New Admission

The piercing sound of the alarm shattered the silence of Mahiru's cozy room, jolting her awake. She scolded herself, "Oh no, I overslept! How could I forget? I need to be more responsible."

With a sense of urgency, she leaped out of bed, swiftly slipping into her school uniform and grabbing her bag. Moments later, she emerged from her room, a picture of haste.

"Mahiru?" her mother's voice rang out from the kitchen. Mahiru hurriedly made her way there, finding breakfast already prepared. Without a moment's delay, she seated herself at the table and began to eat, quickly devouring her meal.

"Mahiru, take your time," her mom advised gently. "You still have a few moments before school."

"Mom, I actually have an interview first," Mahiru responded, her tone determined. "I'll head there before school."

"I hope you secure the job," her mother expressed with palpable concern. "The bills and rent have been weighing heavily on my mind."

"Don't worry, Mom," Mahiru replied with a reassuring smile. "I'll give it my all to get this job. We'll use the income to cover our expenses, save some, and in a few months, we'll have enough for your treatment too."

"Just remember not to push yourself too hard," her mom remarked with a gentle smile.

Returning the smile, Mahiru nodded, affirming, "Okay, Mom. I'm off now. I'll be back soon."

With determination fueling her steps, Mahiru left her home and hastened towards the public bus station…..

Mahiru was seated in an office, while across from her, an elderly gentleman sat at his desk, deeply engrossed in a document.

Placing the paper down, The elderly gentleman spoke softly, "I'm sorry, but you're too young and lack the necessary education for this position."

"Please, I'm still studying in a university and putting in the effort," Mahiru pleaded earnestly. "I won't let you down; I'll give it my absolute best."

"Listen, young lady," the man's tone remained firm as he responded, "there are plenty of candidates with more experience and qualifications waiting outside. So, It's best for you to move on. You don't meet our criteria."

"Sir, I really need this opportunity," Mahiru pleaded earnestly, desperation evident in her voice. "I'll give my all to the work, and I promise you won't regret giving me a chance."

The man remained calm yet firm in his reply. "If you're having financial difficulties, I recommend begging elsewhere," he stated. "Our company doesn't provide charity. I kindly ask that you leave and not waste any more of my time."

Mahiru's sadness weighed heavily on her, sinking into a somber silence. With a heavy heart, she rose from her seat and quietly turned away, starting to walk out…..

Tears blurred her vision as she sat alone in the classroom, surrounded by the chatter and laughter of other students. Her emotions overwhelmed her, isolating her from the jovial atmosphere around her.

"Good morning, Mahiru," a voice called out.

Mahiru quickly wiped her tears and looked up to see a girl standing there, smiling brightly.

"Good morning, Rose," Mahiru returned the greeting with a faint smile.

Sensing Mahiru's sadness, concern welled up in Rose, "How did your interview go?" she asked gently.

"I didn't make it. I didn't get the job," Mahiru confessed with a heavy sigh.

"Don't lose hope, Mahiru" Rose's voice was gentle and reassuring. "You'll find the right opportunity soon,"

Suddenly, five girls appeared before Mahiru, who appeared taken aback and slightly frightened upon seeing them.

One of them cut right to the chase, asking, "Mahiru, did my boyfriend Taku propose to you?"

Taken aback by the accusation, Mahiru swiftly denied it, stating, "No, that's not true."

"See, I knew it," another girl joined in, her tone filled with disdain. "Taku would never even think about someone like her. Just look at her, who would fall in love with her."

"Stay away from us, Mahiru," Taku's girlfriend sharply warned, intensifying the situation. "You'll never be on my level. You don't deserve to be in the same class as us, you bitch."

Mahiru seemed stunned, scared, feeling hurt and humiliated, looking down at her heart beating fast.

Taku's girlfriend's voice seethed with anger as she continued, "Why don't you go and do something your mother is doing?"

Confused, Mahiru looked up at her, her voice barely above a whisper. "What do you mean?" she asked, uncertainty trembling in her tone.

With an arrogant smirk, "Your mother came to my house, begging for a maid job." Taku's girlfriend taunted.

Mahiru's heart sank as the realization struck her like a heavy blow. She felt exposed and vulnerable,

Taku's girlfriend then turns to the classroom gleefully broadcasted to the entire class, "Hey, everyone, Mahiru's mother is desperate for work as a maid. If anyone needs a maid, Mahiru's your girl."

laughter erupted around her, Mahiru fought back tears, feeling the weight of humiliation crushing her spirit.

In the midst of the mocking laughter, the door swung open, and Taku, the school's charismatic sports hero, strode confidently into the room with his friends around him.

