

  Chapter 348 The Little Devil is Hard to Bother (Second Update!)

  Then Su Yun looked at the jade plate in She Linyue's hand again, and pondered for a moment.

  This thing was held in She Linyue's hand, and according to the system's judgment, it was owned by someone.

  Otherwise, the system's recycling function could be used to snatch it away directly.

  "I have to remind Senior Tianhuo that he must not set foot within the scope of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Otherwise, She Linyue will use the power of the formation, and I'm afraid something big will happen."

  After Su Yun finished thinking, his figure flashed, and he walked out of the system space and appeared in the outside world.

  Looking back at She Linyue standing on the ruins, Su Yun's eyes flashed with indifference.

  Three-star Dou Zun is not bad.

  Among the four pavilions in Zhongzhou, except for the most powerful Xingyue Pavilion, the masters of the other three pavilions are generally at this level of cultivation.

  After subduing them, he will have two Douzun-level bodyguards on the surface, which will be much more convenient for him to act. Su Yun

  shook his shoulders, displayed the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings, and left the Heavenly Snake Mansion in a flash of rosy light.

  After returning to the inn, Su Yun immediately called Tianhuo Zun and Qinglin over.

  "The Heavenly Snake Mansion will conduct a check on the entire Heavenly Snake Holy City later, so be careful."


  Both of them looked frightened, and immediately realized that Su Yun's plan had caused a stir and attracted the attention of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  "Senior Tianhuo, you should have sensed the aura of that Snake Linyue just now."

  Venerable Tianhuo nodded after hearing this.

  "Well, as a three-star fighting master, I am no match for her in a head-on battle.

  But her aura is not too strong among three-star fighting masters, and she should have just broken through not long ago. I am

  sure to lead her into the depths of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range."

  "Senior Tianhuo, there is a protective formation in the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  This time I was almost discovered because of this formation.

  When the time comes, remember not to set foot in the Heavenly Snake Mansion, and it is best not to approach its airspace."

  Venerable Tianhuo's eyes flashed with surprise.

  "You still have a bad time, I understand."


  ... ...

  She Pang and the elders of the Douhuang level had just finished relaxing in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, and just wanted to have a good sleep when they returned to the Heavenly Snake Mansion, but they were called to explore the Holy City of Heavenly Snake.

  "Alas, although I have been promoted to this headquarters, the affairs are too busy."

  A trace of annoyance flashed across She Pang's face.

  "Hey, you kid, don't be ungrateful, you don't want such a big benefit."

  The Douhuang elder chuckled.

  "Elder, what do you mean?"

  A shrewd look appeared on She Pang's face, and he asked humbly.


  "Well, don't worry, I will treat you next time."

  "I knew you were smart!"

  The Douhuang elder patted She Pang's shoulder with satisfaction.

  "This kind of search is assigned by the higher-ups, so we have to do it carefully.

  It's not against the rules to do something good while doing it."

  Fatty She pretended to be enlightened and bowed to express his gratitude.

  "Thank you for your advice, elder."


  Elder Dou Huang laughed and walked forward.

  Fatty She followed behind Elder Dou Huang, but his brows were tightly wrinkled.

  He was able to be promoted from a remote place to the headquarters, in addition to the credits he had gained before, because of his tactfulness.

  He was able to quickly curry favor with Elder Dou Huang, which shows how smart he is.

  "This is not appropriate.

  Even if we rely on the power of the Heavenly Snake Palace, they will still have complaints and secretly hate us. It is not easy to take things from living people..."

  He had previously taken the bounty of Mo Suyun, but because he had not shown up for a year, She Pang judged that something might have happened to him, so he dared to take it.

  "People who can live in the Holy City of Heavenly Snake have some strength. I am a newcomer... This is not appropriate."

  The two followed the team to search all the way and came to an inn.   

  Elder Douhuang immersed his mind in his ring, looking at the herbs and gold coins, a sense of satisfaction flashed through his heart.

  Fatty She watched from the side, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

  This person cannot be made close friends. Although he has some strength and power, he is too greedy and will get into trouble sooner or later.

  We must think of a way to sever the relationship as soon as possible.

  In the inn, Su Yun, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

  "Here they come."

  Su Yun got off the bed and waited quietly for the search of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  "Open the door, open the door!"

  "The Heavenly Snake Mansion is being searched! Everyone come out!"


  Everyone in the inn was called out and cooperated with the search obediently.

  The Heavenly Snake Mansion is too powerful in the Heavenly Snake Empire, and there is almost no gap between it and other forces. They dare not resist at all on someone else's territory.

  When Elder Dou Huang asked for favors, there was a hint of hostility in his eyes, and he remembered his face.

  The three of them stood together, mixed in with the many guests.

  Su Yun looked at this scene and raised his eyebrows.

  The Heavenly Snake Mansion has been standing for a long time, and these people are probably used to being overbearing.

  In the original timeline, Qing Lin was also directly abducted by Lu Man and Bai Ya, without any intention of negotiation.

  Elder Dou Huang came to Su Yun and others, explored their cultivation, and immediately stretched out his hand. The meaning of the expression was self-evident.

  Venerable Tianhuo went up to smile apologetically and took out the fifth-grade elixir that had been prepared long ago from the ring.

  "Please take it."

  Elder Dou Huang looked at it and frowned immediately.

  "Three Dou Huangs just took out a fifth-grade elixir, who are you fooling?"

  A hint of coldness flashed in the eyes of the Skyfire Venerable, which quickly dissipated, and he took out two jade bottles from the ring.

  "Oh, see what you said, I am not old, I can't hold things steadily, and I accidentally dropped it just now."

  The Douhuang elder was satisfied.

  "Don't try to play tricks!"

  After saying this, the Douhuang elder turned around and asked for benefits from others.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes, moved his fingers slightly, and left a hidden soul aura on the body of the Douhuang elder.

  At this time, She Pang came over and bowed.

  "Are any of you three a pharmacist?"


  The Skyfire Venerable shook his head.

  "Really? That's right. My Heavenly Snake Mansion is recruiting pharmacists these days.

  If anyone is a pharmacist, please tell me. I will report it later and the salary will definitely be generous."

  Heavenly Fire Venerable smiled.

  "Thank you for the reminder, but none of us three really have the qualifications." "In that case, sorry to bother you."   After saying this, Fatty Snake left without asking for any benefits.   The three of them were all Douhuang strongmen, so it's better not to make

  trouble .   After the people from the Heavenly Snake Mansion left, a wave of complaints immediately broke out in the inn.   "This Heavenly Snake Mansion is really overbearing!"   "Who said it's not? They actually asked me for a bottle of fourth-grade elixir!"   "You are still good, Fatty is a little better, that Fighting King is just greedy!"   "Who said it's not!"   "..."   The three ignored the complaints of others and returned to the room.   Su Yun's mind moved, and as his soul power surged, a small soul ball formed in his hand and handed it to the Sky Fire Venerable.   "I left a soul energy on him. This thing can sense his position.   When you go to the Heavenly Snake Mansion to lure out the snake Linyue, you can take the opportunity to kill him."   (End of this chapter)