

  Chapter 334: Resurrection of Venerable Skyfire (Second update!)

  After the Yin-Yang Soul Pill was refined, the three things to resurrect Venerable Skyfire were ready.

  In other words, he will have a genuine Douzun strongman by his side!

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he immediately used soul transmission to call Hai Bodong and Venerable Skyfire over.

  After a while, Hai Bodong flew down from the sky and came to Su Yun's side.

  "But is there something you need to do?"

  Hai Bodong asked.


  Su Yun smiled, and he was very pleased with Hai Bodong's enthusiasm.

  "Senior Skyfire."

  A soul body immediately floated out of the snow-white storage ring on Hai Bodong's finger.

  "Oh, you are looking for me."

  Venerable Skyfire's eyes flashed with surprise.


  I have prepared everything needed for resurrection. It's time for you to be resurrected."


  Venerable Skyfire exclaimed, with a flash of shock in his eyes.

  Su Yun's casual words were the dream that Venerable Skyfire had been thinking about for a thousand years.

  "Are you serious, young friend?"

  A flash of unreality flashed in Venerable Skyfire's eyes.

  "Won't you know if you give it a try, Senior Skyfire?"

  Su Yun waved his sleeves, and a corpse appeared in front of everyone.

  This is the corpse of Lu Biyan, which is more than enough to resurrect Venerable Skyfire.

  "Thank you!"

  Venerable Skyfire's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity.

  "Excuse me."

  The four-color flames spread in Su Yun's palm and instantly wrapped the corpse.

  Body refinement is the core of the resurrection method. Without refinement, the body and soul will not be in harmony.

  "Senior Tianhuo, give me a trace of your soul power."


  Venerable Tianhuo immediately gave a trace of soul power to Su Yun.

  Su Yun injected Venerable Tianhuo's soul power into the corpse, used the four-color flame to gradually merge it into one body, and handed the Yin Yang Soul Pill to Venerable Tianhuo to take it.

  Afterwards, Su Yun's mind moved, and he took out a ball of the seventh-level monster blood that had been prepared long ago from the system space, and put it into the corpse again.

  The temperature contained in the four-color flame was extremely terrifying. If Su Yun had not intentionally controlled it, the corpse would have turned into ashes the moment it came into contact with the four-color flame.

  But even so, the space around the corpse was gradually distorted. This was the power of fire that Su Yun possessed now.

  After integrating the Meteoric Heart Flame, the Four-Colored Flame might have already entered the top ten of the Alien Fire List.

  With the help of the Four-Colored Flame, the blood essence of the seventh-level demon beast was also completely integrated into the corpse. Su Yun's expression was frightened and he shouted.


  A trace of fiery color flashed in the eyes of the Skyfire Venerable, and his soul turned into a phantom and drilled into the corpse wrapped in the four-color flame.


  After entering the body, the Skyfire Venerable grinned. How terrifying Su Yun's four-color flame was.

  If he had not endured the pain of training his body with alien fire when he subdued the Meteoric Heart Flame before, he might not be able to bear it.

  "Senior Tianhuo, it's up to you from now on."

  The serious look on Su Yun's face did not fade.

  Resurrection is not that simple. If Venerable Tianhuo cannot withstand the burning of the four-color flames and the fusion of soul and flesh, this resurrection will fail.

  The terrifying flames were floating on the corpse, and the temperature around it had reached an extremely high level. People with cultivation lower than the King of Fighting could not even get too close.

  Two days passed gradually, and Su Yun and others stayed here and waited quietly.

  A breath surged from the body. Although it was still very weak, it contained an indescribable majestic meaning.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with joy. Such a situation is a sign of success!

  With a wave of his hand, the terrifying power of fire escaped from the body of the Skyfire Venerable.

  As time went by, the amazing and majestic power became more and more intense, as if it was about to burst out from the body.

  Another half day passed.

  A suffocating pressure gradually spread.


  The feeling of the body is really wonderful.

  I, Yao Tianhuo, am back!"   

  Venerable Skyfire opened his eyes and laughed loudly.

  After a while, Venerable Skyfire calmed down the surging emotions in his heart and looked at Su Yun in front of him.

  "My friend, thank you very much this time."

  "It doesn't matter. After you are resurrected, you can help me more."

  Su Yun waved his hands and carefully felt the aura of Venerable Skyfire.

  "Your strength has not fully recovered yet."

  Venerable Skyfire's aura is now stuck between the peak of Dou Zong and Dou Zun, and has not completely entered Dou Zun.

  "Not bad, I just resurrected, and the Dou Qi in my body has not been replenished much. I am afraid it will take a month to fully recover."

  Venerable Skyfire thought for a while and said.


  Su Yun nodded, just one month.

  "Senior Tianhuo and Hai Lao, please go back first."


  After the two left, Su Yun took out the medicine cauldron again, and the four-color flames surged on the medicine cauldron, and began to warm the cauldron.

  "I still need to refine the elixir."

  The little medical fairy squatted down, holding her snow-white cheeks with two jade hands.

  "Refine another imperial pill."

  Su Yun replied.

  "Prepare for Qinglin?"

  "Not bad."

  The girl had never taken an imperial pill before, but now she has a seven-star Douhuang cultivation level, and her foundation is deep, and the snake sacred method she has cultivated is also quite good.

  Maybe she can also improve her cultivation level by two stars in one breath, so that she will not be far away from the Dou Sect.

  With Su Yun's current medicine refining skills, refining an imperial pill is naturally simple.

  In less than half a day, a still-warm Imperial Pill appeared in Su Yun's hand.


  Su Yun put away the medicine cauldron.

  "Let's go."

  Su Yun took the hand of the little medical fairy and walked on the path.

  Arriving at Qinglin's residence, Su Yun knocked on the door.

  "Who is it?"

  A tender voice sounded, and the door was opened from inside the house.

  A delicate little Lolita in a purple skirt appeared in front of the two.

  "Zi Yan, long time no see."

  Su Yun smiled and stretched out his hand, ravaged Zi Yan's head, and made her hair into a chicken nest.

  "Ah, Su Yun!"

  Zi Yan did not react to the big hand on her head, but excitedly hugged Su Yun's thigh, jumping up and down.

  "You're finally back! It's okay to be missing for half a year. The academy issue has been resolved. I just wanted to look for you, but you disappeared again!"

  Zi Yan's pink face was bitter.

  "Have you finished taking the pills?"

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with helplessness.

  Zi Yan and Qing Lin live together, but it's rare to see her here. After

  this girl broke through the Fighting Queen, she liked to find those monsters that she couldn't beat before in the Monster Mountain Range, find a place to fight, and extract medicinal materials.


  Zi Yan nodded quickly, her eyes shining, the meaning of which was self-evident.

  "Wait a minute, where is Qing Lin?"

  "Qing Lin is practicing."

  Hearing this, Su Yun's mind moved, and the soul power penetrated his body and swept into the house.

  Sure enough, Qing Lin was sitting cross-legged in the house practicing.

  Su Yun took out the jade bottle containing the Imperial Pill from the system space and handed it to Zi Yan.

  Zi Yan immediately took it with excitement, thinking it was some kind of refined pill, and was about to open the bottle stopper and put the pill into her mouth.

  Su Yun immediately gave Zi Yan a slap on the face.