Shadows of Power

After Very Bad disappeared, Lucas lay awake for a while longer, his thoughts swirling around the entity's words. He knew that his choices would determine not only his future, but also that of Saint-Lys. Finally, exhausted by the events of the day, he ends up falling into a restless sleep.

The next morning, sunlight filtered softly through the curtains of the hospital room. Lucas opened his eyes, feeling slightly more rested despite the lingering pain from his injuries. He slowly sat up in bed, enjoying the relative calm of the morning.

Suddenly his cell phone vibrated on the bedside table next to him. He held out his hand and saw the name displayed on the screen: Léa Moreau. Lucas felt a pang in his heart when he saw his cousin's name. Léa was one of the few people in his family with whom he had kept in touch after becoming an orphan.

He answered the call, trying to hide the fatigue in his voice. "Hello, Lea."

"Lucas! I just found out about your accident. How are you feeling?" Lea's voice was filled with worry.

Lucas smiled, despite himself. "I'm fine, Lea. A few cracked ribs and a concussion, but nothing too serious."

"Are you sure? I can come see you if you need anything."

Lucas appreciated his cousin's concern. "Thank you, Léa. That's nice, but I'm in good hands here. The doctors are taking good care of me. How are you doing?"

Léa hesitated for a moment. "It's okay. But I'm really worried about you. You always put yourself in dangerous situations. Can't you rest a little and take care of yourself?"

Lucas sighed lightly. "I know, but my work is important. Saint-Lys needs me, especially right now."

Léa remained silent for a moment, then spoke again. "Lucas, I understand that your work is important, but don't forget to think of yourself. You are all I have left, you know."

Lucas felt a weight on his heart. He knew that Léa cared a lot about him, especially after the loss of their respective parents. "I promise I'll be careful, Leah. And I'll keep you posted on everything that happens."

"Thank you, Lucas. I'll come see you as soon as I can. Take care of yourself in the meantime."

"You too, Léa. See you soon."

After hanging up, Lucas remained thoughtful. The conversation with Léa had reminded him of the importance of family ties and the support they provided. Even though he was immersed in a struggle against dark forces, he also had to remember that he was not alone. His family and friends were there to help him through these ordeals.

He took a deep breath, determined to continue his fight with a new perspective. It was going to be a long day, and he had a lot to do to prepare for the next stage of his investigation. But for now, he savored a moment of calm, knowing that despite the darkness around him, he still had reasons to fight and people who counted on him.

Lucas had just hung up the phone with Léa and had settled more comfortably in his bed, thinking about the conversation. Suddenly, the sound of his hospital room door opening pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up and was surprised to see a young woman enter. She was elegantly dressed, her sexy appearance a strange contrast to the sterile hospital environment.

He recognized her immediately: it was the prostitute he had met the other day on the way to the catacombs. Lucas stood up, on his guard. "What are you doing here ?"

She smiled mysteriously, slowly approaching his bed. "I just wanted to pay you a little visit, Lucas. After all, you left me stranded the other day. That wasn't very nice."

Lucas frowned, trying to understand her intentions. "Look, I'm here to rest and recuperate. If you have anything to say, say it and leave."

She sat on the edge of his bed, placing a delicate hand on his arm. "Oh, Lucas, you're so tense. Let me help you relax." His eyes shone with a seductive glint, but there was something deeply unsettling in his gaze.

Lucas jerked his arm away. "I'm not interested. You should leave."

His smile faded, giving way to an expression of cold anger. "You're going to regret rejecting me, Lucas."

Before he could react, the young woman began to transform. His skin became covered in dark scales, his eyes became icy slits, and his body lengthened and widened, transforming into a gigantic serpent. Lucas stared in horror at the monstrous creature that now stood before him.

The snake hissed, its forked tongue emerging from its gaping mouth. "You shouldn't have pushed me away, Lucas. Now you're going to pay the price."

Lucas forced himself to remain calm despite the panic rising within him. He desperately searched for a way out or a weapon, but he was immobilized by his wounds and the creature blocked the only exit.

