

  Chapter 311: Entering the Tower (First update!)

  "Hey, you old fool with no martial ethics, come on!"

  Su Qian looked at her heart and nose, pretending she didn't see anything.

  But Su Yun just silently restored his fighting spirit and soul power without any intention of getting involved.

  After recovering, Su Yun began to refine the second wall-breaking pill.

  This refinement took ten days, and he failed twice. Finally, on the third time, Su Yun refined the second wall-breaking pill.

  Su Yun looked at the elixir in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

  In the past, he could absorb Yaolao's memory and improve his alchemy skills by taking several pill recipes and practicing them.

  But because the medicinal materials of the seventh-grade elixir are too precious, this cannot be done.

  Therefore, his success rate in refining seventh-grade elixirs is actually not too high.

  Two successes out of four times is only 50%.

  Su Yun shook his head silently in his heart.

  It's just that if his thoughts were known to the seventh-grade alchemist on the mainland, they would be ashamed.

  The grade of the Wall-Breaking Pill is already approaching the eighth grade.

  Ordinarily, when a seventh-grade peak alchemist comes to refine it, a success rate of three or three is already a high level of incense, but Su Yun is not satisfied yet.

  "Elder Qianmu."

  After Su Yun handed the wall-breaking elixir to Qianmu, he put the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron and the other two medicinal materials into the system space.

  I also bought two portions of medicinal materials for free, which was pretty good.

  Then Su Yun chatted with Su Qian and the others for a few more words before returning to the small attic.

  "You went to make alchemy?"

  The little medical fairy looked at Su Yun who came back, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.


  Su Yun nodded. The fluctuations of the seventh-grade Dan Lei were so large that they covered the entire inner courtyard. It was normal for the little medical fairy to guess it.

  A smirk flashed across Su Yun's face, and he immediately pushed the little medical fairy into the room and placed a soul barrier throughout the attic.

  "Xian'er, we haven't seen you for a long time."

  "Obviously you had it before you went to make elixirs."

  A blush flashed across the face of the little medical fairy, and she half pushed and fell on the bed.


  At this time, in a forest not far from the inner courtyard, Qing Lin was sitting cross-legged on the grass, with Cai Lin standing by to protect him.

  A quarter of an hour passed, and Qing Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

  The three green snake-green lines in the pupils began to rotate strangely, and a strange and grand green light emerged from the green-scaled eyes.


  A hint of joy flashed across Qinglin's pretty face.

  The green dark pupils were created by the senior Snake Saint who set foot in the realm of Fighting Saint.

  Only the owners of the Blue Snake Three Flower Pupils whose soul power has reached the spiritual realm can practice.

  This method can greatly enhance the pupil power of the Blue Snake Three Flower Pupils.

  And gives its owner the magical ability to observe souls, ignore barriers, see through, and so on.

  More importantly, this method can once again enhance the ability of Green Snake Three Flower Pupils to control snake monsters.

  Qing Lin and Su Yun said before that they could control eighth-level monsters with this method, otherwise it would be a bit meaningless just relying on the spirit realm soul and Dou Huang cultivation.

  It can be considered a success in cultivation. I think the young master will need Qinglin soon.

  Qing Lin's face was filled with happiness, as if being needed by Su Yun was the happiest thing in the world.

  The power of the green snake's three-flowered pupil has been strengthened again. Qinglin is also a little curious about its current power. He turns his little head and looks around.

  Another moment passed, and Qing Lin looked in one direction.

  The small attic where Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy lived was located there.

  Well, what are the young master and sister Xian'er doing now.

  It shouldn't matter if you take a look.

  Qing Lin convinced himself in his heart, a strange green light flashed in his pupils, and his perspective gradually moved into the distance, and soon Qing Lin saw the exquisite attic.

  Soul enchantment?

  A trace of struggle flashed in Qinglin's eyes, and after a while, he controlled his soul power to rush towards the green snake's three-flower pupils, turning into extremely powerful pupils.

  Suddenly, Qing Lin didn't know what he saw. The little melon seed's face was instantly filled with red, and warm steam came out of his head.

  Strange, strange knowledge has been added...

  Qing Lin feels dizzy.

  "Qing Lin, Qing Lin?

  What's wrong with you, your face is so red?"

  Cai Lin's concerned voice brought Qing Lin back to his senses.

  Qing Lin panicked, immediately stopped the secret technique, and gradually returned his sight to the surrounding forest.   

  "I, I'm fine. It's just that this method is too difficult and has some side effects.

  Sister Cai Lin, don't worry."

  Qing Lin felt weak in her heart, and she explained in a hurry.

  "Don't force it. Even if you want to help the master, you have to take care of yourself."

  "Qing Lin understands."

  Qing Lin tapped his snow-white chin and assured Cai Lin.

  Cai Lin felt relieved and returned to the side to continue protecting Qing Lin.

  Qing Lin breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest which was beginning to take shape, and suddenly remembered the scene he had seen before.

  Well, I'm so envious. Qinglin really envies Sister Xian'er...


  half a month has gone by in a blink of an eye.

  "Oh, you want to enter the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower to conquer the Fallen Heart Flame?"

  Su Qian looked at Su Yun, a serious look flashed on his face.

  "Yes, after this period of preparation and adjustment, I am already sure."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "Since you are sure, go ahead.

  During this period, I will close the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower."

  "Thank you, Great Elder."

  A trace of excitement and solemnity flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Fallen Heart Flame, ranked fourteenth on the strange fire list.

  And the one he is about to absorb has been wandering in the underground magma for thousands of years, absorbing countless fire energy.

  Even if it still can't make it into the top ten, it can still compete with the twelfth-ranked Alien Fire Chamber.

  It seems that the ranking has only improved by two places, but the higher it ranks on the strange fire list.

  The gap between each strange fire is getting bigger, and the mystery cannot be measured by common sense.

  If you want to refine it, even with Su Yun's current background, you must be careful.

  The next day, Su Qian had already issued an order to close the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower and arranged for elders to check it carefully.

  "Why is the Tianfenqi Refining Tower closed again today?"

  A trace of depression flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes.

  "Perhaps it's the Fallen Heart Flame riot?"

  Yao Lao guessed.

  Xiao Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this.


  "Opportunity, you are so big!

  There are four Douzong guarding the Burning Refining Qi Tower that day. If you have the guts, go ahead!"

  Yao Lao immediately slapped Xiao Yan on the forehead and said angrily.

  Xiao Yan bared his teeth, a trace of pain flashed across his face, and his heart was shocked after hearing Yao Lao's words.

  "Four Douzong!"

  "Great Elder Su Qian, and two Douzong experts from Canaan College.

  As for the other one, it is Hai Bodong who protected you before you went to Yunlan Sect."

  Yao Laojiang, the four Let Xiao Yan know everything personally.

  "Then I have no chance."

  Xiao Yan was on the verge of tears.

  "Tsk, Xiao Yanzi, to do big things, you have to be patient..."

  Just when Yao Lao started to educate Xiao Yan.

  Su Yun has arrived at the lowest level of Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

  "Great Elder, please send it here."

  "You don't need me to open this seal?"

  Su Yun shook his head.

  "No need for this, I have a secret method to penetrate the seal."


  Su Qian is not surprised by this. There are so many secret methods in the world, and Zi Yan can ignore all kinds of space barriers with her own talent.

  It's normal to have secret methods that can achieve similar effects.