes of returning to the Jiama Empire this time may be achieved.

  "You kid, do you really think you are the child of destiny?

  The probability of finding treasures in a stall like this is extremely low."

  "Hehe, it's hard to say. Didn't I get my suction palm from a small stall in Wutan City?

  Who can say for sure about such things?"

  Xiao Yan smiled in his heart.

  "Forget it, I have nothing to do anyway, go, go."

  Xiao Yan picked and chose in the stall, and Su Yun followed behind Xiao Yan.

  Of course, his tracking was very obscure, and he was clear about all of Yao Lao's methods, so he was not afraid of being discovered.

  Every time Xiao Yan picked up something, Su Yun would immediately use the system's scanning function to scan it to prevent missing treasures.

  "I want to see how you got the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire."

  Su Yun looked serious. Although he had already opened up a huge gap with Xiao Yan, he still treated Xiao Yan with caution.

  In fact, before Xiao Yan came here, he had already visited all the stalls nearby.

  Maybe he didn't have time to use the scanning function to scan one by one, but the soul power was more than enough. But

  he came down for half a day and got nothing. He could only wait for Xiao Yan to come.

  At this time, Xiao Yan came to a stall, squatted down, and planned to pick carefully.

  After picking for a while, he didn't find anything good at all, and just wanted to get up.

  The stall owner took out a bag from his ring and put some broken things from the black market in the empty space on the stall, continuing to deceive the innocent.

  As soon as the stall owner put a broken jade piece on the empty stall, it caught Xiao Yan's attention.

  Xiao Yan casually held it in his hand and examined it carefully. The jade piece was ordinary, but for some reason, he just thought it was a good thing.

  "Teacher, what do you think

  of this thing?" "Let's talk about it after we go back. This imperial capital is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. God knows if some strange person will show up again.

  I won't manifest my soul power outside.

  Besides, the power of my enemies is beyond imagination. Maybe there are also their shadows in this place."

  The last encounter with Qing Lin obviously scared Yao Lao.


  Xiao Yan also felt that what Yao Lao said was right, and did not force it.

  He planned to buy this thing and let Yao Lao go back to take a look.

  "System, scan the broken jade piece in Xiao Yan's hand!"

  "Ding, scan successful!"

  Secret Technique Broken Jade: It records the Secret Technique Broken Chapter, the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire. !

  ! ! !

  Su Yun had an urge to vomit blood.

  No wonder he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

  It must be in the stall owner's storage ring and he didn't take it out!

  This time, Su Yun can be said to have thoroughly witnessed the horror of luck.

  As soon as Xiao Yan arrived, the stall owner took out the broken jade. He would not believe any coincidence.

  Su Yun immediately suppressed the thoughts in his heart. The most urgent thing was to get the thing first!

  Su Yun quickly and quietly passed through the crowd, came to the stall, and put his right hand on Xiao Yan's shoulder.

  "Little brother, can you give me this thing?"

   The fever had just subsided, and the head was dizzy, the limbs were weak, and the whole body was sore.

    After much persuasion, the code was out.