

  Chapter 330 Four-star Dou Zong (Second update!)

  The Dou Huang of the Three-party Empire has also been cleaned up by Hai Bodong and Qing Lin.

  In this battle, the Jia Ma Empire won a great victory!

  At the foot of the imperial capital, a beautiful figure looked up at Su Yun in the sky, and a complex look flashed in her beautiful eyes.

  Yun Yun sighed and leaned on the city wall with her delicate body.

  She came to the imperial capital, originally wanting to practice with the country and do her part for the Jia Ma Empire.

  But she never thought that she would just be a spectator and witness Su Yun and others turn the tide and defeat the Three-party Empire.

  The disciples of the Yun Lan Sect were mixed in the million-strong army, and the Dou Wang-level elders were also burned to ashes by Su Yun's Falling Heart Flame.

  The huge Yun Lan Sect, now she is the only one left...

  Suddenly, Yun Yun seemed to think of something again, and a glimmer of light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

  No, that's not right, Yan Ran is still in the Gate of Life and Death.


  In the main hall of the imperial palace in the imperial capital, Yao Ye knelt in front of Su Yun.

  "Master Su, please save my grandfather's life.

  I am willing to offer all the treasures in the treasury. The royal family of the Jia Ma Empire will follow your lead in the future!"

  Su Yunduan sat in the first seat, sipped his tea, and was unmoved by Yao Ye's words.

  To put it bluntly, from where he is now, even if he is looking for a dog, he can't just find it casually.

  The power of the royal family is useless to him, but the treasures in the treasury that Yao Ye mentioned are still worth seeing.

  The Jia Ma Empire also has a history of a hundred years. All the treasures have been exchanged for energy cores, and there are also two or three seventh-level energy crystal cores.

  "I'll think about it."

  Su Yun waved his hand and let Yao Ye go down.


  Yao Ye's eyes dimmed and he walked down slowly.

  Hai Bodong looked at Su Yun from the side, hesitant to speak.

  "Whatever Hai Lao wants to say, just say it."

  Su Yun smiled. He has always been tolerant of his own people.

  "The old monster..."

  "I know."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "His injury is easy for me to heal.

  But Hai Lao, have you thought about whether you want to go to Zhongzhou with me?"

  Hai Bodong looked at the bright moon outside the window, and a trace of persistence flashed across his wrinkled but still angular face.

  "When I was young, I thought about going to Zhongzhou.

  Tengshan is dead, and there is nothing worth staying in this land.

  But... can I still help you with my strength?"

  Hai Bodong smiled bitterly.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian have broken through the realm of Dou Zong.

  Qing Lin also reached the realm of Seven Star Dou Huang with the energy core given by Su Yun and various auxiliary means. The

  Green Snake Three Flower Pupils can also add a lot of combat power to it, allowing it to have Dou Zong combat power, and soon it will completely surpass him.

  And he has no potential to speak of.

  Hai Bodong can see Su Yun and others clearly, and he can see himself more clearly.

  Those people around Su Yun are all potential stocks, future strong men, and he...

  Even now, he has become a weak link...

  Suddenly, the figure of Skyfire Venerable Xu Bai appeared beside Hai Bodong, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

  "It would be good for you to go to Zhongzhou to do odd jobs and run errands for Su Yun."

  Hai Bodong's eyes flashed with a trace of astonishment.

  "You old man, forget about comforting me, but you keep saying these bad words."

  Su Yun heard this and smiled.

  "It depends on you, Hai Lao.

  You have been with me for so many years, I will not abandon you."

  "Let me think about this matter again." "


  Then Su Yun left the hall, returned to the room, sat cross-legged, immersed in the magic poison spot on his chest, and couldn't help but smile.

  This thing is a deadly thing for others, but it is a great tonic for him.

  The power of three kinds of strange fire can be used for his own use with the powerful refining ability of strange fire, not to mention that he now has four strange fires.

  The four-color flames traveled through the meridians, converged, and wrapped the magic poison spot.

  This magic poison spot contained Xie Biyan's lifelong fighting spirit. It would take a long time to refine it all.

  Moreover, his cultivation had just skyrocketed not long ago, so it was not advisable to break through too quickly.   

  However, refining a small part first and breaking through the four-star Dou Zong will not affect it.

  Next, I have to capture the eighth-level magic beast for Qinglin, so I have to improve my strength.

  Under the siege of the four-color flames, strands of poisonous energy were refined, and the dark magic poison spots on Su Yun's chest also shrank slightly.

  The aura on Su Yun's body gradually rose, and he began to move towards the realm of the four-star Dou Zong.

  One day passed.

  A terrifying aura burst out from the palace, and the people in the imperial capital felt a little suffocated.

  Hai Bodong looked at the direction of the aura burst, and his mouth twitched.

  Another breakthrough...

  Since becoming a Dou Zong, he only improved his cultivation by one star a few months ago and became a two-star Dou Zong, but Su Yun has now been promoted to a four-star Dou Zong.

  "Don't look at it.

  I don't understand Su Yun's cultivation speed. Comparing with him is asking for trouble."

  The voice of the Skyfire Venerable sounded, with a hint of confusion and amazement in his tone.

  "Senior Skyfire, how is Su Yun's qualification in Zhongzhou?"

  Hai Bodong couldn't help asking.


  You underestimated him."

  said the Skyfire Venerable.

  "Little, underestimated!"

  Haibodong was a little surprised.

  It was the first time he knew that Su Yun was so amazing.

  "Su Yun is very different. His talent is really terrible.

  Even in Zhongzhou, it is not so easy to reach the Dou Zong realm.

  If you can break through the Dou Zong before the age of thirty, you can be called a genius.

  Twenty-five is a standard. If you are promoted to Dou Zong before the age of twenty-five, you are very likely to break through the Dou Zun in the future.

  Such people, a super power, only one or two in a generation.

  And Su Yun... has far exceeded this standard.

  He is only nineteen years old now, but he has reached the four-star Dou Zong realm.

  If you really count, I'm afraid he is already the ancient race, and among them, he is not low..."

  "Ancient race?"

  Haibodong's eyes flashed with confusion.

  "It is the race that has produced Dou Di.

  Su Yun can be compared with the top geniuses among them."


  Haibodong said these two words after holding it in for a long time.


  Three days later, Jia Xingtian woke up slowly from the bedroom of the palace.


  "Grandpa, you're awake!"

  Tears flashed in Yaoye's eyes.


  where is this, is the Gama Empire still there?"

  Jia Xingtian's face turned pale.


  The three empires have been completely defeated, old monster, don't worry."

  A vigorous and powerful voice sounded.

  "Old man Bing!"

  Jia Xingtian's eyes were red. He didn't hold on until Hai Bodong came back. He was seriously injured and dying by Yunshan. He relied on the deep foundation of the royal treasury to hang on to his life.

  "Is it you?"

  "Not me."

  Hai Bodong shook his head and told Jia Xingtian what had happened during this period.

  "Master Su... Master Zhang, that's how it is."

  Jia Xingtian's eyes flashed with a complicated look.

  He was not wrong. Zhang Xiaofan was a rare talent. It was just a pity...
