

  Chapter 303 Bodhi Body Saliva (First Update!)

  The cracks on the purple light coffin became more and more, and soon, a large piece of the coffin suddenly fell off, a beam of light passed through it, and the light coffin broke.

  A naked figure appeared in front of Su Yun and the little doctor.

  Zi Yan stretched lazily, and the lavender light surrounded her delicate body as white as jade. The

  soft purple hair was draped over her shoulders and reached her hips. Her whole figure was convex and mature, and she didn't look like a little girl at all.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of unnaturalness. He was not a saint. How could he be indifferent to such a moving body in front of him.

  Zi Yan's beautiful eyes like gems flashed with curiosity as she looked at her body.

  From time to time, a hint of agility and mischief flashed across her mature and delicate face, which made people know that she was still the same Zi Yan.

  Suddenly, Zi Yan weighed herself with her jade hands in Su Yun's stunned eyes.

  She looked at Xiao Yixian's chest again, gestured, covered her red lips with her small hands, and a hint of a snicker flashed in her eyes.

  "Sister Xian'er, you are not as big as me!"

  Xiao Yixian heard this, her pretty face darkened, and she came to Zi Yan's side in a flash.

  She took out a robe from the ring and draped it on Zi Yan's delicate body, clenched her right fist, and gave Zi Yan a slap.

  "Ah, it hurts!"

  Zi Yan covered her head, her body suddenly trembled, and a strange green light burst out from her body.

  Immediately, Zi Yan's body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in a few breaths, she turned into a little girl again.

  Su Yun saw this and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  The green light was the medicinal power of the transformation grass in Zi Yan's body. If

  Zi Yan wants to grow up completely, she must completely refine its medicinal power, and Dou Huang's cultivation may not be enough.

  "It's too early to be happy."

  A trace of schadenfreude flashed in the eyes of the little medical fairy, and she used her jade hands to ravage Zi Yan's rosy little face.

  "Ah, why is it like this!"

  Zi Yan made a bitter face and wanted to cry for a while.

  Then the little medical fairy dressed Zi Yan, and the three of them left the secret room together and went to Su Qian's office to report the good news.

  Su Qian felt the aura of the Douhuang on Zi Yan and laughed while stroking his beard.

  "Hahaha, after so many years, you finally broke through to the Douhuang.

  Eh, weird.

  Zi Yan, why are you still so young?"

  "Old man, I'm not done with you!"


  Su Yun took the hand of the Little Medical Immortal and left the scene, no longer paying attention to the chaos behind him, letting the grandfather and grandson have a good chat.

  The two went to find Qing Lin. Calculating the time, Qing Lin should have absorbed a lot of soul essence after so many months.

  After arriving at Qing Lin's residence, a colorful glow suddenly emerged from the room and turned into the appearance of Cai Lin.


  Cai Lin's voice was extremely tender, and listening to it made one's bones soften. The two words she said, coupled with her beautiful figure, made people want to press her under their bodies and turn her into a stunner in bed.

  Su Yun nodded slightly and asked.

  "How is Qing Lin?"

  "Qing Lin has been in seclusion since he came to Canaan Academy. He only came out of seclusion once in the middle and started seclusion again soon after."

  Cai Lin said.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of thought, and his soul power penetrated his body. He did not rush into the room.

  Instead, he used the induction method to detect Qing Lin's soul breath.

  A strong soul wave suddenly appeared in Su Yun's perception.

  Qing Lin's soul power has reached the perfect state of the mortal realm, and is now impacting the spiritual realm.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with joy.

  If Qinglin succeeds in this attack, he will probably be able to control an eighth-level snake monster!

  By then, Qinglin will become the strongest among them and surpass them.

  We need to pay attention to whether there are eighth-level snake monsters nearby.

  Maybe there are some in the Serpent Empire.   

  Thinking of this, Su Yun showed a strange smile.

  Su Yun didn't believe that the Heavenly Snake Mansion was so powerful without any foundation.

  If Qing Lin had controlled an eighth-level monster before going to Zhongzhou, the Zhongzhou group would have been much safer.

  After that, Su Yun stopped disturbing Qing Lin's retreat, gave Cai Lin some instructions, and left with the Little Medical Immortal.

  After the two returned to the small pavilion, they had a good rest. They were exhausted after refining the purple light coffin for a month.

  "Xian'er, seeing how tired I am, can you do more today, okay?"

  "Ah, I'll do it, but I'm not very good at it, so I always let you do it before."

  "No problem, I'll teach you.

  Come on, like this, I'll lie down, you sit..."

  "Okay, I really can't do anything about you~"

  The next day, Su Yun got up and felt refreshed.

  Xiao Yixian was still sleeping soundly on the bed. The little girl was exhausted yesterday.

  Su Yun smiled slightly and kissed Xiao Yixian on the forehead.

  Then he used his soul power to leave a message on a parchment scroll and placed it on her pillow, then left the small attic and flew to the Black Horn Region with his fighting spirit transformed into wings.

  As usual, he went to Mo Ya to find out some information today.


  "Little thief, don't run!

  If I don't kill you today, I, Mo Tianxing, will not be a human being!"

  Mo Tianxing held the seriously injured and dying Mo Ya in his hands, and a look of rage flashed across his face.

  "Oh, Master Mo, you should first try to cure Mo Ya.

  Otherwise, when I come next time, his injuries may not be healed yet.


  A hint of sneer flashed across Su Yun's face.

  "How dare you insult me!"

  Mo Tianxing handed Mo Ya in his hand to the elder behind him.

  The terrifying fighting spirit gathered between his hands, and at once the energy of the heaven and earth within a few miles began to riot and gathered towards Mo Tianxing.

  "Tianxing Palm!"

  The white palm shadow came towards Su Yun at an extremely fast speed.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. This old guy is really funny. He got angry so quickly.

  However, this palm technique does have something. The low-level earth-level fighting technique Tianxing Palm has been cultivated to perfection by Mo Tianxing.

  Even if a four-star fighting sect comes, I am afraid they can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and the deceiving heaven and the world was activated. His figure and breath disappeared completely in a breath.

  Then he performed the Xuantian Cangyu Step to escape from the range covered by the Xubai palm shadow.


  Mo Tianxing blasted a huge palm print on the ground, and the power was so strong that the nearby residents felt the ground shaking.

  But Mo Tianxing's face was sullen, and he shouted to the sky, and the roar was heard several miles away.


  If you have the guts, come and fight me head-on! You

  're just relying on fighting skills to escape, what's the point of that!"

  Mo Tianxing's voice reached Su Yun's ears, but he didn't take it seriously.

  What a joke, how can running away not be considered a skill?

  If you were not still useful, you would have died long ago.

  Su Yun returned to Canaan Academy and entered the small attic. Seeing the Little Medical Immortal practicing, he did not disturb her.

  Then Su Yun sat cross-legged and began to check Mo Ya's memory.

  After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in them.

  The Black Emperor Sect has already obtained the Bodhi Body Saliva!


  The Black Emperor Sect, the time of death has come!