Chapter 1

When Minato the former Emperor of Whirlpool was on his death bed, he decreed that his youngest son ,Naruto was to take the throne. Despite being the youngest of all his brothers Naruto was dubbed the Crown Prince, this led to Naruto being despised by his brothers. 4 years after his Father's death Naruto came of age and was to take on the role of Emperor.

But before he could take on the responsibility he had to marry. His mother Iruka, Empress dowgar took on the daunting responsibility of finding the perfect spouse for his son. After weeks of searching Iruka finally found the one woman who'd stand side by side with his son, Lady Hinata Hyuuga. 

She was an extraordinary beautiful submissive ,long blue black hair and those lilac eyes she had were just... hypnotizing. She really was beautiful and gentle ,and Iruka couldn't be more proud of himself to choosing the perfect mate for his son Naruto.

When Naruto was due to formally meet Hinata before the wedding he .....was not impressed by her charms but he couldn't turn her down as she came from a noble background and she'd prove to be useful in the near future ,plus the wedding was next week  preparations had been made and there was no time to reschedule. 

And so Naruto took over the throne  as Emperor and Hinata as Empress and that's when showed her true colours. She wasn't the gentle and soft submissive Iruka thought her to be ,she was evil to the bone, selfish and ruthless. All servants would stutter under her hard ,cold gaze.But ironically Hinata loved and respected Naruto her husband who was the exact opposite of her. But sadly Naruto never reciprocated her feelings.

It was during their wedding night when Hinata knew Naruto didn't find her attractive ,as he left without touching her and didn't even spare her second glance. For Hinata who was the  apple of her father's eye and got everything she wanted she felt..... humiliated but despite that she still fell in love with Naruto. 

Naruto proceeded not to touch her for as long as 4 months.brutallll it wasn't until hinata had personally went to him and informed him about his husbandly duties. cough cough. That's when he finally pushed his pride aside and visited her chambers ,this went on for weeks and Naruto low-key loved the intimacy between him and hinata. 

Hinata  finally was pregnant with twins  ,she was happy maybe then Naruto would shower her with love. It's not like she was planning to use her children in order to get Naruto's love. No. But she was hopeful. And miraculously Naruto did shower her with affection but not love. He tended to all her cries and please but he did not love her. He simply had the utmost respect for her and well... that wasn't anything hinata could work with .

Months later Hinata gave birth to two beautiful children, Himawari an Omega and Boruto an alpha. The children looked exactly like Naruto while Himawari had her mother's hair but she had her father's cerulean jewels and the trade mark whisker like marks on either sides of her face. Boruto was totally like his dad, blond hair and blue eyes. 

Naruto loved his children unconditionally and always made time for them. They'd sometimes come running in the throne room with their  nannies in tow trying to stop them. But since Naruto adored his two babies he'd sit them up on his lap and continue with meeting as if Himawari and Boruto were not pulling and braiding his long hair.

Now, Naruto had a whole harem full of beautiful submissives and he had to make use of it,right? ..yeah right.So after a serious meeting with the minister of war , Rock lee , Naruto went to retire in his palace and Shikamaru as usual would give  him a book with a list of all the omegas in his harem. On daily basis Naruto would usually dismiss the idea of invitating an Omega cause he was Hella busy with work being Emperor was not a walk in the park. 

But on this particular day Naruto actually made a suggestion much to Shikamaru's shock.

" Could you give the list to choose after all I must make use of my harem" Naruto said lazily. He hadn't been with any Omega apart from Hinata and that was 3 months ago. Dang did this man have a low sex drive.

" oh ? What's so special about today ?" Shikamaru asked .

" ... Nothing really... " Naruto trailed off.

" oh okays" Shikamaru held back a smile  finally putting the harem to use ? Hinata must be boring him. Shikamaru thought.

"Should I choose for you or ? ...." Shikamaru trailed off.

"Yeah sure what ever works best" 

Shikamaru scanned the book looking for something ."ah- .. konahamaru? " Shikamaru asked as he looked at the name on the book. 

