

  Chapter 354: The Heavenly Snake Mansion Comes (Second Update!)

  After a while, the weakness brought by performing the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire gradually subsided, and Su Yun pondered for a while. The transition from

  Douhuang to Douzong is a big bottleneck, and it will take a long time to completely break through. Even with Qinglin's situation, it will probably take more than a month.

  So Su Yun asked the Heavenly Fire Venerable to build a space platform for him and start practicing.

  For the Heavenly Fire Venerable, even if the people from the Heavenly Snake Mansion come, they are just delivering food, and it is more than enough for them to protect the law. There is

  no need for him to take care of it.

  Su Yun's mind is immersed in the magic poison spot on his chest. This thing has shrunk a lot, and it will probably be completely refined and dried up in a short time.

  Four-colored flames surged toward the demon poison spot, and the extremely poisonous Dou Qi was transformed into pure energy, increasing Su Yun's cultivation.

  The two of them practiced for two months.


  In the meeting hall of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, many elders gathered together, with some worry on their faces.

  "The ancestor hasn't come back yet, is there anything wrong?"

  An elder worried.

  "Nonsense! You saw the battle in the Heavenly Snake Holy City before, and the ancestor almost crushed the Dou Zun with a crushing force.

  How could there be any problem!"

  Another elder retorted.

  The elders were talking a lot, and the Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, who was sitting in the first seat, was quite annoyed.

  The ancestor has not returned for two months. Logically, he should have returned. How could this happen?

  The Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion frowned, and his aura slightly increased. The whole audience immediately fell silent.

  "That day, the ancestor and the fighting lord flew towards the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

  Now they may be fighting deep in the mountains. Are there any elders willing to go and take a look?"

  As soon as these words came out, all the elders lowered their heads, obviously not wanting to get involved.

  The battle between the venerables was not something they could spy on.

  If the ancestor and the fighting lord were really fighting in the mountains, if they got a little closer, the aftermath would seriously injure them or even kill them.

  Seeing this, the Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion felt a nameless fire rising from his heart.

  These guys, when there is benefit, are more active than the other, but now they are gone.


  The Lord of the Sky Snake Mansion snorted coldly and shouted softly.

  "The Great Elder stays in the Sky Snake Mansion, and the rest of the Dou Zong elders follow me into the Demonic Beast Mountain Range!"


  The faces of the rest of the Dou Zong elders except the Great Elder were a little ugly.

  However, due to the majesty of the Lord of the Sky Snake Mansion, they could only respond.

  The Sky Snake Mansion soon rose several Dou Zong auras and headed towards the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

  At this time, deep in the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

  Venerable Tianhuo looked at the fluctuations of Su Yun's aura and his eyebrows jumped.

  He could understand the situation of Qing Lin, the little girl. With the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils absorbing the cultivation of snake monsters, she would be able to completely advance to the Dou Zong in two months.

  But Su Yun, who was at the Dou Zong stage, could actually make a small progress in two months!

  Back then, when he was at the Dou Zong stage, he would have laughed out loud if he could break through to one star in two years.

  The Skyfire Venerable was shocked for a moment, then he gathered his mind and seriously protected the two people. Now both of them were at the last moment of breakthrough and could not be disturbed.

  At this time, the group of people from the Sky Snake Mansion were traveling through the Monster Mountain Range.

  "Palace Master, do we still want to go deeper?

  We have been flying for a long time. If the ancestor and the Dou Zun were fighting in the mountains, they must have sensed the aftermath of their battle."

  An elder asked.

  The Palace Master of the Heavenly Snake Palace also had some doubts in his heart.

  The elder was right. If they were fighting here, the movement would definitely be sensed by them.

  "Keep going forward. We haven't reached the deepest point yet."

  The Palace Master of the Heavenly Snake Palace thought for a while and decided to continue exploring deep into the Demonic Beast Mountains.

  The ancestor is the confidence of the Heavenly Snake Palace and cannot be lost.

  Although their strength is low, they can form a Heavenly Snake formation and exert strength close to that of the Dou Zun, which can help a little.


  Skyfire Venerable's expression changed.   

  Although Dou Zun's perception is not as good as that of the spirit realm soul, it is also very strong.

  "Someone is coming."

  A smile flashed across the face of Tianhuo Zun, and he waved his sleeves, condensing the power of space to form a shield to protect Su Yun and Qing Lin.

  Soon, the people from Tianshe Mansion appeared in front of Tianhuo Zun.

  "Palace Master, look!

  Is that the Dou Zun who invaded our Tianshe Mansion before!"

  An elder exclaimed.

  "It's him! The ancestor is behind him. It's strange, why are there two more young people?"

  Another elder said.

  Qing Lin did not take She Linyue into the world in his eyes, and she remained above the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

  "Damn it!"

  The face of the Tianshe Mansion Lord changed slightly.

  Although we still don't know what happened, judging from this situation, the ancestor's situation is not very good!

  The people from the Sky Snake Mansion immediately increased their speed and flew towards the Sky Fire Venerable.

  A look of indifference flashed across the Sky Fire Venerable's eyes.

  He was indeed no match for She Linyue, but his Dou Zun cultivation was real.

  They were just a few Dou Zongs, and they couldn't turn the tables.


  The Sky Fire Venerable gathered his Dou Qi on his Adam's apple and shouted softly. Although it was not a sonic fighting skill, the

  majestic Dou Qi gave the people from the Sky Snake Mansion a great threat.

  The people from the Sky Snake Mansion looked at the Sky Fire Venerable as if they were facing a great enemy.


  The Lord of the Sky Snake Mansion called out hurriedly, but She Linyue didn't react at all, as if he didn't hear anything, and just stood in the sky with a dull expression.

  "Damn it!"

  "Haha, little girl, give up."

  The Skyfire Venerable laughed, and the majestic fighting spirit in his hand condensed, and he slapped out with a palm, and the terrifying fire palm print killed the people in the Sky Snake Mansion.

  "Not good."

  The faces of the people in the Sky Snake Mansion changed drastically.

  "Form a Sky Snake formation!"

  The Sky Snake Mansion Lord shouted.


  The people in the Sky Snake Mansion all looked solemn, and their auras flourished. They changed positions and responded to each other. The overall shape looked like a sky snake.

  As the formation took shape, the auras of the people in the Sky Snake Mansion gathered together and began to surge, stuck between the peak of the Dou Zong and the Dou Zun.


  The Sky Snake Mansion Lord shouted loudly, and immediately formed several mysterious hand seals with his jade hands, manipulating the sky snake to meet the fire palm print of the Skyfire Venerable.

  "It looks like it still has some hope."

  Venerable Skyfire had a playful look on his face.


  The flame palm print collided with the Sky Snake, and a powerful energy burst out. The flame palm print dissipated, but the Sky Snake's body also began to become illusory.

  The faces of the people in the Sky Snake Palace were even paler. It

  was true that they blocked the attack of Venerable Skyfire, but their fighting spirit had dropped a lot. Under the disordered breath, the Sky Snake formation was a little bit unable to maintain.

  "The gap between the Dou Zun and the Dou Zong is not so easy to cross."

  Venerable Skyfire shook his head and slapped out another palm.

  "Can you still take this palm?"

  Another flame palm print slapped towards the Sky Snake.


  The Sky Snake was instantly blown up, and the formation of the people in the Sky Snake Palace was completely messed up.