"What do you want from me?" he asked, trying to gain time.

The snake slithered closer, its icy breath on Lucas' face. "We, the worshipers of Azrael, need you. But if you refuse to join us, we will destroy you."

Lucas gritted his teeth. "I will never join you."

The creature let out a menacing hiss and was about to attack when the bedroom door suddenly opened. Julien and two armed police officers entered, their weapons trained on the snake.

"Back off!" shouted Julien.

The snake turned towards them, surprised, then let out an angry hiss before withdrawing into itself and disappearing in a flash, leaving behind a foul odor.

Julien rushed towards Lucas. "Are you OK ?"

Lucas nodded, still in shock. "Yes... yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Julien. You arrived just in time."

Julien turned towards the police. "Stay here and make sure there is no further danger."

Lucas caught his breath, realizing how vulnerable he was even in a supposedly safe place. "This cult is more powerful and more dangerous than we imagined. We must be extra vigilant."

Julien nodded. "I'm going to increase security around you. We can't let these monsters get to you again."

Lucas knew he wasn't out of the woods yet. The battle against the Cult of Azrael had just taken an even darker turn, and he must prepare to face forces beyond imaginable.

Lucas lay in his hospital bed, his mind tormented by the recent snake attack and the growing threat of the cult of Azrael. He knew he couldn't allow himself to be vulnerable anymore. The words from Very Bad echoed in his head: "I can help you fight the cult of Azrael. But everything has a price."

He took a deep breath, determined to explore all possible options. He closed his eyes and, in a firm but inwardly troubled voice, whispered: "Very Bad, I know you hear me. I accept your proposal. Come to me."

Immediately, the atmosphere in the hospital room changed. The air became thicker, and a shadow appeared at the foot of the bed. Very Bad materialized, still dressed in his impeccable black suit, an enigmatic smile on his lips.

"Lucas, my dear friend. I knew you would eventually accept my offer," he said, approaching the bed.

Lucas sat up slightly, staring at the entity with new determination. "You said you could help me fight the cult of Azrael. I'm willing to pay the price, but I want to know what that entails."

Very Bad nodded, his smile widening. "Very well. Know that the price to pay will be your own humanity. The more you use my powers, the closer you will come to darkness. However, you will have the strength to face your enemies. Now choose an ability of your choice."

Lucas thought for a moment, weighing his options. "I want the ability to control shadows. To be able to move through them, manipulate them, and use them as weapons."

Very Bad seemed happy with this choice. "An excellent decision. Shadows are both powerful and subtle. They will allow you to surprise your enemies and remain invisible when necessary."

He held out his hand towards Lucas, a dark aura emanating from his fingers. "I will now give you this power. But before that, you must understand who I really am. I am Very Bad, an entity that has existed since before creation itself. I transcend space and time, causality and reality, as well as the imaginary. My essence is beyond human comprehension.

Lucas felt a wave of cold pass through him as Very Bad placed his hand on his forehead. A dark energy entered him, infusing every fiber of his being. He felt an immense power awaken within him, a power which now linked him to the shadows.

Very Bad stood back, watching Lucas with interest. "There you are, you now possess the ability to control shadows. Use this power wisely, for each time you use it, you will move a little closer to darkness."

Lucas felt the shadows around him quiver, as if responding to his will. He looked at Very Bad, grateful but also aware of the danger this alliance represented.

"Thank you, Very Bad. I will make good use of this power."

Very Bad tilted his head slightly. "I have no doubt about it. We will see each other again, Lucas. And remember, every choice has its consequences."

With that, Very Bad disappeared, blending into the shadows of the room. Lucas remained alone, feeling the weight of his decision but also a new strength bubbling within him. He knew the road ahead would be strewn with pitfalls, but he was now ready to face the cult of Azrael with a power he never imagined he possessed.

He closed his eyes, determined to use his new abilities to protect those he loved and put an end to the growing threat.