" Sure what a ridiculously long name it's worse then yours ,Shika " Naruto joked and Shikamaru shot is long time friend a glare, Naruto raised his hands in surrender and Shikamaru huffed.

"Whatever I'll have konahamaru brought to you"

Meanwhile on the other side of the palace unbeknownst to him Konahamaru was casually drinking tea with one of the cairens, the lowest of ranks in the harem. He had been in the harem for almost a year now and had met a surprisingly amount of... calculating submissives all of them constantly beautifying themselves hoping to be summoned to the Emperor's chambers but surprisingly no one was summoned.

Don't get him wrong he wasn't any better he too wanted to be summoned but he didn't tramp and taunt the other submissives just like the rest of the submissives did in the harem. Despite this none of the Omegas were being summoned but that didn't stop them from plotting on one another. Like what was the point cause none of them were called?.

He was disturbed from his trail of thoughts when the head eunch came in with a handful of servant submissives trailing behind him with their heads bowed. This was the second time they had seen the eunch apart from when they first came to the harem.

In a heartbeat, konahamaru along with other harem submissive's bowed down in greeting.

" We greet Master Attendent Nara " they all said in unison ,they were practically trying to pipe down their excitement,one them was to be summoned and just like that konahamaru's name was announced. Konahamaru's head shot up quickly .wait what ?!.

" konahamaru you've been summoned to his Majesty chambers to serve his bed " Shikamaru stated casually, he could practically see the shift of emotions in konahamaru's eyes.

It took a while for konahamaru to digest what just happened

He was quickly changed into the finest night hanfu ,his long brown hair was let loose. He strolled into the Naruto's chamber on shaky legs unbeknownst to him as to how he his life was about to change upon entering the emperor chambers .

While kneeling and waiting for the Emperor to notice him , konahamaru was starting to feel nervous he was sweating buckets . What if the Emperor didn't find him attractive? What if he didn't please Emperor enough? What if he messed up and the Emperor would have him executed the next morning. His eyes were becoming watery with tears and  was trying his best from not letting them fall freely from his eyes.

Konahamaru was stuck in his whole world completely oblivious to Naruto who walked into the room. Naruto's blue jewels landed on konahamaru small form  kneeling by his bed side shaking uncontrollably ,Naruto raised a curious eyebrow after observing the omega he spoke.

" You're shaking Omega " Naruto's raspy voice boomed in the room , konahamaru flinched at the sound.

Naruto's long legs saunted towards konahamaru and stood in front of him konahamaru didn't dare look up now he was shaking even more. Naruto soon realised that konahamaru wasn't shaking cause he's excited, no, he was scared.

Naruto signed and extended his hand for konahamaru to take. Konahamaru hesitantly took the hand and was pulled up to his feet. Naruto wrapped his arm around konahamaru waist causing the young Omega to blush and look at the floor and Naruto smirked at the gesture.Cute.

"Why are you shying away from me Omega?" Naruto asked teasingly

"I-I-I.. your m-majesty -" konahamaru fumbled with his words his face fixated on the floor as if it's the most interesting thing he's ever seen. Naruto held konahamaru chin and lifted his face.

So gorgeous. 

Was what Naruto thought when he looked at konahamaru. The Omegas face was delicate, his cheeks were a bit chubby making him look alot more innocent ,his big beautiful hazel Bambi eyes stood out with ushed tears at the corners of his eyes, his  pink pouty full lips glimmered due to the lipgloss applied to them. Such beauty.

 Naruto admired , he looked at those Bambi eyes , imagining as to how they'll look like when filled with immense  lust as he  took the omega on  his bed , filling him with his seed. The mere thought made Naruto's member stir from its confinement. He gave the Omega a predatory gaze ,eyes hooded with lust.

Meanwhile konahamaru was also admiring the Emperor beauty. Admiring his long golden hair it looks soft and silky he thought. The whisker like marks on his cheeks are they real ? How would they feel under my fingertips soft, hard .. slippery?. His eyes he's blue eyes were so so blue. Konahamaru has never seen such deep blue eyes before.

And the way those eyes looked at him somehow hypnotized him ,they were captivating. But that didn't change the fact that konahamaru was still scared of the alpha infront of him. 

