Chapter Five

"Did you realize you just ruined the entire final year for us?" Ashley screamed at Isabell in the hallway of the building "Why did you do that, Izzy?" Steve asked but didn't get a response as well. Isabell kept on walking while the other two matched steps with her

"What the hell is going on in that problematic mind of yours?' The three of them stopped at a pissed shout, Isabell still ahead of them. "This is not even funny, Izzy. I don't believe how can you- How can you do this to us?" Ashley yelled in fury "I thought you hated Sebastian!" Steve's voice hardened and nothing like how he normally speaks to Isabell "I do. I still do hate him so much" I hate him, I know I hate him. I hate him and I have enough reasons to do so! "Then why the hell did you say yes if you really hate him that much" Steve wailed

"You think we had another choice?" Isabell turned around "We could have one but you just rinsed off every possibility and every hope for it" Ashley's eyes widened in anger, her brows clenched

"No, we didn't and we couldn't have a choice and on top of that it's Mr. Conner who selected Sebastian and I know he is always right" But the main reason Isabell never told them was,

yes my gut shouts to me that Sebastian Lightwood is the leader of Throne Of Demon and I want him to see his reaction and everything he will do to stop me when I'll present to him Throne of Demon is the topic of my Legal Case Study. And yes I might be crazy but for now, this is the only thing I can do

"But he is not good for us and you know it so well, Izzy. You know that he treats us like shit and his ego and attitude is like if he is a damn president of this country or something!" Steve mouthed "I don't know but I know that I hate him and I don't really get a chance to do the things I love so let it be as it is" Isabell moved around ditching the conversation

"You really are crazy and because of you none of us are going to be sane till the end of the year. All thanks to you, Isabell" Ashley grabbed Steve's hand dragging him in the other direction while Isabell stood straight in the middle of the hallway, every passing fellow student from the class stared at her furiously as if she had murdered someone. Maybe they think that she indeed murdered their dream but Isabell knew she wasn't being entirely shellfish because her favorite professor was really never wrong and she has seen the potential in lectures of Sebastian. Isabell knew Sebastian might have the power to push them towards their destinations, but no one else was ready to think like now, even her own friends decided to keep their distance from her for the length of a day leaving her all alone but isolating her wasn't going to work against her because that's one thing Isabell liked


Xavier told Isabell about his classes till evening today so he wasn't home and because her mother was coming late today too so she decided

"This would be the perfect time to record another part," She told herself getting out of bed. Talking little jumps she reached the table. Isabell opened the drawer but instead of picking the recorder up or even opening the evidence box, her fingers slipped to a picture that was facing down, she held it gently in her hand turning it around. The tip of her fingers traced the boundary of it

"You had the breath-talking smile," Dhe said to the girl in the picture. A girl who didn't look more than twenty, her auburn hair collected into a high ponytail, her eyes glassy green and a natural red shade of lips

"I told you I would spend dollars to see your smile every day" Tears welled in her eyes "But I guess my money is safe with me, Emily" Before she could realize her tears were already rolling down. Isabell vigorously rubbed her tears putting the picture back in the drawer and clenching the recorder tight, she smashed the button turning it on

"Tuning in March 21st, 2023" She breathed out loud "in the la- last" she cleared her throat "part I briefly introduced Throne Of Demon, today I'll be talking about the reason why I really want to hunt them down.In February of 2022, I met a girl named Emily, I never knew her second name and I am guilty about that. Emily was in her first year of university. On a stormy night when everything was damp and shocked, she came to me to find some hope. A vacant stare revealed the depth of her altered state. Her unsteady steps, and dilated pupils told me she was drugged.

