

  Chapter 285: Gate of Life and Death (First Update!)

  Xiao Yan suppressed his pounding heart and remained calm on the surface. However

  , he looked around frantically from the corner of his eyes, trying to observe the enemy's movements.

  "It's useless.

  Control your emotions and just move forward calmly.

  Leave the rest to me. This is not a fight you can achieve right now."

  Yao Lao's solemn voice rang out, making Xiao Yan feel frustrated.

  "Teacher, is the enemy strong?"

  "Of course, on the same level as Hai Bodong."

  Xiao Yan's pupils shrank, and he instantly understood what Yao Lao meant.

  It turned out to be a Dou Zong strongman!

  "Remember, at the critical moment, give me control of your body."


  Xiao Yan swallowed his saliva, and felt that his legs were as heavy as if they were filled with lead.

  "Don't worry, the death energy contained in the Yin Fire has a great killing power on the soul body.

  It's not impossible for us to escape."

  Yao Lao comforted Xiao Yan.

  Xiao Yan was stunned when he heard this.

  "Teacher, aren't you a soul body?"

  "You won't understand even if I tell you, just wait and see."


  Xiao Yan walked down the mountain for another quarter of an hour, and then a strange laugh rang out.


  Xuanzhong Ruler, a low-level earth-level fighting skill "Flame Dividing Wave Ruler", boy, who is Yao Chen to you?"

  A black shadow appeared in front of Xiao Yan at some point.

  Xiao Yan felt his scalp tingling, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  Yao Chen, this must be the teacher's name.

  "What kind of medicine dust is this? I don't know!"

  Xiao Yan shouted, trying to build up his courage in this way.


  If you don't accept my toast, you will be punished!"

  The black shadow snorted coldly, and immediately rushed towards Xiao Yan.

  "Xiao Yan, give me the control of your body!"

  Yao Lao's anxious voice echoed in Xiao Yan's heart. Xiao Yan quickly relaxed his mind and handed over his body. The

  powerful soul power instantly rose in Xiao Yan's body, and the black flame with death rose at the same time, turning into a black big hand to grab the black shadow. "


  The black shadow was startled, but he couldn't react at all because he was unintentional.

  The black big hand grabbed the black shadow, and the Yin Fire power with death was immediately poured into the black shadow's body.


  The black shadow screamed, and retreated violently with fear.

  Xiao Yan's expression was calm, and a look of sorrow flashed across his dark eyes, as if he had become a different person. White Yang Fire was faintly emerging from his body.

  Yang Fire protected the body, while Yin Fire attacked the enemy.

  Yin and Yang are mutually reinforcing and restraining. Using the power of Yang Fire to isolate Yin Fire and prevent it from causing harm to oneself, it can also fully exert the lethality of Yin Fire to the soul body. Yao Lao

  is indeed an expert in playing with fire.

  It has not been a year since Xiao Yan got the Yin and Yang Flames, but he can already use the characteristics of fire to perfectly drive it with his soul body. He is

  even better at playing than Xiao Yan, the real owner. It is true that the old ones are the best.

  "If I were to go to the Dou Zong, I would be very afraid of you and try to avoid you.

  It's a pity that you Soul Palace guardians are just spirits and souls at the Dou Zong stage because of the special nature of your skills."

  Xiao Yan's expression was indifferent, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

  "You are... Yao Chen!

  You are not dead! How is this possible!"

  The shadow's tone was full of disbelief.

  He was the Soul Palace guardian Wu, who was ordered to stir up trouble in this northwest continent, collect spirits and souls, and investigate the whereabouts of the Xiao family.

  Today, seeing the iconic weapons and fighting skills of the former Yao Zun, he wanted to investigate.   

  But he didn't expect that Yao Chen's soul was actually in this kid.

  "If you retreat now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

  Yao Lao's indifferent voice came, making Wu Hufa angry.

  "What are you proud of? You are just a dead man!"

  "Even if you are just a remnant soul, it is still easy to deal with a thing like you who is neither human nor ghost."

  "Then let's try!"

  The atmosphere between the two of them instantly dropped to freezing point.

  Yao Lao smiled coldly, and his soul power exploded instantly, and the terrifying temperature on his body rose.

  "Watch out!"

  Wu Hufa was shocked and immediately displayed a strong defensive fighting skill, waiting for it.

  Who knew that after a few breaths, there was no attack at all.


  The guardian Wu looked over quickly, and then he found that Yao Lao had already wrapped Xiao Yan's body and fled far away.

  "Old man, you are so arrogant!

  If you have the guts, come back and fight me fair and square!"

  Only a fool would fight with you.

  Yao Lao has been in the fighting continent for many years and is also a veteran. How could he fall for such a superficial provocation?

  The guardian Wu was instantly furious and chased after Yao Lao.

  Seeing this, Yao Lao raised his mouth and his soul power surged.

  A muffled sound suddenly came from the body of the guardian Wu, and then a huge black flame swallowed the guardian Wu.

  "Ah! Old thief, I swear to kill you!"


  On Yunlan Mountain, Su Yun and Little Medical Immortal, led by Yun Yun, were admiring the scenery of Yunlan Sect.

  Yunlan Mountain was very high, with a blue sky, white clouds floating, and a pleasant scenery. It was indeed good, and Little Medical Immortal was enjoying the view.

  Su Yun grasped the timing and measure well, and spoke at the right time when he had almost walked around Yunlan Mountain.

  "Yun Yun, I heard before that there is a life and death gate in Yunlan Sect. I wonder if you can take us to see it." Yun

  Yun was stunned when he heard this, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

  "The Gate of Life and Death is an important place in the Yunlan Sect. It is the burial place of the past sect masters. Generally speaking, even the sect disciples are not allowed to approach it..."

  "If it's inappropriate, forget it.

  We understand."

  Su Yun smiled, and his eyes slightly signaled to the Little Medical Fairy.

  The Little Medical Fairy blinked, and the tacit understanding cultivated over the years made her immediately understand Su Yun's meaning, and she continued.

  "Yes, since Sister Yunyun is in trouble, we won't go."

  Yunyun's beautiful face flashed a trace of hesitation.

  "Forget it, forget it.

  I haven't repaid you two for saving me in the Monster Mountain Range in the past. If I don't

  agree to save Yanran again today, I can't justify it.

  The teacher went into seclusion again not long ago, and now I have the final say in Yunlan Sect. It's okay to just go and take a look."

  Yunyun said, leading the two to a small path.

  Behind Yunyun, Suyun and Xiao Yixian looked at each other and could see the smile in each other's eyes.

  This move of retreating to advance is very effective.

  Suyun didn't expect it to be so smooth.

  The path is quite winding and there are many forks.

  Then the three of them came to a jungle, Yun Yun raised his hands, and his fighting spirit surged.

  He formed a strange hand seal, and the space immediately stirred up a wave.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

  The founder of the Yun Lan Sect was Yun Zun, Yun Potian. Su Yun was not surprised that he left such a space barrier in such an important place as the Gate of Life and Death.

  This barrier is roughly the same as the barrier in the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy. Both were left by Dou Zun, allowing future generations to open the barrier through special hand seals.

  This is why he had always wanted to use Yun Yun as a springboard to find the location of the Gate of Life and Death.

  Instead of deceiving the world and sneaking into the Yun Lan Sect to investigate secretly. He

  was guarding against this move.
