Chapter 5

Chapter 5: I Raise My Own Wife


"So you were laughed at because of your Byakugan? What a ridiculous reason."


It seemed that Hiashi had instructed Hinata to listen to Ryosuke, so she had no intention of hiding anything about her own affairs. After Ryosuke guessed what was going on, she lowered her head and told him everything in a low voice.


The Hyuga clan has the Byakugan, and their appearance is different from that of ordinary people. Because of this, some children of the same age in the village liked to bully her. Although they didn't attack her directly, many laughed at her appearance and were unwilling to play with her. Verbal and social exclusion made her equally sad.


After listening carefully to Hinata's narration, Ryosuke did not show any anger because of this incident. He always had a gentle smile on his face. "So because of this incident, you are... afraid of those children?"


"As the future head of the Hyuga family, are you afraid of ordinary children?"


It's a little ridiculous, but it did happen. A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, just like what he saw in the news in his previous life, where the daughter of a president was bullied at school. Most of the children in Konoha Village who have not yet attended the Ninja Academy do not know what the name Hyuga means or what these eyes mean. As for matters between children from the same village, adults generally do not interfere, especially in this world where force is supreme. When children are bullied, few of them go home crying to their mothers. In this situation, it became natural for Hinata, who was cowardly, unsociable, and often alone, to be bullied.


Hinata lowered her head and did not reply. She was well aware that she had disappointed Ryosuke and her father.


"Your father is a very proud and traditional man. He will definitely not help you when the young lady of the Hyuga clan is scolded and cries because of a few ordinary children. He cannot afford to lose face, and this is a matter between children."


Looking at Hinata who had lowered her head, Ryosuke continued to speak, his voice neither hurried nor slow. With her eyes closed, Hinata silently endured the pressure. However, unlike her father's traditional and cold voice, Ryosuke's voice was very gentle, which made her feel a little better.


"Come here."


Ryosuke waved to Hinata, motioning her to sit next to him. Hinata obediently stood up, walked across the table, and sat down next to Ryosuke.


"No matter who you are, no matter what age or status, anyone who laughs at someone else's appearance is the most childish person."


As he spoke, Ryosuke picked up a piece of vegetable tempura with chopsticks. "Because at the beginning of everyone's life, appearance is determined by nature, given by their parents, not by them."


Hinata obediently ate the vegetables that Ryosuke picked for her, seeming to understand something.


"But people change, and time does not stand still."


He continued, "Even if someone is not good-looking, as long as they are good enough and work hard, they can make up for their shortcomings in various ways, not to mention..."


"You're so cute; they just don't know how to appreciate it."


The Hyuga clan has fairer skin than other people, and those like Ryosuke whose blood has reverted to their ancestral state are so fair that they look bluish white. As for the eyes, which is natural and completely white, it makes them different and strange compared to ordinary people. But it is just like in ancient times, when Eastern countries saw Westerners, they always thought that they looked strange, so they defined them as ugly. In fact, it's just a difference in aesthetics, which Ryosuke knows well, but there is no distinction between East and West in this world, so he has no way to explain it to Hinata.


Opposite him, Hinata, who had originally had a gloomy expression, became shy because of his words. Chuckling at the cute girl whose face was slightly blushing, Ryosuke asked softly, "So Hinata, are you willing to believe what they say, or what I say?"




Biting her lower lip, Hinata managed to whisper a few words after a long while, "I believe in Ryosuke-kun."


"Very good."


Nodding with satisfaction, Ryosuke stretched out his hand and stroked her hair gently. "Since the fault is not yours, I will take you to find them later, and you can ask them to apologize to you."




Hinata, who was originally shy, raised her head in panic.


"Are those three the children who often bully you?"


The summer sun was scorching, but it did not stop the energetic children from playing. The park in the center of Konoha Village was where children often gathered. Ryosuke took Hinata to stand outside the park, observing the situation inside through the gaps in the treetops.


Instead of answering his question, Hinata whispered, "Ryosuke-kun, let's go back." Because she held his hands very tightly, Ryosuke could easily feel her fear and nervousness.


"Remember what I just told you?"


Gently comforting Hinata, Ryosuke leaned his head close to her ear and whispered, "A person's appearance can be changed through hard work. And not only appearance, but many other things can be changed through hard work."


"You are naturally submissive and cowardly. I believe you should be aware of this, but you can also change this and make your father look at you with new eyes."


Hinata seemed a little nervous at first, but when she heard the name father, she was stunned. Walking up behind her, Ryosuke stretched out his hands from behind her and placed his palms against her cheeks, straightening her head so that she no longer lowered her head but looked directly at the children in the distance.


"Those three kids down there, they always make fun of your appearance, don't they?"


He whispered softly and gently in Hinata's ear, "Since you believe what I said and believe that you are not ugly, but they just don't know how to appreciate it and are just talking nonsense, then... shouldn't you go down and let them apologize to you?"




Speaking of this, Hinata spoke again nervously, and her head unconsciously wanted to lower, but Ryosuke held it down and she couldn't do it.


"As the future head of the Hyuga clan, if you want to satisfy your father, you must not keep your head down like this."


Ryosuke's voice seemed to have some kind of magic that made her forget her nervousness temporarily. "Do as I say. Walk over with your head held high and your chest out. Speak openly and ask them to apologize to you."


"You just need to explain things clearly, then stare at them expressionlessly and wait for their apology. Souji and Hoshicai will take care of the rest."


After saying that, he gently reached out and pushed her from behind. Hinata, who was pushed out, only felt a force seeming to be transmitted to her body through Ryosuke's palm. Unconsciously, she followed his instructions and began to walk forward, keeping her head up and chest out.


Looking at Hinata walking towards the park, Ryosuke instructed the two guards behind him, "Follow her and look fierce to scare those three little brats."




Hyuga Souji and Hyuga Hoshicai nodded and chased after Hinata. Instead of following their steps, Ryosuke stood there, with his hands behind his back, looking into the park, the smile on his face never changing.


To make a delicious shrimp tempura, you need to control the heat and frying time to get the best result. He has never had a complete understanding of the concept of a wife in his past and present lives, but this does not affect his efforts to cultivate a good partner for himself. If possible, he also hopes that this partner can be his umbrella of protection and become the obvious future of the Hyuga clan before he grows up completely.


As for this, the cowardly and irresponsible person in the anime cannot do it, and he does not want his partner to be such a person. Hinata needs to grow up. He was the one who corrected Hyuga Hiashi's wrong way of education and supported his wife himself.


(End of this chapter)