Taku's girlfriend swiftly approached Taku, "Hey, Taku, honey" her voice laced with feigned affection. "Did you really propose to Mahiru?" she asked gently.

Taku let out a hearty laugh, his demeanor oozing with arrogance. "Mahiru? Seriously? You must be joking. I have standards, you know. She's not even on my radar."

The classroom erupted in laughter, again echoing Taku's sentiments.

"Come on, think about it," Taku's friend joined in, fanning the flames. "Have you seen her? It's like only someone with completely messed-up priorities would even think about dating her."

With a sneer, Taku approached Mahiru, his actions dripping with malice. He reached out and grabbed a few strands of her hair, lifting them disdainfully. "Just look at this," he scoffed, "It's absolutely pathetic."

Mahiru sat at her desk, overwhelmed by a sense of profound loneliness and despair, as the cruelty of her classmates crashed down on her like an unstoppable wave.

Struggling to hold back her tears, Mahiru silently endured the mocking laughter that surrounded her.

In an instant, A female teacher strode into the classroom, her presence demanding immediate silence. "Settle down, everyone," she commanded.

The students swiftly took their seats, a tense atmosphere hanging over the room, thick with anticipation.

"Listen up, everyone," the teacher's firm yet compassionate voice cut through the classroom. "I have something important to share, so please listen carefully" she began, commanding the attention of the entire class.

The classroom quieted to a hush, and Mahiru discreetly brushed away her tears, her heart burdened by the lingering weight of humiliation.

With all eyes fixed on her, the teacher declared, "Class, we have a new member joining us today. Let's give a warm welcome to Daichi Hakuto."

Whispers of curiosity spread through the room, anticipation filling the air with palpable energy.

The classroom door swung open, revealing a figure whose presence immediately seized the attention of everyone in the room.

With a confident walk, Daichi Hakuto entered the room, effortlessly capturing everyone's attention. His piercing blue eyes drew gazes from every girl, while his jet-black hair seemed to flow with the air around him. His athletic physique radiated strength and grace, creating an undeniable aura that filled the room.

All eyes in the classroom were fixed on him as he stood beside his teacher, a quiet anticipation hanging in the air, mingled with a blend of excitement and curiosity.

Daichi stood before the class, the atmosphere charged with anticipation, all eyes focused on him with keen interest. While the other girls were captivated by his presence, Mahiru saw him as just another newcomer in the class.

The teacher smiled "Daichi, could you please introduce yourself?" she requested.

Daichi looked serious as he began. "Hey, everyone. I'm Daichi Hakuto," he said, his voice earnest. "I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and working together on this educational journey."

Despite his polite words, Daichi's serious demeanor suggested an underlying depth beneath his composed exterior. His expression lacked any hint of happiness or excitement.

The girl sitting in front of Mahiru leaned over to her friend. her voice barely audible as she whispered, "Is that Daichi? I've never seen him before. He's unbelievably handsome."

"And his voice is truly mesmerizing," another girl chimed in, her tone tinged with admiration.

Though Mahiru heard their remarks, her mind was consumed by her own turmoil, and was still struggling to hold back her tears.

Cutting through the subdued murmurs, the teacher gestured towards a seat. "Daichi, please take the desk next to Mahiru," she directed.

The girls were taken by surprise, their furious gazes turning towards Mahiru, who appeared nervous and frightened.

Daichi sighed softly as he approached Mahiru and settled into his seat next to her, his expression remaining impassive, devoid of any hint of excitement or emotion.

Daichi leaned his head on his hand, elbow resting on the desk, appearing bored. Meanwhile, the girls whispered among themselves, their attention remaining fixed on Mahiru.

"Mahiru, you're so lucky," Rose murmured, leaning closer to Mahiru, her voice tinged with admiration. "Daichi Hakuto is sitting right next to you."

Mahiru turned to Rose, her voice devoid of enthusiasm as she asked, "Who is he?"

Rose smiled knowingly, "He is the one and only Daichi Haruto, he's from the Hakuto family, known as the wealthiest in the entire country." she continued her voice filled with excitement, "He's their sole heir of the Haruto Family. Just look at him, he's adorned in luxury brands. From his rings to his wristbands, and that watch – the value could probably fund the entire school. He's practically a billionaire."

The students' attention remained fixated on Daichi, who remained stoic and unresponsive to the chatter around him.

"Now let's get started, everyone. Please take out your notebooks," The teacher's voice interrupted the gossip, signaling the beginning of the lesson.

Mahiru was engrossed in her studies, diligently poring over her notebook when a voice interrupted her with a casual "Hey." Startled, she looked to her side and found Daichi gazing at her.

All eyes in the room turned to Mahiru as she locked gazes with Daichi, her disbelief evident. His words held her spellbound, leaving her momentarily at a loss for words.