

  Chapter 321 Three-star Peak Dou Zong (First Update!)

  The aura in Su Yun's body suddenly surged unprecedentedly, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body.

  Dou Zong!

  This realm is already a real top figure in the Northwest Continent. In Zhongzhou, it can be considered as barely qualified to walk around and step onto the stage.

  It took eighteen years for Su Yun to finally step into such a realm!

  Eighteen years, in a corner like the Jia Ma Empire.

  The so-called top-level geniuses are just like Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran, who have barely broken through to the Grand Dou Master.

  In the Northwest Continent, if you can reach the Dou Ling, you are also considered upper class.

  Even in Zhongzhou, where geniuses gather, the descendants of those super powers are only hovering at the Dou Huang level at this time.

  Only the true geniuses of the ancient races can step into such a realm at such an age like Su Yun.

  Su Yun's body is like a hole, and the invisible sea of ​​fire formed by the Fallen Heart Flame is like a tide. Infusing him crazily.

  After breaking through the bottleneck of Dou Zong, Su Yun's aura growth momentum did not slow down at all, and he was still climbing rapidly.

  One-star Dou Zong!

  Two-star Dou Zong!

  Three-star Dou Zong!

  Another seven days passed, and Su Yun's aura reached the three-star Dou Zong

  level. The trend of his cultivation finally slowed down and stopped at the peak of the three-star Dou Zong level.

  The invisible sea of ​​fire in the system space had completely disappeared.

  There was a dead silence around him, with only a faint pale flame in the distance.

  After a period of time, Su Yun's aura was gathered into his body, and he was as one with the original, making it impossible to tell whether he was real or fake.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and excitement filled his eyes.

  The peak of the three-star Dou Zong level!

  After breaking through the Dou Zong level, he had surpassed the cultivation level of nearly four stars. The fire energy contained in this Fallen Heart Flame was really terrifying.

  Su Yun looked at the pale flame in the distance again, and a burning feeling flashed through his heart.

  The Bone Spirit Cold Fire ranked eleventh on the list of strange fires. Devouring and refining it would probably bring him more benefits than the Fallen Heart Flame.


  Su Yun quickly suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

  Although the more strange fires he swallowed, the stronger his fighting spirit would be tempered,

  and the faster his cultivation would settle. But this time, the leap in his cultivation was so great that it would be inappropriate to rashly swallow the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

  It doesn't matter, he has plenty of time.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with confidence.

  Then Su Yun's mind moved, and he once again activated the "Burning Cold

  Art". "Quasi-Heaven-level Art?"

  Su Yun thought.

  The level of Heaven-level Art is quite high, and even the super forces in Zhongzhou are rare. Even the

  Fenglei Pavilion's Pavilion Fighting Skill is only the Three Thousand Thunder Illusion Body that can be comparable to the Heaven-level Fighting Skill.

  After feeling the changes in the "Burning Cold Art", Su Yun's face flashed a trace of regret.

  Before, I thought that I could use this opportunity to completely advance the "Burning Cold Art" to a Heaven-level Art. After all,

  the Fallen Heart Flame is still a little short of it.

  But it doesn't matter much. After swallowing the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, I think the "Burning Cold Art" will be able to be completely advanced.

  Su Yun stretched out his right hand, and four-color flames gushed out from his palm, with a terrifying temperature.

  If Su Yun had not already subdued these four kinds of strange fire, he would have been burned to charcoal.

  Colorless and transparent are also considered colors... right?

  The three-color flames at the beginning, plus the three mysterious changes of the sky fire, were enough to bring Su Yun's combat power to the peak of Dou Zong.

  As for now...   

  Su Yun's eyes reflected the phantom of the four-color flame, and a hint of brilliance appeared in them.

  After knowing the harvest this time, Su Yun's mind moved, and he came out of the system space and came to the cave of the Warcraft Mountain Range in the outside world.


  Suddenly Su Yun raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of Canaan College.

  The place he chose this time was not far from the inner courtyard of Canaan College.

  With his current soul sensing ability, it is not difficult to sense the movement there.

  Now, a big battle is going on in the inner courtyard?

  Su Yun's eyes narrowed into a slit, and the Thousand Illusion Absolute Shadow Wings appeared behind him.

  A ray of light flashed, and in an instant he flew out of the cave and rushed towards the direction of Canaan College.


  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Powerful energy fluctuations sounded above the inner courtyard, and dozens of Dou Huang Dou Wang fought in the air.

  And above the higher clouds, a dozen people who stepped on the void were fighting more fiercely.

  "Little girl, your methods are indeed strange, but how long can they last?

  In the face of absolute strength, no methods are useful!"

  The old demon looked at the little doctor fairy and smiled coldly. His aura suddenly burst out. With a wave of his sleeves, the energy of heaven and earth rushed into his palm.

  A dark blue fighting spirit with terrifying power rushed towards the little doctor fairy.

  "It's enough to kill you."

  The little doctor fairy uttered a few words lightly, without any trace of the gentleness of the past, and the killing intention was beyond words.

  With white hair draped over her shoulders and gray-purple eyes, the little doctor fairy had already opened the evil poison body, and the breath was wandering.

  Although not as outstanding as the old demon, he was already the second person above the clouds.

  A poison seal was cast by the little doctor fairy, and the dark blue fighting spirit connected with the poison seal, and the terrifying fluctuations burst out instantly.


  The energy fluctuations spread instantly, and the power of the aftermath even affected the battles of the others.

  The fighting spirit destroyed the poison seal and continued to kill the little doctor fairy.

  Xiao Yixian waved her jade hand and immediately dispersed it.

  "Give up, the gap between you and me is obvious. Even if you come from a powerful force and have powerful skills, it can only be short-lived..."

  "Ghost Poison Seal!"

  Before the old demon ghost finished speaking, a gray-purple poisonous handprint with a slightly sweet smell, wrapped in the energy of heaven and earth, bombarded the old demon ghost.

  After following Su Yun for so many years, Xiao Yixian also learned Su Yun's ruthless and taciturn style.

  "If you don't accept my toast, you will be punished, accept my punishment!"

  The old demon ghost's face was livid, and he gave up the idea of ​​using words to make Xiao Yixian retreat. His deep-set eyes were shining with a faint light, like a ghost fire.

  "Thousand Illusion Mysterious Ice Thorns!"

  The old demon ghost gathered the energy of heaven and earth again, and as his fighting spirit surged, he flicked his ten fingers, and dense black ice cones rushed towards Xiao Yixian.

  A trace of solemnity flashed across Xiao Yixian's pretty face, and her hands instantly formed seals, which changed dozens of times in just three breaths.

  One after another, the gray-purple poison swords flew upwards, and their number was no less than that of the Thousand Illusion Mysterious Ice Thorns of the Earth Demon Old Ghost.

  Puff! Puff! Puff!

  In the battle between the ice cones and the poison swords, neither side gave in, but there were always a few ice cones that penetrated the attack of the poison swords and killed the Little Medical Fairy.

  The Little Medical Fairy frowned slightly, stretched out her jade hand, attached with gray-purple fighting spirit, and crushed the oncoming black ice cones.

  Although the Earth Demon Old Ghost had a foul mouth, what he said was true.

  There was still a gap between her hard power and the Earth Demon Old Ghost. Although she had no worries about protecting herself, she had no hands to help others.

  "Come and die!"

  The figure of the Earth Demon Old Ghost flashed in the air, and he actually stepped over the heavy attack of the gray-green poison swords and slapped the Little Medical Fairy with one palm.