The Journey To Brussels

Writer's POV:


The journey to Brussels was longer than expected. It was already past noon, and there were only halfway through the journey.


'I actually feel hungry, and I thought that bringing snacks was unnecessary. But who do I ask? It's just me and Razar in this carriage, ugh this is frustrating.' Herdis asked herself.


"Get something to eat and stop irritating my ears with your growls." Razar said, coldly.


"Excuse me."


"Here." He said and threw a packet on her laps.


"What's in this?"


"See it for yourself."


"You must love that line a whole lot?"


"Just eat something, I have sensitive ears, your growls are irritating."


"How impolite, that's no way to speak to a Lady."


"I had no idea you were a lady."


"How dare you."


"Aren't ladies taught to not have a sharp tongue?"


"Well it's a defensive mechanism."


"All I see is a young lady who loves excuses, just eat something."


"You can't tell me what to do."


"Then Starve, but don't irritate my ears."


'I rather die than sell my dignity for a packet of snacks, why did I request for such a simple breakfast, this is so unfair.' Herdis ranted, inwardly.


Suddenly Razar hoisted her up and made her sit on his lap.


"What are you doing?"


He ignored her question and took the packet of snacks on one hand while the other one held her down tightly.


"Let me go, what are you trying to do, you can't always hold me down forcefully. Let me go this instant." Herdis scolded.


He brought out some candied nuts and cookies from the packet and brought them close to her lips but Herdis shut her mouth tightly.


"Open your mouth."


"Umm, umm."


"Open your mouth."


"Umm, umm."


"Open your Goddamn mouth. Why can't you give in for once?"


"Why can't you stop trying to force,...."


She couldn't finish my sentence because he took the opportunity to force the snacks into her mouth.


"That's better, hold on to the packet and eat quietly."


"This is wrong, you had no rig,..."


That's the last thing Herdis said when she was suddenly pushed out of the carriage by Razar. She rolled twice on the floor, when she had opened her eyes.


She was shocked to see the carriage had fallen off a cliff and both the Royal guards and Soldiers were engaging in a fierce battle between the vampires.

'These demons are fast too fast, almost as fast as the god of lightning himself. But where is Razar? No, no, no.' She was already on the verge of tears.


"Noooo, where is Razar? Where is he?"

She couldn't even think of herself or Rebekah.


'How did I come to care about him so much?'


She was about going to the cliff when she was suddenly held back by a Royal guard

"Let me go this instant, how dare you lay your filthy hands on me, let me go right now." She ordered.


"I am sorry but we were ordered to protect you from harm and to make sure you went to Brussels without any scratch." The royal guard replied.


"Who gave such a stupid order? Answer me."


"It was the Commander, your husband."


"Now listen to me, I order you as the soon to be Luna of the Werewolf Clan to let me go right now."


"I am sorry but we only answer to be commander, we need to leave this place, your highness."


"No, I am not leaving this place until my husband is found."

Herdis kept on trying to wiggle her way out of his hands.

When her efforts seemed futile she slapped him across the face and ran as fast as she could to the edge of the cliff.


"Please, please be okay. You can't die like this."


She didn't realize that she was crying. Her whole face was smeared with tears and sand, but she couldn't care less.


She was suddenly grabbed by her shoulders and before she could react she was tossed aside and her head hit hard across a tree. She could feel the wetness flowing out from her head.


'Shit am I going to die, like this.' She cursed.


When she opened her eyes, she saw a vampire making its way towards her.

She looked around and saw the majority of the guards and Soldiers body lying dead on the floor, the others were so focused on trying to wade the vampires off that they didn't realize she was in danger.


When it stretched out its hands she closed my eyes awaiting her death, but nothing happened.


She slowly pried her eyes open and saw a black wolf, standing before her and the corpse of the vampire laid there on the floor. The wolf just stood there staring but for some reason its eyes looked familiar.


"Razar." That was the last thing she said, then she blacked out.




A girl was seated on a stool, singing whilst her mom served meals on the table, her mom stumbled on her dress and was about to fall but was caught by the young girl.


"Are you okay mother?"


"I am okay, Mirabeth, I didn't fall right so I am okay."


"You are pregnant, Mother, you need to stop doing these chores, I am here so let me do it."


"Forgive me dear, please forgive me." The woman said, with tears flowing out of her eyes.


"What's wrong mother, why are you apologizing? It's not like you did anything so stop apologizing."


It seems Mirabeth's words triggered her mom to cry even louder.

"This isn't fair mother, please stop crying. I will go and fetch, father." Mirabeth said, standing up.


Her mother held her back. "No don't, please don't."


"Why shouldn't I? When you aren't willing to tell me what I did wrong."


"It's not you, it's me.'


"What did you do? Mother told me, did anything happen between father and you? Should I fetch him for you?'


"No, don't."


"Then stop crying."


"You won't tell your dad anything if I stop crying, promise."


"I promise.'


"Okay then I won't cry anymore.'


"Here, use my Kerchief to wipe your eyes."