Chapter 3: Crushed Dreams and Resolutions

Aamon entered the 'field' and felt as if he was on a different world. He didn't feel anything when others walked through it, but the moment he entered, all the different elements were flocking towards him. But he only felt it, the particles didn't glow like they did for Matt and Matthew. They didn't 'react', rather they came to him and latched onto his body, trying to enter inside. But just then there was a peculiar reaction that came from his body.

He felt that his body is rejecting the particles. He inwardly felt the particles are compatible with him, yet something within him strongly rejected them. It was a very peculiar feeling. After trying for a few times, the elemental particles got restless. They all dove right into his body at once. But then there was a repulsion, from deep within his soul that violently pushed the elemental particles out of his body.

The particles were pushed out, but he was also pushed out of the 'field' from the aftershock and hit the walls behind. The last things he remembered before losing consciousness were the girls in his class screaming and a few teachers running over to him.


He woke up in a hospital bed seven days later. He found his mother sitting on a tool beside his bed. There were dark circles around her eyes and she also looked quite haggard. Aamon felt a pang of pain in his heart after seeing his mother like this.

"Mom," he called out softly.

His mother was jolted awake from her thoughts. She came running and hugged her son with teary eyes, "How are you, Aamon. You have been sleeping for seven days. The doctor said you are out of danger yesterday, but I was very scared, my child. You fell into a coma. Your father was also here for last few days, but he had to go back to work today. He only left after the doctor reassured us"

Aamon sensed a rush of warmth in his heart. He finally couldn't hold the sadness and resentment that was surging inside his heart as he hugged his mom and bawled out loud.

"Mom…. mom, I failed...…. I failed in the baptism, mom. I thought if I could be an Elemental, you and dad won't have to do so much work anymore. I waited for this day for four years.... But…. but I failed.... sob..sob. What will I do now, mom?" he cried as his long nurtured dream was now on a path of no return.

Helen was silent. If she said she wasn't disappointed, it would be a lie. But as a mother, her son's health comes first. So, she patted Aamon's head as she comforted him.

"It's alright, son. It's just a small setback. Your father and I also faced this when we were your age. Are we not living happily now? We have a home, a job and above all, we have you. You are the most valuable treasure that came to our family, son. So don't worry about unnecessary and sad thing, okay?"

"But…. Mom, this was the one chance to make our lives better. I saw how much hard work you have to do, dad has to do, every day. You never show it to me, but I can see it all. I don't like it, mom, seeing you guys like that," Aamon protested weakly in his mother's embrace.

"Hahaha…. My son has grown up, he can see our struggle. You said this out loud, it is enough, son. Now don't talk. I brought chicken soup for you, in case you get hungry after you wake up. You should drink it while it's still hot," Helen brought over a flask and poured some soup in the lid. She then gave it to Aamon and watched over lest he doesn't finish it.

As Aamon finished the soup, Helen suddenly said, "I wanted to stay with you today, but as you woke up, it was as if a big mountain was lifted off my chest. Now I can go to work in peace. Remember to sleep early, son. You need rest after an accident like that," she stroked Aamon's hair.

Aamon knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hardworking mom from going to work. But he was somewhat surprised. His parents are somewhat over loving parents. Even if there is work, they shouldn't leave him here, alone. At least one of them should have stayed here. But he didn't think too much about it. He watched his mom as she went off and gradually fell into a deep sleep once again.

This time it was just a sleep. He woke up around midnight. He suddenly felt he had to release and replenish water in his body at the same time. 'What a funny feeling,' he thought. He just went outside wearing his patient's gown and glasses and searched for a toilet.

"Seriously, the toilet of this floor is being cleaned right now! Who cleans the toilet in the middle of the night?" he grumbled as he went down from the third floor to the second floor.

He went to the reception and saw the receptionist lady talking with a nurse. He went over to the desk and politely asked the receptionist lady, "Miss, the toilet of the third floor is being cleaned right now. Can you point me to this floor's toilet?"