Konahamaru lay in bed naked his body on full display for  Naruto to see. His knees were up,legs spread out his intimate parts also on display for the alpha gaze and feast upon . It was embarrassing. The way Naruto looked at him gave him goosebumps all over. That look spoke volumes! .Then slowly the alpha made his way inbetween konahamaru's milky legs spreading them even further apart. So gorgeous.

Konahamaru's faced flushed at the gesture and looked to the side avoiding the heated gaze.Naruto's calloused hands   caressed konahamaru's smooth thighs earning soft gasps from the omega.

He lowered himself to capture the Omega's lips whilst teasingly caressing his thighs softly ,lightly ghosting his skin with his finger tips.Konahamaru's inexperienced lips trembled as he returned the kiss cautiously his eyebrows frowning trying to follow Naruto's lead. 

Naruto didn't comment on konahamaru's inexperience he knew it would embarrass the already shy omega but he would get better with time.

The next morning konahamaru woke up to strong hands surrounding his small frame. So warm.His back was on Naruto's chest he could practically feel the alpha's member on his ass which got him blushing as the memories from  last night flooded his mind. How he had made those loud embarassing sounds. How he had begged and pleaded for Naruto to- .. The way Naruto had looked at him , those embarrassing words the alpha had said in his ear as he pounded in him.

' you're taking me so well , beautiful'

'harder?..more?  you want more?'

Konahamaru blushed ever harder as he recalled last night's activities.

"You're awake ?" Naruto asked his face buried at the crook of konahamaru's neck his eyes still closed.

"Y-yes Majesty-"  he replied. Naruto snorted at the name ,he pulled konahamaru closer in need of warmth–the blanket wasn't enough.

" Call me ,Naruto, no more this Majesty thing you're making me feel old " Naruto stated casually.

And from then konahamaru was occasionally called to Naruto's room everynow and then. This went on for months, konahamaru would later receive exquisite hair ornaments and clothes from Naruto. The other submissives would get jealous,some befriended him hoping for konahamaru to put in word for them and he did but Naturo didn't want anyone else .

Later one day  konahamaru became pregnant and when Naruto found out he was over the moon. He was happy he would become a father...again. Naruto immediately promoted konahamaru to Imperial Honourable Consort a second rank from the Empress. 

Naruto made sure konahamaru had everything he needed. He even personally inspected konahamaru's to-be servants. Everything had to be proper after all he had grown deeply fond of Konahamaru. Naruto would see Hinata less and less choosing to spend his time with konahamaru..

It soon speculated that the Imperial consort was loved by the Emperor more then the Empress herself despite her charming gaze.Hinata grew furious and jealous, jealous that a mere omega was able to win Naruto's heart so easily. What had he done that she didn't  ? Was he that gorgeous? Impossible! ...was..was...was he that good in bed ? The mere thought of that made her skin itch with disgust.

The little bitch wasn't better then her,never, no one should be better then her.No!. No one could be better then her!!. And so the rivalry began. Hinata would openly display her hatred for konahamaru openly. Konahamaru being soft, gentle and soft spoken which was the exact opposite of Hinata , didn't try to fight back with her delusional ass he would simply look at her with pity. No wonder his Majesty doesn't like her.

Konahamaru gave birth months later to a beautiful beta girl, Anna. Konahamaru loved his baby girl but was scared of the outcome, he'd given birth to a beta not an alpha , Naruto would kill him despite all they had Naruto would demote him and his child was a beta . He had one job one freaking job and that was to birth an alpha but he failed.

Konahamaru had grown accustomed to the luxurious life and also grown accustomed to Naruto,he had grown to love the Emperor but that wouldn't matter anymore.All was lost. His personal servant ,Moegi, had tried to put him to sleep that night as konahamaru was crying his eyes out.

"I'm a dead man Moegi " he sobbed into her lap .

" it's not like that at all.. his Majesty would see reason my lord" she assured him she knew she was giving him false hope. It was compulsory to give birth to an alpha child she knew that , everyone knew that. But she was hopeful.

