


  Chapter 324 Heavenly Demon Puppet (Second Update!)

  The old demon looked at the invisible fire dragon that was charging at him, and his face immediately changed drastically.

  If he couldn't handle this move, he would die!

  "Ice Condensation Sword Technique!"

  The dark blue long sword was instantly gathered by the old demon, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

  The energy of the surrounding heaven and earth had basically been transferred away by Su Yun, leaving only a little bit for him.

  Can he stop it...

  The old demon's heart was aching, but he could only bite the bullet and hit the huge dark blue long sword.

  The fire dragon instantly swallowed the dark blue long sword, and the gloomy cold fighting spirit immediately turned into energy and dissipated between heaven and earth.

  The old demon showed a look of despair on his face, and could only watch helplessly as the invisible fire dragon continued to attack him.

  The gap is so huge...


  A blazing flame exploded in the sky, like a second sun.

  The aftermath gradually dissipated, and a corpse fell from the sky.

  The old demon, die!

  This scene immediately caused an uproar in the entire inner courtyard. The Douhuang who was still struggling to resist on the side of the Black Horn Domain was instantly terrified and fled out one after another.

  Facing the Douzong strongmen such as Wu Tianlang, unless you have a good horse, you can't run away at all.

  On the other hand, the old man Yingshan and the guardian Xuan were not the opponents of the little doctor.

  In this battle, Canaan Academy won a big victory!

  Su Yun's soul power penetrated his body and found that the casualties of Canaan Academy were not serious, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  He really didn't expect that such a thing would happen during the six months he spent refining the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and the aura around him began to decline, returning from the six-star peak fighting sect to the three-star peak fighting sect realm.

  A sense of weakness came over him, making Su Yun slightly tired.

  The sequelae of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire are the drawbacks of the secret method itself, and even if it is cultivated to perfection, it cannot be completely forgiven.

  Only when the cultivation level gradually becomes higher in the future, will the impact of the sequelae become smaller.

  Su Yun returned to the empty ground, where everyone was waiting for him.


  I'm really sorry for you this time."

  Su Qian laughed heartily, supporting the weak Hu Qian.


  Su Yun, thank you very much."

  "You two are too polite."

  Su Yun smiled, and then talked to everyone for a few words, and learned the whole story.

  "It turns out that I have something to do with it."

  Su Yun was a little surprised.

  After killing all the members of the Black Emperor Sect, he thought that the matter was completely over, but he didn't expect that it would cause such a big change.

  "This time it can be considered a surprise.

  After this battle, the Black Horn Region may not be able to recover in a hundred years."

  Wu Tianlang patted Su Yun on the shoulder and told him not to worry about it.

  "This may not be a bad thing for the academy."

  Su Qian nodded at the side.

  This time, almost all the Dou Zong and Dou Huang masters in the Black Horn Region have been dispatched. If they are annihilated in one battle, they will certainly suffer a great loss of vitality.

  Canaan Academy can also live a stable life for hundreds of years.

  As for complete destruction, this is impossible.

  The location of the Black Horn Region is special in the northwest continent, and it is at the junction of many empires.

  There must be desperate people who come here to take refuge. In such a chaotic environment, it is only a matter of time for a strong man to rise.

  Su Qian and others will naturally do the work of cleaning up the mess and comforting the students, so Su Yun does not need to worry about these.

  Suddenly, Su Yun frowned.

  The old demon of the earth is dead, and the Demon Flame Valley is like a piece of thin paper in front of him, which will break at a blow.

  Taking advantage of this time, it is better to get the method of refining the Heavenly Demon Puppet in the treasure house of the Demon Flame Valley.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately said goodbye to Su Qian and the others. Thousand Illusions Shadow Wings appeared behind him, and with a flash of light, he flew towards the direction of the Demon Flame Valley.   

  At Su Yun's current speed, it was naturally very fast to reach the Devil Flame Valley. After a while, Su Yun arrived above the Devil Flame Valley.

  Su Yun swung his palm, and under the riot of the energy of heaven and earth, a huge handprint was condensed and slapped towards the Devil Flame Valley.


  The valley collapsed immediately, making a huge noise.

  Su Yun's current strength is so strong that even a casual palm has the destructive power of a five-star Dou Zong.

  The miserable screams continued from the Devil Flame Valley.

  In order to attack Canaan Academy, the old demon of the earth brought out all the Dou Huang and Dou Wang strongmen.

  There was not even a person to guard the house, which was really crazy.

  Su Yun shook his head. This matter had nothing to do with him. Instead, it saved him some time. While his soul power surged, Su Yun explored the situation in the Demon Flame Valley.

  Just now, under his palm, most of the people in the Demon Flame Valley were killed or injured.

  This is the power of the Dou Sect's strongmen. For people with low cultivation, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

  Su Yun slapped out two palms again and killed the Demon Flame Valley.

  It's no wonder that he is cruel and ruthless. When he killed the Black Emperor Sect, it could cause such a huge chain reaction.

  It's even more incredible to leave it behind.

  Then Su Yun used his soul power to explore again and found the location of the Demon Flame Valley's treasure house.

  Su Yun's figure flashed and disappeared in the air. With a wave of his sleeves, he cleared the rubble and a passage appeared before his eyes.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with joy and he walked in. In the treasure house of the Demon Flame Valley, a faint light curtain enveloped a bookshelf.

  Seeing this, Su Yun raised his eyebrows. The light curtain exuded the power of space. It must have been left by the old demon to block the evil people.

  Su Yun's mouth curled up.

  He could also use the power of space to eliminate this space light shield.

  With the memories of Yao Lao and Jinglian Demon Saint, his perception of the power of space was not weaker than that of the old demon.

  Although it was possible to take out the things in it, it would take some time.

  He had a better way.

  "System, scan all items in the light screen."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  "All recovered."

  "Ding, recovered successfully."

  Immediately, Su Yun probed his mind into the system space and looked at the pile of extra objects.

  Among them were seventh-level magic cores and earth-level martial arts fighting skills.

  Su Yun focused his attention on the gray-brown bamboo slip.

  Heavenly Demon Puppet: A method of puppet refining that has been passed down from ancient times. To refine a Heavenly Demon Puppet, you need a body, a soul, and a magic core, supplemented by many materials... A

  smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  He has coveted the puppet method of Heavenly Demon Puppet for a long time, and today he finally got it.

  This method is so powerful that it can even refine a puppet comparable to the cultivation of a Dou Zun.

  And he doesn't have to worry about the thunder tribulation caused by refining pills in the future.

  After getting the Heavenly Demon Puppet, Su Yun had no intention of staying in the Devil Flame Valley, which had already turned into ruins. Amidst the glowing clouds, Su Yun flew back to Canaan Academy.


  "Has Hai Lao returned to the Gama Empire?"

  A solemn look flashed across Su Yun's eyes.

  After returning to the academy, he called Qing Lin and others to the small attic, only to find that Hai Bodong was not there.

  Previously on the battlefield, because of the urgent situation, he had overlooked this point.


  Hai Lao returned to the Gama Empire three months ago.

  He has not returned yet."

  Little Medical Fairy said to Su Yun.