Chapter 9: Court of Fontaine IV Lady Furina

(Chapter 9 Court of Fontaine IV)

"Yes, lovely evening it is tonight. Do I know you?"

Tempest asked the Fatui agent who talked with his Father.

"Ah! Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I am Yegor Mikhailov of Snezhnaya. It is a great honor to finally meet you, Young Master."

The Fatui agent named. Yegor raised his hand for a handshake. Without hesitation, Tempest raised his hand to meet his.

"Nice to meet you as well, Mister Yegor, or should I say, Comrade Yegor?"

Tempest said, his face still as emotionless and impossible to read as ever while he shook his hand.

"Haha, you know how to address a Snezhnayan formally, I see. I'm flattered and honored, Comrade Tempest."

The Fatui agent smiled, satisfied with the way Tempest addressed him. He then let go of his hand.

"You spoke with my Father?"

Tempest asked him.

"Yes, it is a mutual agreement that would benefit both our nations, your Father and his researchers have managed to create a battery that could contain the energy called Indemnitium, as you know Indemnitium powers the entirety of Fontaine, from its Meks to its city lights and everything else, Snezhnaya has offered a deal with your Father to research the battery he created in return we will provide Stormwind resources only found in Snezhnaya."

Tempest listened intently to his explanation, unsure if he was hearing the truth or just a well-crafted lie. However, he did know one thing, his Father was selling the Ghost Program to the Fatui, and the conversation he overheard earlier confirmed it.

"I see."

Tempest simply replied to him.

"Ah, Yegor, you've met my son I see."

His Father, Mengsk finally got out of his room.

"Ah, Your Grace. I was just talking with your son here, he truly knows how to flatter someone, you truly raised a great son, Your Grace."

Mengsk simply scoffed at Yegor before speaking.

"Is that so? Hmph, he may be a man of few words, but he is quite the charmer, right my son?"

His Father walks towards him and roughly ruffles his hair.


Tempest simply said, not even fazed when his Father ruffled his hair.

"Well then, it's time for me to get going as well, Young Master. I look forward to seeing you in the coming months. Have a great evening with Lady Furina, Your Grace."

"Very well, Yegor, I will send a messenger hawk when the time comes."

Yegor nodded and then shortly walked away, leaving Tempest alone with his Father.

"What did you two talk about?"

His Father asked him, not even sparing a glance at him.

"He simply introduced himself to me, Father."

"Really? Hmph, well then it's time we get going, we don't want to keep our 'Archon.' Waiting."

Mengsk scoffed at the word, 'Archon.' Then shortly he walked on the halls of the hotel to the entrance, Tempest followed without question.

'If you despise her so much, then why in seven hells have you requested a meeting with her?'

Tempest said in his head.

After a short walk, they both arrived at the hotel entrance. Outside, a carriage awaited them, with Pierre standing beside it.

"Your Grace, do you need an escort on your way to the Palais Mermonia?"

Pierre asked Mengsk.

"No need. Have the knights ready for departure. We will leave the moment I'm done with the meeting."

Pierre simply nodded and opened the carriage for them. Mengsk was the first to get in, followed closely by Tempest.

The carriage then started to move to the Waterway Hub, the elevator from there would lead upwards to the Palais Mermonia.

"Can I ask a question, Father?"

Tempest asked his Father while he took out a cigarette from his outfit and then lit it up.

"What now?"

His Father simply replied while taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Why do you want to see, Lady Furina?"

Mengsk blew the smoke from his cigarette then he glanced at his son.

"None of your business, Tempest. You'll just be there to introduce yourself to her, then leave the room, as I will be the one doing the talking."

Mengsk glared at him, but Tempest was unfazed as he was used to those eyes.


Tempest simply replied to him.

After a short while, the carriage arrived at the Waterway Hub. As usual, Mengsk was the first to get off, followed closely by Tempest.

"Wait for us."

Mengsk spoke briefly to the coachman of the carriage, who nodded in understanding. After their exchange, both of them proceeded to enter the elevator that ascended towards the Palais Mermonia, the residence of Lady Furina and also the office of High Judge Neuvillette resided inside.

As they arrived at the grounds of the Palais Mermonia, Tempest gazed at the towering, magnificent building ahead. It was guarded by numerous Gardes and Clockwork Meks, their presence emphasizing the grandeur and security of the estate.

"I'll leave you behind if you keep daydreaming."

Mengsk tells his son.

"I'm right behind you, Father."

As they walked towards the entrance of the Palais Mermonia, Tempest couldn't help but notice the unmistakable distaste in the eyes of the onlookers nearby. Their expressions spoke volumes, revealing a mixture of curiosity, resentment, and perhaps even fear towards the imposing figure of Mengsk and his son beside him, but Mengsk wasn't bothered by these 'peasants' in his eyes, he walked with pride.