The receptionist lady looked at him and was startled. 'This was the patient that was brought here a week ago. Seems like he woke up from the coma,' she thought.

The young nurse that was talking to her pulled her out of her thought with a fake cough and said, "Little brother, you go to that direction and the fourth corridor leads to the toilet. Do you need me to accompany you, it is midnight after all?" the nurse asked with a goodwill.

Aamon shook his head and said, "It's alright, sister nurse. I am not afraid of the night. I rather enjoy the calmness of the night, it feels somewhat…. refreshing."

The nurse was taken aback. She never thought she would hear such words from a boy who looked no more than 10 years old. She somewhat forced a smile and ruffled Aamon's black hair, "It's good then, little brother. Go on."

Aamon nodded his head and left, leaving a receptionist and a nurse behind.

The nurse asked the receptionist, "He is rather an interesting kid, Sara. Don't you think?"

The Receptionist named Sara looked at her nurse friend and said mysteriously, "Yes, he is very interesting indeed"

The nurse was intrigued by her friend's reaction. There are not many things that can attract her attention like that. Even when she brought the news about a certain male celebrity that any girl will have a crush on just by hearing about it, Sara took a look and replied with a nonchalant "Not bad". If she says he is interesting, then it is bound to be interesting.

"Hoho! What is it that you are hiding from me, Sara? Come on, tell me. Aren't we best friends?" Saki, the nurse spoke in a coquettish voice.

Sara was speechless seeing her best friend behave like that. She shook her head and said, "Stop that, Saki. I never said I won't tell you. Stop making cringy gestures."

Saki immediately stood straight with a pout. She muttered under her breath, 'Then just say it without the drama.' Then she asked again, "Tell me, Sara. What is so special about him."

Sara took a deep look at Saki and spoke solemnly, "He was brought here seven days ago with a minor concussion in the head. But surprisingly he didn't wake up even after 24 hours passed, he fell into a coma instead. There was no injury in his body. So, doctors wanted to shift him to a general cabin. But his parents were not convinced and somewhat forced us to shift him to the ICU. They told us to do whatever we need to cure him. We even invited a neurologist from a neighboring city, offering a large amount of fee. But even he didn't find anything. When we were about to give up all hope, his brain responded. On yesterday evening, the doctors finally said he is out of coma. But his body is too weak for some reason and needs to sleep. Only after then his parents agreed to move him into a general cabin."

"Whoa! So, there is a mystery surrounding his brain, huh. Even a neurologist didn't find anything. So wasn't the money spent on inviting him wasted for nothing?" Saki couldn't help but ask.

"Yes," continued Sara, "His father took a big loan from his company for the expanses. Now he seems to be working twice as much compared to before to pay the debt back. Even his mother is now doing two shifts in her job. We all are living in a small city, so it doesn't stay hidden from people. Basically everyone knows it. His boss seems to have reduced the interest the company collects from the debt for him. But he still has to pay the debt money. It is not a small sum."

"Yeah, you are right. Poor guy... I feel kinda bad for him."


Aamon went to the toilet following the direction given by Saki. He took a leak and felt the lightness. He then saw the drinkable water right opposite to the toilet. He drank a glass and felt refreshed.

"Ahh... It feels good to drink water after being super thirsty. I better go and thank the sister nurse before going to bed." He said to himself as he strode to the receptionist table.

 But before he reached there, he heard the women discussing about him. He specially heard the part where Sara talked about the debt his parents were repaying for him.

He felt heartbroken hearing that. His vision became misty as droplets of tear started to roll over his cheeks. He could imagine the condition his father would have after seeing his mom. He finally understood why they both left him alone and went to work.

He clenched his fists hard, so much that his knuckles became white from the strain. At this moment he made a promise to himself. No matter what, he will earn himself enough money that his parents can just rest and live peacefully. He will never see his parents' haggard and weak appearance ever again.

He took a deep breath, calmed his mind and walked to the desk. He thanked them for direction and walked straight into his room. He laid down on the bed, his eyes firm with resolution as he closed them for the day and gradually fell asleep.