Yes, Emily was forced to take the drugs by The Knight. That little girl came to me thinking a law student who is outstanding every year would be able to help her. She told me I want to be free again and live like a normal person, but I Freaking proved her wrong!" Isabell yelled,

"But I freaking proved her wrong! I proved her wrong. I am a useless piece of shit who thinks so highly of herself. I'm a good-for-nothing outstanding student! I couldn't help her! I never helped her! I failed! I proved her wrong" Following the shouts a stream of tears ran down her cheeks "I- I am s-sorry I'm sorry, Emily" Her shoulder trembled with the burden she has been bearing for an year "I'm sorry I'm" her voice dissolved into the tears, her shaking legs dropped to the floor "I'm sorry" her fingers tighten around the recorder and she couldn't even feel anything as if this pain is nothing in front of what her heart was dealing with right now

The floor had some type of adhesive power as it glued Isabell to it. Her head rested on folded legs while her hair floated all around her, covering her in a hazel blanket. She never realized how dark it looked from her window until her mom was home and Isabell had to start smiling again, the same smile she hated the most


The night came down and turned everything like the color of it, the full moon cast an eerie glow, owls howling in the darkness. The backside of Veritas University was always silent and threatening as there was nothing but woods and woods and vast woods. A young boy passed alongside a board that read Danger but the sign didn't seem to convince the guy to stop.

The night was chilly, the hushed wind caused the trees of the forest to make noises, and the steps of the boy's crushed leaves behind them echoed the silence of the dense forest, "One, two, three, four, five. Five big stones. One hundred steps two O Clock" The boy reads from a paper he is holding so tight as if his very existence relies upon the words written on it "Ninety-nine and hundred. The goofy tree. Two hundred steps to the left" the sounds from rustling of leaves seemed to take a halt as they got covered by loud music when the boy took the second hundredth step.

He was standing in front of an abandoned building. Layers of concrete covered the entirety of the walls and almost invisible patches of white paint stayed attached to it, wines crawling down the surface, and an old wooden door was positioned at the entrance.

The throbs of loud music reverberated traveling to him taking air as an aid and the dancing shadows of people were visible from the window.

He took steps forward and raised his hands to knock "One two three" The door opened after exactly three knocks and in front of it, a guard in a brown uniform appeared

"Inside of a cube, shadows entwine and secret enshrine, concealing memories with the dark heartbeat of Drug-laced camaraderie," The boy said to the masked guard. Despite having a mask his pale face was clearly visible and without uttering a word he let him.

The inner side betrayed the appearance of out. Mild red and blue light covered the entire hall taking turns in blinks, every person present wore a mask with their name on it, in the middle ceiling a large chandelier hung below which was a luxurious black roman carpet, where a man in blood red mask as dancing. Black beads outlined his edgy eyes, dressed in black while his jacket matched his mask, and the letters on his forehead read 𝐿𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑙.

Every eye in the room was at Lethal performing his Dance of Knives.

He stood boldly in the center of the stage giving the illusion of being alone and as if no one had permission to exist there but him. Stones cover the holds of his knives ending with sharp blades yearning to dig in an individual and to turn the air red around them. He clenched the knives harder, he shielded his eyes from the knives as his legs shook, syncing with the beats of music. Lethal stretched his arms straight, his head wavering to the melody. A tide of electricity passed from one tip of his index finger to the other, the vampire teeth from his mouth peeked as he twisted his lips into a sinister smile, swaying the tough over them.

At the speed that mirrors the light, he took one turn and then another swirl, not moving the knives even for a fraction of an inch. The magnetic pull of Lethal's dance drew the audience into a tight-knotted circle around him. Whispers of excitement and suspense spread all across the round captivated by anticipation of his next move.

Lethal crossed his knives right in front of his masked eyes. The dragon sculptures shot fire every second his blades made a click. He twisted the knives in his hands. The crowd erupted in wild cheers as Lethal sent the knives up aiming to pierce the air over him, they landed safely back to him exchanging their hands. One more wave of cheers made even the music fade in the background. His wicked smile appeared again, gathering all the praise he bent his neck down. Enjoying his moments of peace. Betraying the celebrations the cheering went off, replacing the silence and the smile at his lips Lethal vanished as the euphoric screams exchanged hush

At the top of the stairs man appeared who didn't look less than two hundred pounds. The green mask covered his entire face and it read 𝐺𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡. He moved aside revealing a five-feet-nine blond guy dressed in blue that matched the color of his mask saying 𝑆𝑝𝑦

Spy immediately abandoned his position, making way for the unveiling of the character behind him. A ripple of enthusiasm traveled across the Hall as the crowd growled at the enigmatic figure who just appeared in front of them.

