Chapter 40


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Chapter 40: Raid


The Uchiha are now in an awkward situation with the village.


It can be said that since the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked, the existing contradictions have been repeatedly expanded, and now have reached an irreversible point.


Many high-ranking officials in the village believed that the Nine-Tails' attack was a trick played by the Uchiha clan behind the scenes.


After all, most people saw how the Nine-Tailed Fox looked when it was controlled.


Therefore, nowadays, most villages have people keeping an eye on some of the relatively outstanding ninjas of the Uchiha clan.


Not to mention ninjas at the level of Jonin. Generally, as long as they leave their clan territory, there will be people from the Anbu or... the Root following them in secret.


It was also because of this that Ryosuke felt more at ease in deciding on this actual combat.


He thought that the Uchiha people would not be so cautious as to spare so many manpower to deal with a kid like him who hadn't even graduated from ninja school.


However, out of caution, Ryosuke still took Souji and Hoshicai to hide all the way, wanting to actually confirm the strength of the Uchiha people before making any plans.


Now, after confirming the number of attackers and their approximate strength, he planned to take action...


"There's no trace of them at all. Could they have already reached Nagano Temple?"


The three Uchiha men were very angry as they couldn't find any trace of Ryosuke and the others in the dense forest no matter how hard they searched.


They temporarily slowed down their running and started walking instead.


Keeping chakra running for a long time and attaching it to the body to improve mobility will also be tiring.


Before they feel a little tired, they will stop like this, resting while walking, to ensure that the moment they see the target, they can attack directly in the best possible state.


"Logically, they should take this route."


Another person spoke impatiently, "Are they taking the official road? As ninjas, they wouldn't really take the road that ordinary people take to seek refuge, right?"


Moving slowly, they didn't have much noise to hide their conversations.


We've checked the area just now, and there's no trace left, as if the three of them had disappeared from the face of the earth.


If they were traveling normally, they wouldn't leave no trace like they did, unless they didn't take this road.


"It's unlikely. With the conspicuous appearance of the Hyuga clan, they would definitely attract attention if they took the official road."


The one with more say among the three spoke indifferently, denying this speculation, "And judging from their whereabouts in the previous towns, they all walked through the wild. It is impossible for them to take the official road just when we were about to take action."


"Besides, didn't we find their footprints entering the woods just now?"




One of them just opened his mouth and was about to discuss something.


Suddenly, beside several trees near him, Ryosuke and the other two, who had been waiting for a long time, attacked the ninja who had spoken from three directions.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh——


The sound of breaking air rang out like thunder in the silent forest.




The moment the three men exposed themselves, the one among the three Uchiha who was suspected to be a Jonin and the leader reacted first. While shouting to remind his companions, he swiftly threw out shurikens in an attempt to stop their actions.


But unfortunately, Ryosuke and the other two, who had been lying in ambush for a long time and had made careful plans for this sudden attack, were faster than him.


Judging from the amount of chakra and the level of control, the Uchiha who was attacked should be the weakest among the three.


Before he could react, they were already beside him.


One on the left and one on the right, Souji and Hoshicai swung their palms from both sides, cutting off the chakra flowing in his body.


In Ryosuke's hand, the sharp kunai with a cold glow had already cut his neck.


Blood gushed out from the wound like a fountain, and a life was lost.

This Uchiha probably lost his voice before he even figured out who the three people were.


At this time, the shuriken swung by the person who was suspected to be Uchiha Jonin arrived late and was easily knocked down by Souji with a kunai.


The remaining Uchiha Chunin among the three instinctively retreated and joined the Jonin.


The whole process lasted less than a minute. Ryosuke and the other two had already distanced themselves from the remaining two Uchiha men and were watching their movements vigilantly.




Looking at the limp body of his dead companion, the suspected Jonin Uchiha cursed under his breath and joined the remaining Chunin, also on guard against Ryosuke and the others.


"How about it?"


After successfully carrying out the sneak attack and putting some distance between themselves and the Uchiha men, Hoshicai asked in a low voice.


"It's okay, keep going!"


With calm eyes, Ryosuke gave a brief reply, and then the three of them started to move again, not intending to give the remaining two Uchiha a chance to speak.


According to the original plan, they did not have this distance-keeping link.


Instead, after succeeding, he went straight for the remaining Chunin, leaving the one who was suspected to be a Jonin for last.


But because it was Ryosuke's first time to kill someone, in order to avoid emotional reactions affecting the battle, Souji suggested taking some time to rest.


Ryosuke agreed to his suggestion.


But what he himself did not expect was that although it was his first time, his movements were neat and decisive, and the stroke of his neck was steady and without any hesitation.


During the entire process, he did not have any uncomfortable physical reaction or resistance.


The passing of such a life did not bring any burden to his heart.


If you want to kill someone, you must be prepared to be killed.


Ryosuke doesn't think this is bad, it's indifferent and cold-blooded.




Before he could finish his sentence, Ryosuke and the other two had already rushed forward, trying to get close to them.


Knowing clearly how powerful the Hyuga clan's physical skills were, the remaining two Uchiha fled without any hesitation, planning to keep some distance before looking for an opportunity to attack.


The sudden attack has caused them to lose a companion and also made them feel their lives are threatened.


Next, they will not have any contempt for the three people.


"Sharingan is open."


The Byakugan clearly noticed the two people who escaped in an instant, and the chakra in the body flowed and gathered in the eye sockets, and Hoshicai reminded them.


However, for the upcoming battle, the three of them are confident that they can keep them.


The original worst-case scenario was that there were two jonin among the three Uchiha.


But at present, there is only one suspected one, and the remaining one is obviously only at the strength of a Chunin. He lacks combat experience and is not even as good as Souji and Hoshicai.


In the raid just now, the remaining Uchiha could only retreat instinctively due to his lack of experience and psychological quality, and was unable to make a calm judgment of the battle situation.


"Be careful not to look into their eyes."


Ryosuke also spoke up to remind the two people beside him, "The Uchiha clan is a powerful bloodline family just like us. When the Sharingan is activated, its strength far exceeds that of ninjas of the same level."


(End of this chapter)


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