Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Past and Present Life


The bright stars are like chess pieces, shining brightly on this dark chessboard. The vast night sky seems to have no boundaries. Or maybe there is a limit, but Ryosuke's vision is not broad enough yet and he cannot accommodate the entire starry sky.


Lying in bed, he looked up at the sky. There was no expression on his face, and he didn't have the smile that he usually wore even when he was alone. In fact, Ryosuke is not a person who likes to laugh. Smiling makes him feel tired. Compared to laughing, he prefers to be expressionless like this, which is his most comfortable state. But a blank expression can make people feel distant and cold. Rather than making people feel strange, he prefers others to like him and feel dependent on him, which makes him feel a little at home in this world.


"This time we avoided the death of Hyuga Hizashi and prevented the loss of Hyuga's combat power." Ryosuke muttered to himself.


"This current period of time was not described in detail in the original novel. Apart from the annihilation of the Uchiha clan, no major events occurred. There were mostly minor incidents. Major events basically began to unfold after Naruto graduated."


While looking at the night sky, Ryosuke pondered over recent events. At the end of each day, he would carefully recall what he had done throughtout the day and go over his plans. This was a habit he had maintained since his previous life.


Ryosuke's previous life was not ordinary. Compared to ordinary people, his previous life was relatively difficult. He was born an orphan and was abandoned in an orphanage when he was young. Fortunately, he was precocious and knew very well that he had already lost to most people at the starting line of life and could not reach the average level at all, so he worked hard enough and completed his studies with excellent grades. He did not spend a penny during the entire learning process, and even received a lot of scholarships and social subsidies from various schools.


Thanks to the strong adaptability he had since childhood, after leaving school, Ryosuke was able to thrive in society. All in all, his previous life was full of suffering before happiness. Although...the sweetness didn't last long, as he came into this world in an accident. Ryosuke did not complain about this incident. It doesn't really matter to him which world it is. The only thing to be thankful for is that he had not married or had children in his previous life. He didn't want his child to suffer the same thing as himself and become an orphan who was unwanted by everyone. This is also the reason why Ryosuke was able to accept everything so calmly after coming into this world, and adapt quickly and plan a new life for himself. He has always been alone, always has been.


"Hinata has to build up her confidence again. If she wants to be my wife, she can't just be a vase. The ninja world is not as peaceful as it used to be." Ryosuke continued his thoughts. 


"Because of the Cloud Ninja incident, I have been delayed for so many days and have not yet started learning the Gentle Fist. The progress of my training has been affected. I need to remind my father tomorrow."


"Regarding the experience bar in my mind, it took me three years to reach 100% the first time, and now it has only been a year. This means that if nothing goes wrong, the second time will be completed when I am six years old."


Ryosuke sorted out his recent plans one by one, and only after the last thing was confirmed did he slowly stand up and close the skylight. He designed his room himself. As the future head of the Hyuga family, he had the financial and human resources to easily build the house he wanted in this world where the entertainment industry was not well developed. Next is the time for sleep. In order to welcome a better tomorrow, every rest must be completed with all your heart and soul.




"Gentle Fist is a secret technique passed down from generation to generation in our Hyuga clan." 


"Only by relying on the convenience brought to us by our bloodline, that is, our eyes, can we bring the power of the Gentle Fist to its fullest."


"You should already know the principle. It is a physical technique that injects one's own chakra into the enemy's body, thereby damaging the enemy's chakra pathways, the meridian system, and internal organs."


The light of the morning sun fell on the ground. Early in the morning, Ryosuke and Hinata were woken up by Hyuga Hiashi to learn the Gentle Fist method. It seems that because of yesterday's conversation, Hiashi no longer regards Ryosuke as a child. As for Hinata, it's entirely because she is also the head of a family and the future head of the family.


"Unlike ordinary taijutsu, our taijutsu focuses more on attacking the inner body of the human body." 


Hyuga Hiashi continued to explain, "The human body is very fragile. No matter how powerful a ninja is, it is impossible to train the body to the point of being indestructible."


"Compared to the external body surface and even the bones, the cultivation of the five internal organs and meridians in the human body is hundreds of times more difficult..."


He explained the story seriously and demonstrated it himself from time to time, allowing Ryosuke and the others to feel the feeling of having the chakra of the Gentle Fist technique invade their bodies, seal their acupuncture points, and cut off their meridians.


"Then next, Ryosuke, you can start practicing the Gentle Fist method. I will guide you in your practice." At this point, Hyuga Hiashi paused and turned his gaze to his own daughter, "As for Hinata, your physique is not yet qualified to practice Gentle Fist. Continue your usual training today to temper your body and improve your strength and speed."


"Yes." Hinata nodded seriously, walked to the other side consciously, and started her usual exercise. However, this decisive answer and expression made Hiashi stunned for a moment. It was also at this time that he discovered that his daughter seemed a little... different.


Thinking back carefully, it seemed that since the dinner they had together last night, her behavior had become a little... bold. She actually dared to hold her head high and face him directly, unlike before when she didn't even dare to look him in the eye.


"She is trying to gain your approval and is also trying to learn how to be a head of the family."


Sensing the doubt in Hyuga Hiashi's heart, Ryosuke explained softly, "If Hinata works hard enough, even if she hasn't reached your expectations, I hope you can give her some appropriate encouragement and praise."


Self-confidence is a very important part of people's changeable emotions. It allows people to do more with less effort in anything they do. That was the result of her own courage in trying. He hopes that Hinata will become a qualified head of the family, rather than a puppet head of the family who will only obey his words.


Turning his gaze back to Ryosuke, Hiashi nodded slightly but didn't say anything more, nor did he ask what happened.


"Hurry up and start, Ryosuke. That little genius of Uchiha has the strength of a Chunin at the age of eleven. Although there is a big age gap between you, I hope that as someone who is blessed by the ancestors, you will not lose to him."


"I'll try my best." Ryosuke replied with a smile. Unless he needs to step out in the open and demonstrate his abilities to intimidate others, most of the time, he tends to keep his words half-answered.


(End of this chapter)