The Doctor

A stream of warmth washed over Gray's face as those blue eyes examined him. For a moment, he was too excited to process he'd even been asked a question— After all, this guy was using magic, and clearly, this was a magical place on its own; he used to wish for moments like these... If only there hadn't been so many strings attached.

"What am I? I'm Batman," Gray replied finally.

"Don't you think it's kind of fucked to start things off with that question?" he added; taking a few steps forward.

His footsteps echoed throughout the hall, and after a moment, he realized that they echoed alone. His attendant wasn't behind him. But despite that, he tried to keep a calm demeanor. After all, it would be dangerous to look confused right now.

"Well, Batman, you're not wrong. The world is different... it should not be surprising that others are peculiar aswell," the man whispered, more to himself than Gray.

"If you're here, then it means others were given this... quest as well," he continued, before looking back at the door.

"I took too long..." he whispered, though his words were audible as they echoed against the walls.

"Took too long doing what?"

The man ignored him, opting to run his fingers along the gate as if he were reading braille. 

~He's a bit of an odd one, isn't he,~ Gray realized, turning his attention to his surroundings.

He let himself explore the area a little, his excitement was eating at him to inspect the flames. They hovered just a little above the obsidian pedestals and spat out green sparks with every crackle they made. 

~Cold,~ Gray observed, leaning close to one of them.

A sharp bleachy scent entered his nose, the same smell that seeped out of the table Charles had smashed earlier.

"What does your quest say?" the man asked, turning around to look at Gray again.

~Quest?~ Gray thought, taking his time to look away from the flame. ~ I'm not here for a quest. In fact, why didn't I get one? ~

"Why would I tell you that?" he replied finally.

The man fell silent, looking at the door and then back at Gray.

"Enough. I propose we form an alliance... for the time being. I've spent almost an hour in this place, if you try and start all over, we'll just be running in circles," the man said, now walking towards Gray at a threatening pace.

Gray took a step back. The man stopped in response.

"Batman isn't supposed to show fear, you know," he added. Gray could just barely make out the man's smile now that he was closer.

~An hour? That can't be. I woke up less than 30 minutes ago... but then again, Charles was already awake when I left for the cafeteria.~

He pondered over what the different waking times could mean. Did it have something to do with higher ranks recovering faster? Or was he just more warn out than them, and needed more rest?

"My name is Doctor R.D Shawn," the man said, derailing Gray's train of thought. 

~Why is he bowing?~  Gray thought to himself, staring at the man.

"But since this afternoon, I go by Champion 105499H. But that's quite a mouthful, so just call me Doctor," he continued.

~Why does it seem like the system only chose eccentric people as champions?~ Gray thought; at first as a joke, before realizing that he may be on to something. 

~Am I eccentric?~ he wondered.

"This is the part where you introduce yourself, and we get done with this farce," the doctor said.

"Wait, what kind of doctor are you?" Gray asked instead, still a little skeptical.

"I'm not a Doctor, my name is Doctor. Now hurry up and tell me yours, or we can just skip all that, and you can tell me your rank and talent," Doctor replied.

Gray stared at him with a sort of confused expression. He'd been so worried about being too forward with Charles earlier, yet here this guy was, blatantly asking about other people's powers. Gray wondered if he should've just done the same.

"You don't glow quite as bright as I do, so probably C... no D, if that's a thing," Doctor mumbled to himself.

"I'm glowing?" Gray asked, his interest piqued.

"Yes. My talent grants me... something that makes people glow. Which I will explain to you, after you introduce yourself," Doctor replied.

Gray mulled over it for a moment. Did names really mean much now? Back on earth things were probably only getting worse, so it wasn't likely anyone would be able to track him even if they had his name. However, one could never be too cautious.

"I go by Champion 009Z," Gray replied finally. 

Doctor took a step closer, stopping and then looking at Gray.

~What, is he checking if I'm okay with it?~ Gray wondered, right as Doctor took another step.

Gray could now make out some of his facial features. He was pale and had a sort of vampiric handsomeness to him. He looked like someone straight out of Twilight; which perhaps was only consolidated by the scar that ran across his forehead and his glowing eyes.

"Stop," Gray said. The fact he was trying to close the distance between them was suspicious, to say the least.

"You're more... colorful than I thought. What class are you?" Doctor asked.

The way he spoke about champion names, classes, and talents gave Gray the impression that he somehow knew more than a normal person should. Which only made him more interesting. And clearly, the feeling was mutual.

"You first," Gray replied.

"Arcana class," the man answered immediately.

"Arcana class as well," Gray said, holding his hand over the flame. In that instant, his hand was covered in the blue glow, and his 'magic' sense returned to him. He could feel a slight repulsion coming from Doctor.

"Purple?" Doctor asked, staring at the flame and then back at Gray. "What rank?"

"You first."


"C," Gray replied. He had no intention of telling this guy that he was many times weaker than him.

"The color change must be different for all Arcana class champions then. Though, this doesn't reveal much. We are still oblivious to what other classes exist," Doctor murmured.

Gray was pretty certain that the color on his hand was blue, though Doctor's magic vision could probably see more than a normal person could.

"You speak like you know the system well," Gray said after a moment of silence had descended upon them. Doctor was deep in thought.

"Do I? Everything I've said should be common knowledge... if you studied what information you have, that is," Doctor, replied, before taking another step forward.

Gray could now see the man clearly. The scar on his forehead was thin, dark, and lumpy... a burn scar from what he could tell. Also, it was larger than he initially thought, though Doctor did a good job of concealing it behind make-up.

"Now, 009Z. Are we forming this alliance, or not?"