Other Ways To Scare Them Off.

After focusing their gazes on him, the boy that spoke last with Dylan at the cafeteria voiced out,

"I thought I told you to do whatever you want to do. You can even report to the head teacher if you want".

"You guys would be shocked at what would befall you". Dylan uttered still glancing at all of them.

Smirks appeared on some of their faces after Dylan said that, then that same boy voiced out again,

"What would befall us?".

"A lot...a lot that you guys might not be able to handle".

"As I said earlier, you're free to do whatever you want to do".

And after saying that, the leader and that same boy tapped Ryan and Dylan's heads with force before all of them began walking away...

Ryan felt more pain from the tapping 'cause the boy that tapped his head did so with more force than the one that was used in tapping Dylan's head.