"Y-y- you're just s-saying that to make me feel better. My Anna, my sweet baby girl ,what will her life become? oh my daughter.... Moegi what am I to do? " his voice cracked as he emptied out his eyes.

What would become of his daughter? Would she live under that ruthless woman,Hinata ? Would Naruto kill her?. The mere thought of his baby suffering had him hyperventilating. Moegi started panicking as well ,she quickly called on her co-workers one of konahamaru's personal servants after all there were 8 of them.

" Call the imperial physician!! " she called out. Konahamaru passed out on her lap,now Moegi was really freaking out fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"My lord ?! lord?! ..oh  my gods .." 

Konahamaru was not responding, at this rate he'll die before Naruto  could kill him not that it was actually helping. The imperial physician came, a pink haired beta woman , SakuraHaruno. 

" What happened to him ?" Sakura asked 

" He..He was hyperventilating and passed out " Moegi stated with tears streaming down her face. She cared deeply for her Master ,he was a loving submissive and had treated her and the rest of the staff lovingly and gentley and seeing him in such a state broke her.

Sakura had later concluded that Konahamaru just gave birth and that it wasn't okay for him to be Hella stressed out. Sakura advised Moegi and the rest of the servants to  take care of Konahamaru needs and should rest well as he won't be able to look after the child if he's sick. Moegi and her crew nodded in unison vowing  to look after konahamaru. 

Naruto, the following week made  time to see konahamaru. He found konahamaru sitting in bed looking  awful  his usually smooth adorned hair was in knots, his eyes red and puffy. Naruto's heart ached at the sight of his lovers helpless state.

He walked in making his presence known,the servants bowed and greeted him.

" Greetings your Majesty" 

" Do rise and Leave us " Naruto stated casually. Moegi looked at konahamaru who's lips were wobbling uncontrollably as he looked at Naruto ,and left immediately. After the servants left konahamaru went on his knees , startling Naruto.

" Naruto" he called him, only he and he alone could call the Emperor casually not even Hinata had the right.flex. But this wasn't the time to flex..

"Naruto, I beg you to spare my child  y-you can kill me instead b-but I beg you to leave my sweet Anna out of this " his voice was cracked and hoarse from all the crying his been doing. Tears were freely rolling down his cheeks, his hands shaking uncontrollably and his breathing was uneven coming in short pants. He was scared.

" what are talking about Maru ?" Naruto asked genuinely confused out of his mind . He grabbed konahamaru by his shoulders lifting him off the floor. He looked at him their height difference visible. Konahamaru was two heads shorter than Naruto. Naruto was taller.... as it should.

"A-a- Anna I'm talking about Lord, I beg you to spare her ... it's not her fault.. it's -its- my fault your Majesty...." He swallowed hard "it's my fault for n-n-not giving you an alpha child .... please spare my child .. I-I-I I'll be forever grateful"

Naruto stared at konahamaru completely shocked by what the omega had said. He didn't care that Anna was a beta, she was still his child and he loved her just as he loved Boruto and Himawari. Anna was beta ,so what of it ? He didn't care ,he wouldn't treat his baby differently from the other kids plus Himawari was an Omega also and not an alpha but he didn't care . It wasn't a problem. It broke his heart that his konahamaru didn't trust him that much. Did he view him as heartless man that he would execute  baby Anna and he's Mom ?hell no!.

Naruto loved konahamaru with every fibre in his being. He loved him so so so much   didn't he see? Didn't he know that he's all Naruto thinks about? Didn't he feel it when Naruto kissed him ? when he touched him... didn't he see?.

Naruto pulled a shaky konahamaru into his chest rubbing soothing circles on the omegas back trying to get him to stop crying.

"I would never do such a thing  Maru " Naruto reassured him " I love you too much to do that to you and Anna. I'm not so heartless. I don't care if you only give birth to only betas it wouldn't matter  to me my me it wouldn't. I'd still be happy to be a dad and father your children...our children".

He pulled konahamaru into a tighter embrace his arms circling the omega body securely. Konahamaru cries  turned into soft whimpers and hiccups.

" Stop crying Maru" Naruto whined. " If you keep on crying I'll actually banish you " Naruto said sternly causing konahamaru to flinch.

