Alex and his heartbreak

This is a good day for Alex, he is running too fast on the road because today he's going to propose to his crush and he's a hundred per cent sure that she'll accept her proposal. He's ignoring the signals because he's running on a footpath so he has no issues.

Alex is an 18-year-old and a good-looking guy. The girls of his college are always trying to propose to him, but he turns them down. He has zero interest in his same-age girl. He only loves older age lady or milf. We can say he's a proper example of gerontophilia.

Alex always loved older women since his childhood. His love interest always has been a nature lady what we call now 'milfs' and he proposes to his home tutor at the age of 12. That lady thinks he's just a child so she ignores her. His mother and father also knew Alex's type of nature at the age of 15, when Alex proposed to his maternal aunt.

He persuades her too much that his aunt leaves that home and shifts to another place. Alex's family is kind of super-rich. He has one more elder brother and he's perfectly fine. His older brother also torcher Alex for his nature.

When Alex goes to college he gets bullied by seniors or his classmate. In that tragic time, when no one helped him, he got a light and that light was his maths professor. Her name is 'Merlin' and she's very alluring and his kind nature. She helped Alex at that time and she also guided her on the right path Alex got good marks and got admission to America's top University.

Merlin is 30 years old lady and she's divorced. She has a breath-taking body and her figure is top-notch. She is single and Alex always tries to propose to her. He always wants to find a perfect time and today he got his joining letter from the top University. This is the perfect time when he'll propose to her.

Alex messages her early in the morning that he'll meet her at Sunhill cafe. He bought a ring and also bought a bouquet of roses. All preparations are top-notch. If Merlin accepts his proposal, he'll marry her after getting a good job, he has no issues with her past. He just wants that angle all for him.

He reached at sunhill cafe and he saw Merlin standing with a guy, who was around the same age as hers. They both are holding hands and smiling. When Alex saw this his heart broken. He just can't bear to watch this scene. When Alex was busy and his heart throbbing fastly, then Merlin also noticed him.

Merlin waved her hand and Alex came there. Merlin told him "Alex, meet Sam, he's my lawyer and now he's my boyfriend, we're getting married this month's end, you are also invited because you are my favourite student, by the way, Alex why you called me early in this morning"

Alex drinks the tears in his eyes and tells her "Teacher, I got an invitation from a top University and I'll be joining there tomorrow, I'm sorry but I can't be at your marriage, but I wish you a happy married life" Alex gave her that flower bouquet and move backwards. He can see that Sam is squeezing Merlin's ass and she is moaning slowly. She also maintains her composer, so that Alex cannot listen.

When Merlin saw that Alex was going now she told her loudly "Thanks Alex, and good luck with your university, don't get bullied now by others" She moaned at the last words.

Alex just said thank you teacher and went to a different way. He also listened to Merlin's words when she was telling Sam that he could do whatever with her tonight. That's the last word he heard from her when he vanished from that sight.

Now, Alex has no destination and he's just a lost soul now. He has no idea, where he's going and where he is. He even didn't see that a car was running towards him at full speed. Alex remembered Merlin's moan and that scene and his heart stopped and he fell in front of that speed car and his soul was gone to a different dimension.

Alex opened his eyes and saw that, he was in a very auspicious place. He can so see there is a beautiful garden and lots of beautiful birds roaming here and there. Everything is perfect but Alex's soul is not moving from that place. He has a hole in his soul. He just wants to be alone and does not want anything.

He's just lost in his thoughts when he hears the sound of a man. Alex opened his eyes and saw that a man who had a long beard and still had a charming aura was looking at him.

Alex was kind of hypnotized by that man's charm. He forgets about all his pain and he just wants to look into that man's eyes. He also forgets about Merlin and all his love interest.

That man saw Alex from up to down and told him "I know you passed through a lot of pain and also you lost your love interest"

When Alex heard these things he immediately moved back to his thoughts and closed his eyes. When that man saw this thing, he just moved his head and said nothing.

That man waited for a few minutes and said again "I know your all deeds and also know that you are a kind person, you are just unlucky in the love interest because on earth your type of love interest isn't good things for society, that's why I am here "

Alex heard everything and said "Will you return everything, that I lost in those years, will you make an earth, where everyone can live however they want, can you do those things? "

That man held a silence for a few minutes and said again "I can't revert everything and I can't even do as you want, but I will give you a suitable place, where you can do what ur heart desires, u can approach any women"

Alex just listened to that man and said "And who are you and why do you want to give me those opportunities and why only me? What's your purpose? "

That man held silence for a second and said " I'm the 'harem milf overlord' and I want to create another overlord and you are perfect for this position, just don't degrade my name and do as you like, I also gave you a gift, maybe you will like it and now go, enjoy your journey "

Alex disappeared from that place and that man looked down and said to himself " That pal is interesting, he's a bit emotional, but he's perfect for my successor, now I have to enjoy his journey, it will take him a few years to reach this place" and then he also disappeared from that place.

(This is my first time on this platform and I hope you guys will like my work shortly )