The machine finally stopped as the commentator called out the names that were displayed on the screen.

"Kaijin vs Mobi vs justice," said the commentator

"Please step into the arena for the battle, the rules have already been laid out for you, if you have any more questions you can ask as soon as you step into The arena before the battle begins" 

kaijin watched from the big screen in the waiting room. He stood up from the bench on the right side of the waiting room and went to the side and picked up his katana.

The rest of the people who were in there with him stared at him. Alec and Sutefu walked up to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder. 

"You can do this Kaijin," said Sutefu 

"Yeah, even though you're going against the person who taught you to improve your hand drawings, yeah you can do this. Don't hold back," said Alec 

Kaijin glared at Alec as he said "You just had to bring up Mobi,"