"I'm joking, Maru " he laughed and slowly pulled out of the hug and lovingly gazed at konahamaru.

" look how ugly you've become my sweet Maru" Naruto said as he pinched konahamaru's cheeks.

"...Are you serious? You won't..y-"

"No , now stop being silly that rule doesn't apply to me okay... all my children are equal in my eyes . Mmmh which is why I want another one mmh Maru "

Naruto said as he squeezed konahamaru's plump ass in his hands causing the Omega yelp and blush.

"W-w- wait no i-i- no ahh- "

His words were cut short when Naruto feasted on his neck, sucking, kissing and licking it causing konahamaru to moan breathlessly.

"Na-n- ngh~ wait" he said breathlessly.

Naruto detached himself Konahamaru's neck and licked his lips  seductively.

" Just .. just wait okay ? I just gave birth I can't...ta-take you " he blushed.

" But that was last week " Naruto whined.

" oh yeah ?! You trying pushing out a whole human ... I'm  still sore plus don't you have a harem ? make you use of it. I can't always be intimate with you you're always rough poor small body suffers" konahamaru stated with a pout.

"But you like it don't you Maru ? You like when I -"

"Please stop... you're making me uncomfortable"konahamaru interjected.

" But you're the one tha-" 

" Naruto" 

"Okay okay"  

After the whole child thing was sorted out konahamaru would find himself laughing about how he thought Naruto was to kill him. Plus it's not like it wasn't normal for beta children to be executed along with the mother in the imperial court. So in other words konahamaru was right to worry.

So Konahamaru then again convinced Naruto to make use of his harem and he actually did make use of it. Inviting more and more omegas in his palace chambers. 

Naruto  took a liking of a few omegas but never promoted any. Up until 4 years later when konahamaru was pregnant with is fourth child that's Naruto actually started to promote a few submissives one being Gaara , a inhumanly short omega with firery red hair,seafom eyes and not to mention hard cold eyes. Gaara was promoted to Noble consort a third rank. Unlike konahamaru who had a romantic relationship with Naruto,Gaara had a platonic relationship with Naruto... they were friends not lovers.

They respected each other, they'd sometimes go on long walks talking about anything and anyone. They'd play cards,chess and would get drunk most nights. It was was all fun and games... with  sex in the end. It had been almost a year since they've been ... together? but Gaara wasn't pregnant yet. 

And this worried Gaara he'd come so far . Some omegas didn't get this far but he did ...but he wasn't  getting pregnant! This gave him sleepless nights the only way to secure your post was to be pregnant and that wasn't happening.Fuck.

Another Omega to climb up ranks was Sai a very... unfeeling omega..he didn't know how to react and show emotions he was almost a sociopath. Sai just like all the Omegas had long hair that was always adorned with its day to day  ornaments.

He had pale skin almost whitish or greyish in colour.. porcelain some might say. Sai just like hinata, had two children, kai and inojin both alphas , inojin had the same hair as his father,Naruto ,which was blond and the same pair of eyes as Naruto, blue. Kai had his mother's hair ,black and his father's eyes blue.

Sai didn't do well with pregnancy... he hated being pregnant he couldn't do his art without his belly bumping into the table or his ridiculously long hanfu sleeves getting in the way. It was absolute torture for Sai. Another thing that made him despise pregnancy was that he was more feeling and wore his emotions on his sleeves during pregnancy, how he'd cry about the smallest of things.

"Yamato ! I said I wanted the blue paint brush why won't you listen ?!" Sai would cry out ,his tears messing up his makeup and his other chamber maids or servants would try to console him during this stage.

"Calm down your Highness we'll get it " then his whole palace would turn into curcuis because of Sai's hormones.

Sai would cringe at the distance memories. His best friend, Noble consort Gaara ,during Sai pregnancy would come to the rescue saving the maids from Sai's hormonal wrath. And after giving birth to inojin Sai, personally went to Naruto and begged him to not impregnate him anymore as he didn't like being pregnant  at all but that  didn't stop him from loving his children. 

Naruto didn't mind Sai not wanting anymore children after all he did have other omegas in the imperial harem so it was a win win situation. 