Black color covers him from head to toe, the feathers of Raven adorned his black mask concealing the corners as wings

"Get down to your knees 𝐾𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 is here" Spy announced electing an involuntary reaction from the ground, everybody curled their fingers into a fist hitting their chest they fell. Lethal swiftly shifted both of his knives into one hand and injected them to the floor, his other hand crashed into the chest as he dropped to his knee paying respect to the Knight.

Descending to the stairs his cape stayed behind him covering the entire back of him. Every step he took down ignited a spark of screams from the crowd. His fingers moved along the sides of the stairwell in almost a choreographic rhythm as he walked down. Guarding him from sides along with members were two guards in brown masks with numb faces, wearing a uniform of the same color

Knight walked to the stage, he took a seat on his lavish Throne. The color of him and his throne looked identical, embellished with gemstones that sparkled in the light as a flicker of fireflies wandering in the dark.

One leg crossed over the other, and Knight rested his arms on handles. Lethal reached to him holding a black crown having red peals on every spike, he held it firmly in both of his hands and placed it on the top of Knight's head "Long live, Alpha" he said bowing his head down


The Knight announced and everyone straightened up in a flash "Long Live, Alpha" The words echoed in the air "Long Live, Alpha"

The decreased music was now bumping at its highest "Where is my present?" Knight asked with a smirk "Coming right up, Alpha" Giant said moving towards the opposite direction at the back of the throne "Display!" He announced and two guards appeared on his single clap holding a boy, who was filled with bruises. Blood pouring out through huge cuts on his thighs, eyes purple being the only person in the entire hall to have a raw face. The guards with numb faces and almost robotic appearances dragged him to the Knight. They hurled the boy to the floor in front of the throne

"Ple-, please don't kill me. Don't kil- kill me. I swear I won't run again. I-i won't- I won't make any mistakes again. Plea- please, Alpha. Ha- have some mercy on me" The boy begged, rubbing his hands, his entire body shaking with fear

"There is no second chance" Knight snapped and in a second a guard presented him with a gun, Knight passed a half glance to the DJ and the music went low

"No place for traitors," Knight said, shooting a bullet directly in between his eyes. "Plea—-" The roar of the boy hushed the entire Hall.

Knight raised from his throne

"It's my honor to have you all in here" he said "This poor little gentleman" He pointed the gun at the dead body of the boy which was already being cleared off by his guards "Dared to go to the police and report Throne Of Demon. So he is a role model for you, my people" The tension kept increasing in the air every passing moment "So you may learn" he laughed "Anyways" he positioned himself back to the throne "Since I'm in a great mood today every one of you is going to have a shot of morphine and it's on me" The tension, the anxiety, the silence, and the empathy was all whipped off by his single sentence and cheers went louder and louder

"Long Live, Alpha. Long Live, Knight" The attentions shifted as if nothing ever happened, beats got a new peek everyone moved along with the music already but not Lethal

"You could have given me one more minute to finish my dance" Lethal stared at Knight with irritation in his eyes "Then how was it supposed to be fun?" Knight winked at him and Lethal's eyes took a roll

"By the way" Spy moved in front of Knight "Why the hell did you announce a freaking free shot of morphine?" Knight didn't give him an answer "Exactly! One shot costs twenty-five freaking dollars and for those damn hundred people you just make us lose two and a half grand" Lethal said and he didn't get a response either

"What the hell are you playing at, Knight?" Giant moved in front of them with a single hefty step. He was big enough to cover all three of them just by standing straight and doing nothing.

Knight parted his lips but before speaking his lips shined with a demonic smirk "Guess what?" he said "What the hell?" They asked, "I got a direct deal from some chick" They all stared at him with amazed expressions,

"Twenty Grands" he announced leaving them with wide-open mouths


"Holy Shit!"


Each one of them yelled in excitement

All of the three curled their fingers into a punch, hitting it hard to their chests. They fell on one knee

"Long Live, Alpha"

"Long Live, The Knight"