The two Gardes guarding the massive door of the Palais Mermonia opened them graciously, welcoming Mengsk and Tempest inside. For Tempest, the interior held a familiar sight, its architecture reminiscent of the Proudmoore mansion, yet distinctly lacking the usual array of paintings depicting past Dukes that adorned the walls, which Tempest was thankful for.

There was also a huge line of people that would lead to the counter. Mengsk simply walked passed them and pushed away the man first in line.

"H-Hey! I was here first!"

The man shouted at Mengsk, but as he realized who he was addressing, fear flooded his eyes. He recoiled visibly, startled by the intensity of Mengsk's threatening glare, which seemed to pierce straight through to his soul.

"Depart peasant."

Mengsk tossed him a pouch full of Mora. Visibly confused, the man hesitated before accepting it. After a moment, he picked up the pouch and quietly joined the end of the line, Tempest simply sighed at his Father's actions.

"You, creature, where is Furina? I have a meeting with her."

Mengsk asked the Melusine at the counter.

"Mengsk Proudmoore, I presume? Lady Furina's in High Judge Neuvillette's office, just over there."

The Melusine replied not even bothered when called 'creature' by Mengsk, she pointed to a door left side of the counter.

"Let's go."

Mengsk said, not even thanking the Melusine.

"Thank you, and I apologize."

Tempest said to the Melusine, bowing his head for a short while, the Melusine simply nodded in response, and he then followed his Father.

"Don't do anything stupid, get out once you made your introduction."

Mengsk tells his son, as they are on the doorstep of Neuvillette's office.


Tempest replied, Mengsk then opened the door inside was Lady Furina sitting on a couch her legs crossed one another while drinking something from her cup, on the table in the middle doing his work was High Judge Neuvillette.

Tempest replied, and Mengsk opened the door. Inside, Lady Furina sat on a couch with her legs crossed, sipping from a cup. At the table in the center of the room, High Judge Neuvillette was diligently working. Both their eyes darted to the person who opened the door.

"Furina! We meet again! Oh! And High Judge Neuvillette is also here I see."

Mengsk said while smiling and his arms opened wide not even addressing her as 'Lady Furina,' Tempest silently followed his Father on the back.

"Augh, didn't we agree to meet this evening, Mengsk Proudmoore? You've already wasted enough of my precious time, let's just get this meeting over with, what do you want? And who's this person?"

Lady Furina spoke in a flamboyant yet disappointed tone. Lady Furina then turned her eyes to Tempest, with Neuvillette closely observing the interaction.

"My sincere apologies for being late, Furina. This is my son."

Mengsk gestured to his son. Tempest put his left hand on his chest and then bowed to Lady Furina, Furina raised an eyebrow at Tempest's actions, clearly intrigued.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Furina. I am Tempest Proudmoore."

"Oh, what a show. A Proudmoore finally bowing their head to me? Have you finally accepted me as your Archon? Mm?"

Furina said, putting her right hand on her hip, waiting for Tempest's answer, while Mengsk was chatting with Neuvillette.

"It is only respectable to do so in front of a god, My Lady."

Furina's heterochromatic eyes widened with surprise, as for the last 500 years no Proudmoore has ever acknowledged her as a god.

"Oh? Do you recognize me as your true god?"

Furina questioned him, eager to hear his answer.

"I do."

"Do you not bore any hatred to me after I replaced Egeria?"

"I don't."

"Why? Why do you not hate me? Wasn't I the one, the reason why the Proudmoores lost their blessing from Ra? Wasn't I the one who replaced your true god? Why?"

Furina questioned her, the answers Tempest gave to her were already quite a surprise, if he answered her question correctly a new revelation would be revealed to her.

"What's there to hate? You didn't kill Egeria, My Lady, she died during the cataclysm in which you had no part of. Isn't it only natural for a new god to replace her? Honestly, I don't know why my predecessors hated you for simply replacing her, what's there to hate about you? The people love you." 

Furina's eyes widened and her mouth was agape slightly at Tempest's answer, but she had to confirm one more thing if this man was truly different from the rest...

"You... You're different from them... What was your name again?"

"Tempest, My Lady..."

"Tempest... Are you named after a storm?"

"Somewhere around those lines..."

"Tempest, if you were to become the Duke of House Proudmoore, would yo-"

"Well? What do you think of my son, Furina?"

Before Furina could finish her sentence, their conversation was interrupted by Mengsk.

"Ehem, he's quite like you Mengsk Proudmoore."

Furina fakes a cough and readjusts herself.

"Indeed, his intellect, his strength, his talents, his face all came from me, now then, let us start this meeting, Furina." 

'Egocentric bastard...'

Tempest thinks to himself, his Father bobbed his head at the door signaling him to leave.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Lady Furina."

Tempest bowed his head once more.

"Yes yes, me two."

Her flamboyant tone resurfaced, Tempest then exited the room and sat down on a table to wait for his Father's meeting with her to end.

"Her eyes were beautiful...."