Another submissive in the harem was Neji , a submissive with extremely long long brown hair and lilac eyes. Ironically Neji was Hinata's maternal brother and Naruto actually found Neji attractive instead of Hinata.Ouch.

Neji was the exact opposite of his sister,he was extremely calm and quiet. He talked less ,spoke when spoken too and mainly kept to himself. He hardly saw Naruto and he didn't mind as he was busy spending his time at the Temple praying , fasting and  offering valuables at the temple. Some days he would spend his time copying ancient texts in the library. It was peaceful life for Neji and due to his calm demeanor he was nicknamed "the sage" .

He didn't mind the name after all it did go well with his  inhumanly calm aura. Another thing that brought peace to Neji's life was his sweet baby girl, Mia, a female omega. Mai meant  everything to Neji. This life of glamour and luxury meant nothing if his sweet baby wasn't near.

The little submissive had taken after Neji, she too had brown and lilac eyes just like her mom but had the trade mark whisker like marks on her face just like her dad. Neji showered his little princess with all the love money can't buy. Neji made sure that all his little princesses needs were tended ,Neji who grew up shuned made sure to love his baby girl unconditionally. He didn't want her to grow up like him.No. He wouldn't allow it.Never. 

And if any jealous concubine bitch were to mess with his sweet Mia then they'll be hell to pay. Neji would wipe them out off the face of the earth, six feet under, in a body bag , alive. Don't play near his Mia and  Neji would make sure his baby had a secure future and if that meant he had to kick ass and wipe the floor with them bitches then he would gladly do it. 

Haku, another consort of Naruto's was different from the other submissives in terms of appearance. Haku looked more like a female submissive while he was actually a male submissive. And no that didn't mean that the other male submissive's ugly. Hell no. 

Haku was very gentle and spoke in whisper like voice similar to that of a deadly siren. And it was his voice and his voice alone that got him in Naruto's pants. It was Naruto's perveted mind that led him into bedding Haku,as he thought about the sort of sounds Haku would make when Naruto took him and whoa! boy did it pay out. Haku made the most sinful sounds... music to his Majesty ears, he made Naruto's name sound so good.

Haku gave birth to a boy omega, Zion. Haku loved his boy but in order to secure your spot the child had to be an alpha.Yes Haku wanted to climb up ranks he didn't want to remain a mere consort all his life.hell no.He wanted to overthrow Hinata,his  dream was so farfetched it was laughable and if he had to tramp and kick anyone in his way in order to get what he wants then so be it.

But in order for that to happen he'd have to get in Naruto's pants again. But Naruto was scarce if he wasn't in Rasengan Hall attending those wrinkled,old not to mention calculating chancellor's and Minister's then he was with Imperial Honourable Consort konahamaru who was showered with love and affection by the Emperor even Hinata,the Empress couldn't compare.

Hinata hated konahamaru it was no secret within the court, no in fact the woman hated everyone but oh did she HATE konahamaru with passion. Plus even though Haku was calculating and wanted the emperor's favour and wanted to climb up ranks he could never compare or try to be like konahamaru never.nop. Never, the way the Emperor would spend most of his time with konahamaru was visible as konahamaru was always pregnant.

Like wasn't he tired? didn't he get exhausted from pregnancy? Which child was he having again this year ? Oh yeah right he was having his fourth child in a span of 2-3 years oh bless his fertile womb.

It was almost midnight, Haku set his brush aside, he had finished writing his letter to a certain friend of his outside the palace walls. He set the message to his messager bird and sent it flying across the night sky. He wasn't suppose to writing this message he knew it very well but he had no choice  for his plan was already coming together and even if he was caught red handed he wouldn't go down without a good fight. Hell no. Not when it was all coming together.

It had been a long day and he had to get some rest. Tomorrow just like today will be another dramatic day. Imperial rivalry, jealous concubines , backstabbing etc etc, it never gets old constantly dodging death on daily basis who wouldn't  be tired. Life in the imperial court was not living it was simply...not dying– survival. Haku snorted at his thoughts and retired to his bed for the night.