"Don't be stupid Code. let him out of here and you will get nothing but cops after you."

"No...I..." I am determined to convince them that I won't involve any cop. I mean it.

"Quiet now, boy! I need this fun and not your money." The voice warned me.

"Get it done with, Code, I am becoming impatient."

The weight returned to the bed again. He struck my cheek and brushed my lips with a finger. I felt his breath on my neck as he murmured. "Shh!"

I don't need to be told anymore what the whole fun will be at this moment but what I don't understand is why I am only registering how gentle these hands are on me. Somehow, I felt my fear evaporate and refilled with curiosity. I strangely felt relaxed with this stranger on me.

"Code, you don't need all this ceremony now, you are making the boy comfortable," the first voice cautioned and I can sense the frustration in his tone.

Indeed, he is making me comfortable and, I can only hear a slight of my sob which is not out of fear. One thing I can tell is that the person on me doesn't want to hurt me even though he is going to hurt me soon, I know what he is up to.

He unzipped and pulled my trousers off me, leaving me with just my underwear, and honestly, I suddenly became shy rather than scared.

I can't remember being this exposed before anyone and here I am under this stranger, almost naked, and to the best of my knowledge before another person sitting or standing somewhere in this room while watching the whole thing.

"Tie him up again, Code, you don't want me losing the pleasure now, do you?"

Code or whatever this stranger's name is turned me to my stomach and tied me up again as he was ordered but not as tight as it was before. With my bare back facing him, he must have seen that blackish birthmark that is plastered just a bit above my shoulder like a map-like tattoo.

That birthmark is the only black item on my white skin and that makes it a thing of attraction once sighted by anyone.

Well, apart from family who has been opportune to see it maybe because they knew of it since my birth, the only person to have seen it was my brother's best friend, Lucky. Who barged into my room without knocking during my brother's 16th birthday.

How lucky he was. Not only was he the first outsider to see my birthmark but also the only person apart from my brother to have entered my room. My room is strictly out of everyone's feet, not even Granny is loved enough to penetrate. My brother, yes, we share a relationship understood only by us.

This stranger touched the part I know full well had my bold printed birthmark as if he was taking a clear note of it. He smoothed that area and his touch felt gentle on my bare back.

He moved to my underwear and pulled it down to my ankle. He held my waist and lifted my lower body a little. Holding me still with a hand, I heard him unzipping his trousers, he kneed closer to me and I felt his rod on my buttocks and I tensed.

His being gentle doesn't erase the truth that I am close to being raped by him or that that thing on my thigh isn't capable of shredding my innocent hole.

I am not even gay. I have nothing against gays, I am just not one of them. Well, I don't like girls either, the reason I insist on going to a boy high school, unlike my brother. I don't think I like how clingy and flirty girls can be, it is irritating but that doesn't mean I want to end up with a guy.

I felt him move closer to me, every movement he makes is being noted by the squeak from the bed. I felt his face close to my ear as I heard him whisper to my ears. "Relax."

A command or comfort? I am not sure but, his voice as soothing as it is didn't stop me from shutting my eyes under the blindfold and awaiting the most painful experience of my life.

Being in a same-sex high school made it easy to know a lot about gays. We have numerous dating boyfriends in my school and I do hear them talk about the hell experiences of the bottoms during their first time which is when I decided to be the top and not the bottom like this if I ever began to fancy gay life.

"What are you waiting for, Code?"

At a point, I have forgotten we have company in the room. I do not understand his part of the deal to watch me get raped or if he will join in the whole escapade. Am I to be raped by these guys? I began to get scared at the thought of it.

"Argh!" I screamed painfully as I felt a sharp pain in my butt."It hurts."

The whole hell experience wasn't a tale after all for I have started my journey to hell.

"Oh yes! Good boy, I need you to scream more."

This is the only voice that drives me insane here. How can a human sound happy when someone is in pain?

"I am sorry," the stranger on the bed said.

Sorry? Sorry? How can a rapist be apologizing?

His apology got to the wrong part of my heart and it broke into pieces. If he knew it would be this painful, why do it when he can't even stand it? If he is this weak, what does he expect me to be?

All I know is that he only wants the money he was offered, I was stupid to ever get comfortable with all this. I am dealing with a rapist and that's it.

"Relax." He said again.

Something about his voice made me sadder and this time, I began to sob with tears running down my cheeks afresh. I felt his movement and I knew he was coming on me again, I stiffened my body and awaited another round of pain.

"Argh..." I screamed even louder.

I felt him flinch on me again but didn't pull out as he did the first time. Instead, he held my waist tightly and clammed his full self into me.

The pain I felt sent shocks to my brain and I thought I was about to collapse when I heard the other voice in the room saying.

"Yeah, dig in Code, c'mon now."

If only we didn't have this company in here, it could have all gone softer.

Code began to move his waist in and out of me slowly. Somewhere, I started looking for the pain I felt earlier to no reach, all I feel now is my body welcoming the rapist. I felt my whole adjusting to the new change elastically and my brain couldn't stop thinking it felt good.

I felt his hand on my shoulder as he pulled me upright and easily pushed me closer to him with the other hand on my waist. I heard him moan in this new position and just like him, I felt better.

I lapped my mouth tightly to subdue any other sound that was not of pain but I failed drastically. I opened my mouth to sob louder but a moan escaped out of my will.

"Do not pleasure him Code, I need him in pain."

Said the only rapist in this room. I heard him unzipping and my heart crumbled. Perhaps, he is about to take over. He is going to show this Code how to eat a prey.

I focused on the sound of the zipper, picturing what this voice was about to do to me when Code's unexpected hard thrust brought me to gasp.

The pleasure I felt a while ago disappeared immediately as Code clung to my waist and pounded in all might.

The pleasure I felt a while ago disappeared immediately as Code clung to my waist and pounded in all might. His moans became deeper and this tells me he was after a satisfaction. He deepened his rod at every thrust and I cried in pain.and I cried in pain.

"Please, stop...please."

The pain was becoming unbearable and I couldn't withstand it anymore.

"Ahh! Mmm, that's it Code. Yes, yes...Ahh!"

The only rapist in the room moaned loudly and I began to wonder what exactly he is doing now.

Code hasn't reduced his furious bounce into me despite my pleas.

"Fvck!" He moaned with gritted teeth and increased his tempo.

My body sort of adjusted to his rhythm and hard thrusts and everything was filled with both pleasure and pain and my brain was having a hard time making choices of the one to focus on.

All my ears could hear now was the sobs and moans of different persons. My tied hands clenched in pain. As the slapping of fleshing behind me turns louder, the bed vibrates under me as if shaken by an earthquake, and so is my body.

Every sound became faint, the moans, my sobs. I found my strength all taken away, my vision and awareness were about to be taken, and...

"Stop," I warned him. I am losing it. "Stop, please."

I pleaded but my pleas were lost in their loud moans. No one heard me, no one cared.


And that was the last word I heard from whoever, before my brain finally shut down.