Chapter 23



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Chapter 23: Will of Fire


Sarutobi Hiruzen addressed a group of children from a high platform.


Below, most students were so excited that their blood boiled, eager to sacrifice themselves for the village immediately and achieve something great and spectacular.


Of course, these passionate students didn't include Ryosuke.


Though he seemed focused and serious on the surface, he actually felt extremely bored inside.


Regarding the development concepts and ideas of Konoha Village, what he knew might be far more detailed than what Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioned. Even if he were to speak up, it would have achieved the same effect as Sarutobi Hiruzen's speech.


Regardless of past and present lives, this seemingly solemn speech was nothing more than words to inspire and unite people's hearts and share one's own ideas.


This differed from the past, when people talked about studying for the rise of the country.


The current political philosophy of Konoha Village is the Will of Fire, originating from the first Hokage of Konoha and advocated by the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.


The general idea is to prioritize the village over family and individual units.


Whether it's a big or small matter, not about the country or oneself, everything is for the village's development and future.


The emergence of this ideology aimed to solve the hidden dangers left behind when Konoha Village was hastily established.


Konoha Village was once a complex force.


In fact, whether it's Konoha Village, the Hidden Cloud Village, or the Hidden Sand Village in other countries, they are the same.


During the Warring States Period, although the entire ninja world was divided into countries, wars were mostly fought within countries.


During that period, there were no so-called ninja villages in the Land of Fire, the Land of Water, or the Land of Earth.


All ninjas were organized into families as military units, leading to serious internal conflicts in each country.


At the end of the Warring States Period, the two most powerful clans in the Land of Fire, the Uchiha and the Senju clans, formed an alliance, established a village, and absorbed countless families willing to join them.


Other countries followed suit and established their own ninja villages.


From then on, the Warring States Period ended, and the era of the Five Great Powers began.


The war shifted from within each country to battles between them.


This development process meant that the forces within Konoha Village were not harmonious.


Everyone used to be enemies, but they were forcibly united by force and circumstances. No one was willing to submit to anyone else, and friction among the various families within the village was common.


At that time, Konoha still maintained the idea of the Warring States Period that the strong were respected.


So, when the war briefly ended and there were no external enemies, the Uchiha and Senju competed for the position of Hokage in this village.


The first Hokage at that time realized that the village couldn't develop with the idea of respecting the strong, otherwise, the village would probably fall apart due to internal strife. However, Uchiha Madara, who founded Konoha with him, was always stubborn.


There was no way out; they could only become enemies.


After this incident, the first Hokage of Konoha passed away, and Tobirama Senju succeeded him as the second Hokage, inheriting his brother's ideas.

Uchiha Madara, the strongest member of the Uchiha clan, was defeated by his brother. As the strongest man in the village, Senju Tobirama had the absolute right to promote this idea.


It was also at this time that the Will of Fire truly appeared in Konoha Village.


This is the reason, origin, and development of the Will of Fire ideology.


Now, decades later, this idea has been firmly implemented by Konoha's high-level officials, and many families have also given up the idea of operating as clan units.


The most obvious example is the Senju clan.


Nowadays, very few people call themselves members of the Senju clan. One reason is that most Senju clan members died on the battlefield, but more importantly, they didn't rule out intermarriage with outsiders and gave up their surnames.


The Senju clan has been completely integrated into Konoha Village.


Ten years after the establishment of Konoha, the Senju clan set an example by giving up their surnames, reducing vigilance among the clans.


All children of the Senju clan born after that year didn't take the Senju surname, including Tsunade, one of Konoha's three ninjas, and later her younger brother Nawaki.


As direct relatives of Hashirama Senju, they didn't call themselves Senju because they gave up their surname.


This information was learned by Ryosuke from the information about the Hyuga clan after he came to this world. It wasn't recorded in his previous life's plot.


Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke for over an hour before finally concluding his long speech.


However, he didn't adjourn the meeting immediately. Instead, he smiled and asked Naruto, who looked full of fighting spirit, what he wanted to do in the future after hearing these words.


So, what to do?


Perhaps the idea of becoming Hokage was planted at this time.


He didn't address any particular student except Naruto; Sarutobi Hiruzen treated everyone else equally.


After finishing the speech, the school teachers who had been waiting at the edge of the playground began to lead the students into the classroom.


Upon arriving at the classroom.


Not choosing a seat by the window or near the front, Ryosuke went straight to the last row and sat down.


In order to avoid blocking the view of students in the back row, the classroom layout was arranged in tiers, with one row of seats per step.


The last row, with a wide view, was the highest place in the entire classroom. He could fully see the entire class and easily observe everyone in it.


"You don't have to follow me all the time. You should make some friends during your time here."


Looking at Hinata sitting with him in the last row like a little wife, Ryosuke spoke softly.




Turning her head to look at Ryosuke, Hinata thought for a moment, and without any hesitation, she agreed directly, went to the front, and sat down among the girls, next to Ino.


You have to have your own ideas. Hinata always remembered every word Ryosuke said.


If it were personal preference, she would want to sit next to Ryosuke because it had always been her habit.


But considering her status as the future head of the family, she should be sociable and build good relationships with the future leaders of these villages.


Chuckling, Ryosuke looked at Hinata, who was completely different from what he remembered, with a relieved smile on his face.


But soon, he turned his attention to everyone else, observing everyone who entered the class.


Since the entrance test hadn't been conducted yet, there is no special class division and the students are divided directly according to the order of their seats.


But even so, people from families like Ryosuke were assigned together.


Among them, there were several people from ninja families who were lucky enough to be assigned to the group, such as Haruno Sakura.


If nothing unexpected happens, these are the people who will be in the elite class in the future.


Unless there are really exceptionally talented students


like the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, in those ordinary classes.


"Um...can I sit here?"


A cautious question sounded beside him, and when Ryosuke turned around, he saw a somewhat uneasy face.

(End of this chapter)

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