

  Chapter 398 Recent Situation (Second Update!)

  "Has anything happened during this period?"

  Su Yun continued to ask.

  Hai Bodong frowned.

  "No major changes.

  But after you were in seclusion for a month, the Cao family and the Dan family of Danta both sent people to visit."

  After arriving in Zhongzhou, Hai Bodong also roughly clarified his identity and position.

  Needless to say, Su Yun is the leader of the crowd, while Xiao Yixian and Qinglin and others have fully developed and formed a good combat force, but they also need to continue to cultivate.

  Tianhuo Zun has broad knowledge and wants to pursue a higher realm, so the daily chores and errands are his.

  Hai Bodong is also happy with this. Maybe in the Northwest Continent, he can be regarded as a top figure, but here, he has been mediocre.

  Su Yun heard this, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  Could it be that Cao Ying and Dan Chen came?

  He did not take this matter to heart. Danta was indeed powerful, but the so-called five major families sounded very powerful, but in fact, they were just that.

  If it were not for the two women Cao Ying and Dan Chen who were extremely talented in refining medicine in this generation, they would not have any sense of existence in the original book.

  Then Su Yun returned to the living room, made a pot of tea for himself, and tasted it carefully. After

  ten months of seclusion, it is time to relax a little.

  And just when Su Yun was recuperating.

  In a big city in Zhongzhou, a resolute man with a big ruler on his back walked on the street.

  "It is worthy of Zhongzhou. In just one city, I can feel the breath of several Douzong masters."

  Xiao Yan sighed in his heart.

  "This is just the beginning."

  Yao Lao's voice echoed in Xiao Yan's heart, with a touch of nostalgia and complexity in his tone.

  "The land of Zhongzhou is quite prosperous. The Dou Sect is just qualified to travel. The

  Dou Emperor is just a disciple of each super power.

  Although you have refined two kinds of strange fires and your cultivation has reached the peak of the Dou Emperor, you still have to be cautious in Zhongzhou."

  "Don't worry, teacher."

  Xiao Yan nodded, with a resolute look on his face.

  After leaving Canaan Academy for training, he trained in various places in the northwest continent, and even obtained the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire, which ranks 13th on the Strange Fire List, from an underground magma.

  After going through untold hardships to refine it, his cultivation finally reached the peak of Fighting Emperor. He was only one step away from the realm of Fighting Sect that had been out of reach before.

  "Teacher, where are we going next?"

  "Let's go to Xingyue Pavilion.

  I haven't seen my old friend Feng Xian for a long time. The Alchemy Conference

  is held every thirty years. Calculating the time, there are only more than two years left.

  When we arrive at Xingyue Pavilion, we can also settle down well. With the financial resources of Xingyue Pavilion, I can also teach you to improve your alchemy skills.

  Otherwise, with the realm of a sixth-grade alchemist, it is impossible to rank among the top ten in the Alchemy Conference.

  Conquering the Three Thousand Flames will also become empty talk."

  The top ten in each Alchemy Conference will be given the qualification to conquer the Three Thousand Flames.

  Their main goal in coming to Zhongzhou this time is the Three Thousand Flames.

  "Even a sixth-grade alchemist can't do it?"

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with surprise.

  "Don't be narrow-minded.

  Although the Alchemy Conference stipulates that everyone can only participate once, there is no age limit.

  Who knows, some old monsters who have been in seclusion for many years may appear. Not

  to mention the sixth-grade, even if you are a low-level seventh-grade pharmacist, you may not be able to enter the top 50 of the Alchemy Conference.

  Let alone the top 10."

  Xiao Yan felt dizzy for a while.

  "The competition is so fierce!"

  He suddenly felt like he was taking the college entrance examination in his previous life. He felt that his grades were not bad, but there were repeaters and competition masters in front of him, and he was in a mess.   

  "Let's not talk about anything else. If Su Yun participates in the alchemy meeting, he will definitely take up a place.

  Zhongzhou is full of geniuses, and it is normal for a few incredible monsters to emerge. We can't slack off."

  "Yes, teacher!"


  On the other side, the little medical fairy has withdrawn from the state of cultivation and snuggled in Su Yun's arms.

  Su Yun felt the breath of the little medical fairy in his arms, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  Seven-star peak Dou Zun.

  The little medical fairy's cultivation speed is still as fast as before. After the "Lingyunxian" was promoted to the low-level heavenly level, the speed of refining poisons has increased a lot.

  However, the little medical fairy's cultivation speed can maintain such a speed, which is also related to him.

  There are not many toxins on the Douqi Continent that can poison Dou Zun and Dou Sheng.

  Although the speed of cultivating the Evil Poison Body is fast, it also has its limits.

  It is okay to become a Dou Zun, but if you cultivate to the Dou Sheng stage, it is basically the end.

  Because there is almost no toxin in the world that can support its continued cultivation.

  The Little Medical Fairy was able to cross the two-star cultivation level in ten months because he used the system's replacement function to replace a large amount of the Netherworld Poison Fire Origin before he closed the door, allowing her to refine and absorb.

  However, Su Yun's resources are a bit overwhelmed.

  Since coming to Zhongzhou, he has basically not obtained any resources and has been in a state of deficit.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun's face was embarrassed, and he couldn't help immersing his mind in the system space.

  Generally speaking, there are only 20% of the resources when we were most prosperous...

  Su Yun shook his head.

  It's been a long time since I was worried about resources.

  I have to make money to support my family.

  Su Yun put his big hand on the slender waist of the little medical fairy, and the touch of the girl's white and smooth skin came from his palm.

  This aspect is simple. With his identity as an eighth-grade pharmacist, he can naturally obtain a lot of resources by refining pills for those Dou Zun strongmen for a period of time.

  But he is not very willing to do so. The refining of eighth-grade pills is time-consuming and laborious, and it delays his cultivation too much.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and thought of a way.

  Just as he was going to Fenglei Pavilion to get the Three Thousand Thunder Illusions, he might as well plunder their treasure house as well.

  After all, it is a super power that has been established for a hundred years, so it should have some inventory.

  "By the way, why hasn't Qinglin come out yet?"

  Su Yun asked curiously.

  He has been out of retreat for some time, and Xiao Yixian, Tianhuo Zunzhe and others have also withdrawn from the state of cultivation.

  Generally speaking, unless you break through the realm, you don't need to practice for such a long time at a time, right?

  "Qinglin, during the time you were in retreat, her soul power has reached the perfection

  of the spiritual realm. Two months ago, she realized the opportunity to break through the heavenly realm, but she hasn't come out yet."

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped.

  Bishe Sanhuatong is really talented in soul power. It hasn't been long since Qinglin's soul power broke through the heavenly realm.

  Then Su Yun called Tianhuo Zunzhe in again.

  "How does Senior Tianhuo feel?"

  Su Yun smiled.

  A smile flashed across the old face of the Skyfire Venerable, knowing that Su Yun was asking him about his feelings after taking the Fuling Green Pill.

  "Very good."

  A majestic breath rose from the Skyfire Venerable, and the breath of the Five-Star Fighting Venerable was clearly visible.

  After swallowing the Fuling Green Pill, his cultivation returned to its heyday, and the strength of the Five-Star Fighting Venerable was already good.

  One tower, one hall, two sects, three valleys, and four pavilions.

  No one in the Four Pavilions is a match for the Skyfire Venerable, and the strongest person in the Three Valleys is at this level.