

  Chapter 337 Confrontation (First update!)

  Lingquan looked Su Yun up and down, and felt that his aura was like the abyss. He didn't know how deep it was, but it gave people a sense of life-threatening threat.

  For a moment, Lingquan actually doubted his own perception.

  In his opinion, even if this Canaan Academy was founded by the predecessor of the Thunder Clan, it was located in the Northwest Continent after all, and the students there could not be very strong.

  And he, Lingquan, the deputy commander of the Black Oblivion Army, was not considered the top genius among his peers in the Ancient Clan.

  But in Zhongzhou, he was not much different from the successors of those super powers.

  For the Northwest Continent, he was more than one level higher.

  This person looked like he was not even twenty years old, how could he give him a sense of danger.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and patted Zi Yan's head gently to comfort her.

  A huge aura suddenly emerged from his body, and with it came a terrifying murderous intent that had condensed into substance, rushing towards Lingquan.

  Lingquan's face changed suddenly, and he turned away from his fighting spirit. His cultivation as a seven-star fighting emperor was clearly visible. While his fighting spirit was bursting out, he wanted to resist Su Yun's terrifying murderous aura.


  The clouds above the two people's heads were torn apart in an instant. The confrontation of qi between the strong men could cause considerable fluctuations.

  Lingquan's handsome face immediately became red.

  He was wrapped in a terrifying murderous aura and aura. His outward fighting spirit was useless and was immediately destroyed by Su Yun.

  If it weren't for the fact that his body was his home court and his fighting spirit could exert more power, he would probably not be able to stand up straight now under Su Yun's murderous aura and aura.

  Lingquan's whole body was shaking, his eyes wide open.

  Four-star Douzong! How is it possible!

  Lingquan's eyes flashed with disbelief.

  How could anyone from the mainland break through to Douzong at such an age!

  Even in the ancient clan, only a few top young people such as Gu Qingyang and Gu Yao have achieved such an achievement!

  Xiao Xun'er on the side clenched her jade hand slightly, and then quickly loosened it.

  Lingquan is a member of the ancient clan after all. From a standpoint, as the eldest lady of the ancient clan, she should protect Lingquan at this time. It's

  just that Lingquan's behavior today is too much. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, the matter will be reported to the elder of the Thunder Clan, and there will be no explanation.

  Moreover, Xiao Xun'er was quite unhappy with Lingquan's behavior just now, which made her completely give up the idea of ​​taking action and persuading him.

  "Okay, okay! Help me beat him!"

  Zi Yan waved her little fist, her face full of excitement.

  "Black Annihilation Army, help me!"

  Lingquan's face flushed, and he shouted loudly. Under the pressure of Su Yun, he actually planned to unite with the Black Annihilation Army team to fight together.


  The remaining nine Black Annihilation Army figures flashed and came to Lingquan's side, standing in a very mysterious position.

  The nine people burst out fighting spirit together, connecting with Lingquan's aura, sharing the pressure for him.

  It is not difficult to find that the fighting spirit of these nine Black Annihilation Army is from the same source as Lingquan. With the combination of ten people, the overall aura has reached the level of fighting sect.

  The ancient clan's foundation is indeed extraordinary. A battle emperor and nine battle kings can form a formation to fight against the Dou Zong.

  If it were in the Northwest Continent, it would be ridiculous to think that they could fight against the Dou Zong with this little strength.

  Su Yun's face flashed a sneer, and he mocked.

  "I thought he was some kind of proud son of heaven, so arrogant.

  It turns out that he is just a guy who relies on his cultivation to bully little girls. He has to form a formation to deal with this little momentum."

  Facing Su Yun's sarcasm, Lingquan's face turned ashen, and he couldn't say anything back.

  "Who are you, sir? I am Lingquan, the deputy commander of the Black Annihilation Army of the ancient clan."

  Lingquan shouted.

  "If you can't beat them, just use your background. Can you try a different trick?"

  The sarcasm on Su Yun's face disappeared, and he transformed his fighting spirit into a formless flame sword in his hand.

  To deal with Lingquan, there was no need to use Canyang.

  With a swing of the sword, the energy of heaven and earth gathered, and an invisible sword rainbow with a strong force and terrifying flame power slashed towards Lingquan and others.

  "Not good!"

  Lingquan's face flashed with a solemn look, and a spear appeared in his hand. The nine members of the Black Annihilation Army also became suspicious, and took out their spears one after another, changing the battlefield.


  A dark and solid gun shadow appeared above Lingquan and the others, and crashed into the invisible sword rainbow.


  The invisible sword rainbow tore through the gun shadow, and the remaining force cut through the battle formation of ten people.

  Lingquan and the others swayed, and Su Yun's attack almost broke up the formation of ten people. When

  Xiao Yan saw this scene, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

  Xun'er sensed the breath of Lingquan and the others before, and Xun'er told him when they were on their way here.

  The purpose of their coming this time is probably to bring her back to the tribe.

  If he has such strength, maybe he can keep Xun'er by his side.

  When can I catch up with Brother Su, three years, five years?

  "I think it's a suspense.

  Even if you are hit by the magic poison spot, with the Yin Yang Double Flame, not only will you be fine, but you can also refine it. You

  accidentally obtained the life-long skills of a three-star fighting emperor, and you can advance smoothly to the fighting king realm.

  But it is impossible to catch up with his cultivation progress within five years."

  Yao Lao's leisurely voice just sounded.

  They were attacked by the Iron Protector and luckily escaped. Then they met a fighting emperor-level poison master from the Izumo Empire.

  They forced him into a desperate situation, and then he attacked him with the magic poison spot.

  Xiao Yan used the power of the Yin Yang Double Flame to refine part of it, and even broke through to the fighting king.

  The magic poison spots left in Xiao Yan's body paved the way for him to become the fighting king.

  Xiao Yan was embarrassed and gritted his teeth.

  "We have to try, don't we?"

  "It's good that you have this ambition, but you should think about how to keep your girlfriend."

  Xiao Yan sighed when he heard this.

  Indeed, this is the most urgent matter.

  "Is this all you can do?"

  Su Yun stroked the long sword, his eyes full of contempt.

  "You are too much!"

  Lingquan roared.

  "I am too much?

  Why, you can hit people, but I can't fight back. Are the so-called ancient tribes so domineering?"

  Su Yun sneered.

  "My ancient tribe is not easy to bully!"

  Lingquan's face flashed with anger.

  Born in the ancient tribe, he was arrogant and thought he was superior to others. He didn't take the mainland Tianjiao seriously.

  Now that he was bullied by Su Yun, his mind was slightly blurred.

  "The killing formation, start!"

  Lingquan was furious. Faced with such an obvious gap in strength between the two sides, he actually took the initiative to attack.

  The nine Black Annihilation Army immediately changed their formation, and a murderous intent emanated from the battle formation.

  However, the faces of these nine Black Annihilation Army were not very good.

  In their opinion, the mission this time was to bring the young lady back, and it would be best not to cause any trouble or accidents.

  Before, Lingquan and Ziyan competed for medicinal materials, so they didn't want to help.

  Not to mention now facing Su Yun. But

  as subordinates, they had to listen to Lingquan's orders.

  Xiao Xun'er shook her head and was angry and impulsive.

  He ignored the relationship between the Thunder Clan and the Ancient Clan and took action just to save face.

  I don't know how Lingquan got the position of deputy commander.
