

  Chapter 396 Refining Bone Spirit Cold Fire (3rd update!)

  There was something to say overnight.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian dressed neatly and went to the practice room to practice.

  When they arrived at the practice room, Su Yun sat cross-legged and slowly practiced the exercises to precipitate every bit of his fighting spirit.

  The four-colored fire traveled through the meridians, helping Su Yun to purify his fighting spirit with the surging power of the flame.


  Time passed in a flash.

  Su Yun exited the practice state and opened his eyes.

  "Almost done."

  Su Yun's mind moved immediately, and his figure disappeared from the practice room and came to the system space.

  The pale flame floated in the corner of the system space, and the terrifying fire energy contained in it was the strongest among the strange fires Su Yun had come into contact with, even now.

  Su Yun's eyes were dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Generally speaking, if a strange fire is refined by someone, then its source of strange fire must be marked with the soul mark of the owner.

  And with this soul mark, the strange fire becomes an owner.

  Because the strange fire has spirit, if an outsider wants to erase this layer of soul mark, it will inevitably be fiercely resisted by the strange fire.

  However, this is just common sense.

  The system space exists independently, and the things he puts here, no matter what form of connection they have with the Douqi Continent, will be isolated and cut off.

  Therefore, the soul mark on the bone spirit cold fire has completely dissipated, and he can refine the bone spirit cold fire with peace of mind.

  Su Yun came to the bone spirit cold fire, connected his mind with the system, and used the replacement function to replace a ground spirit pill.

  Although this thing is a sixth-grade pill, it is very helpful for refining strange fires outside the top ten on the strange fire list.

  Although now with the help provided by the four-color flame, the terrifying suppression of the strange fire by the "Burning Cold Art", and the body comparable to the eighth-level magic beast, without using any external objects, there is a great chance to subdue the bone spirit cold fire.

  But who would think that the chance is too high?

  Su Yun took the ground spirit pill, and after his whole body was covered with an energy film, he urged the four-color flame to protect his arm. Under the double protection, he stretched out his hand to the bone spirit cold fire.

  The terrifying power of flame suddenly erupted. Unlike other strange fires, the power of the flame of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire not only has a temperature that distorts space, but also has an absolute zero degree of cold.

  This is the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, a strange flame that combines fire and ice.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and accelerated the speed of his arm's exploration.

  Soon, an ice-blue source of strange fire appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  The surging pale flames continued to emerge from it, and the violent aura made Su Yun feel a lingering fear in his heart.

  Su Yun did not hesitate and swallowed the source of the strange fire of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire in his hand into his mouth.

  Refining strange fire is a matter of great willpower. Hesitation will most likely lead to failure!

  At the moment when the source of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire entered Su Yun's body, the terrifying power of flame and the aura of ice completely covered Su Yun's body.

  The two energies with completely different properties continued to erode Su Yun's body, trying to completely wipe it out.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and severe pain came from all parts of his body. The fighting spirit in his body turned wildly, and the four-color flames burst out from all parts of his body, cooperating with the energy film condensed by the Earth Spirit Pill to continuously compete with the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

  Only then did Su Yun's pain subside a lot. Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief and focused his attention on the source of the strange fire in his body. The skills kept turning and began the long process of refining.

  Time passed slowly, and the energy film on Su Yun's body gradually dissipated. The energy of the Earth Spirit Pill was almost completely exhausted.

  Without the help of the Earth Spirit Pill, it would be much more difficult for Su Yun to refine the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

  Although Su Yun was shocked, he did not panic. He immediately used the replacement function of the system to replace another Earth Spirit Pill and swallowed it into his stomach.

  As long as there are enough energy crystals, there will naturally be plenty of pills.

  Krypton can do whatever he wants.

  The energy of the Earth Spirit Pill continued to burst out, forming a solid energy film again to protect Su Yun's body.   

  The Bone Spirit Cold Fire was more difficult to refine than he had imagined, and there was still a long time before this tug-of-war ended.

  The previously silent system space was filled with the sound of burning flames.

  Su Yun's "Burning Cold Art" was now a quasi-heavenly-level technique, and its suppression of the strange fire was already considerable.

  In addition, the four-color flame was already stronger than the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, and with the help of the Earth Spirit Pill, refining the Bone Spirit Cold Fire was more difficult, but it was only a matter of time.

  After a long time, the Bone Spirit Cold Fire on Su Yun's body finally began to shrink and return to the source of the strange fire.

  A smile also appeared on Su Yun's face.

  The powerful fighting spirit traveled through the meridians, carrying the source of the strange fire into the Naling. At the same time, a huge amount of energy also exploded in Su Yun's body.

  Su Yun immediately madly turned the "Burning Cold Art" to refine this huge energy into his own fighting spirit.

  Su Yun had completely subdued the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, and the five-colored flames were surging in his body. Needless to say, the refining power of such flames was naturally strong, and Su Yun's aura gradually became stronger.

  It began to rise from the Seven-Star Dou Zong.

  The time of cultivation was long, but the practitioner himself did not feel much.

  Eight-Star Dou Zong!

  Nine-Star Dou Zong!

  Nine-Star Dou Zong Peak!

  An indestructible and powerful bottleneck appeared in Su Yun's body.

  The surging Dou Qi continued to carry huge energy and attack it.

  Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of times!

  But no matter how Su Yun attacked, the Dou Zun bottleneck did not react at all.

  "No, I still underestimated the solidity of the Dou Zun bottleneck!

  If this goes on, even if the energy brought by the swallowing of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire is completely exhausted, I can't break through the Dou Zun!

  And because of the failure to attack the bottleneck, my cultivation will fall back!"

  Su Yun's face showed a solemn look.

  The backlash caused by the failure to break through the bottleneck of the great realm is huge, and it is common for cultivation to regress, even he is not immune.

  "This won't work!"

  Su Yun roared in his heart.


  System, replace the seventh-grade peak elixir, the Wall-breaking Pill!"

  "Ding, the host's replacement needs are detected. To replace the seventh-grade peak elixir, the Wall-breaking Pill, four seventh-grade energy crystals are required. Do you want to replace it?"


  "Ding, replacement is successful."

  A Wall-breaking Pill immediately appeared in Su Yun's hand and he swallowed it.

  After the Wall-breaking Pill entered Su Yun's body, it was surrounded by five-colored flames, and the powerful flame power quickly refined it.

  As the medicinal power of the Wall-breaking Pill spread, the solid Dou Zun bottleneck in Su Yun's body was affected by it and immediately loosened a little. Although it was still solid, it was not as strong as before, and there was no hope of breaking through it.


  Su Yun's heart flashed with a trace of determination, and he seized the opportunity to attack the Dou Zun bottleneck again.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  A series of muffled sounds came from Su Yun's body, and the flow of Dou Qi made a sound like a rushing river.

  It was unknown how long it had passed, and suddenly a sound of breaking echoed in the system space!