Finishing Uchiha and POV ??

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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Give me some eye power on level of Jogan mean(op power) .....(Baiscally i have design eyes for him just want 10 powers)

As Naruto tried to get into position, something strange suddenly started to happen. The world around him began to slow down. He sensed the Uchiha coming towards him, fist raised, ready to punch him. Despite his fear, the world continued to move in slow motion, allowing Naruto to move out of the path of the punch. To everyone's surprise, Naruto somehow dodged the attack.

The Uchiha sneered and said, "Huh, see guys, the demon is finally showing his true colors," as he continued his assault.

The Uchiha attacked again, punch after punch, kick after kick. Naruto, still in shock, was dodging all of these attacks effortlessly, as if they were nothing. He had never experienced anything like this before; it was as if his body was reacting on its own. The world around him remained in slow motion, allowing him to see the attacks coming from miles away. To his utter amazement, his body was responding perfectly, almost as if he were dancing around the Uchiha's assaults.

The Uchiha, growing angrier and angrier, finally shouted, "Enough!"

Secretly, the Uchiha went through a series of hand signs, preparing his Fireball Jutsu for the first time. As he released a massive fireball towards Naruto, Naruto was shocked, realizing the attack was heading straight for him. Fear gripped him, and he instinctively wanted to run away. He began to panic, forgetting that he could easily dodge the attack because the world around him was still in slow motion.

In his panic, Naruto's energy reacted. Even though he could have simply walked away from the fireball, his fear took over. As the flames approached, his body responded instinctively to protect him, his power surging in reaction to his panic state.

Suddenly, a purplish aura began to surround Naruto's body. As he closed his eyes and braced for impact, raising his arms to shield his face, the fireball collided with him. Both Uchihas were shocked to see the purplish energy enveloping Naruto, causing the fireball to disintegrate into nothingness upon contact.

Naruto looked at his body in amazement, seeing it coated in the dark purple energy. It was reminiscent of Toppo in the Tournament of Power when he surrounded himself with Hakai energy, making the attacks from 17, Gohan, and Frieza ineffective.

The fireball literally disintegrated into nothingness when it touched Naruto's body. As he looked at himself, flashes of memories began to flood his mind. He remembered the moment he awakened this power and the words he spoke: "Hakai, destruction." His eyes started to glow with an intense light, and anger began to cloud his features. The desire to utterly destroy his enemies surged within him.

Seeing this transformation, both Uchihas took a step back in utter fear, wondering what kind of power this was and what it meant for them. The feeling of impending doom hung heavily in the air as Naruto's rage and newfound energy radiated from his being.

It was the feeling of their imminent destruction that paralyzed the Uchihas. Naruto looked at them with a sinister smirk on his face. Whenever he tapped into this power, a sadistic nature seemed to emerge within him.

Naruto taunted, "Well, I'm still waiting for that lesson, Uchiha."

The Uchiha who had been attacking him earlier snapped to attention, his anger rising. "You think we are scared of this power of yours, demon? You're finally showing your true colors. So it's about time we show you ours."

The atmosphere was charged with tension, the Uchiha brothers preparing themselves for the confrontation, realizing that they would need everything they had to stand against this transformed and terrifying Naruto.

But before he could complete his rant, Naruto appeared in front of him with his palm extended. "You talk too much," he said. Suddenly, the energy engulfed the smaller Uchiha, causing him to scream at the top of his lungs as he disintegrated into nothingness.

The other Uchiha took a step back, horrified. "You... you killed my brother!" His eyes started to spin, another tomoe forming in his Sharingan. He screamed and charged towards Naruto in a blind rage.

Naruto had no time for this. He vanished in an instant, reappearing behind the Uchiha. The Uchiha tried to scream again, but no sound came out. The fight, filled with intensity and desperation, reached a climactic point as the sheer power and ferocity of Naruto's new abilities left the remaining Uchiha in utter despair.

The scream never came out of his lungs as he floated mid-air, the energy from Naruto making contact and starting to disintegrate him. He tried to scream for help, but nothing happened. The energy engulfed his body completely, and he vanished into nothingness.

Naruto looked at his hands, at the energy surrounding them, a smirk forming on his face. "Now this is what I wanted," he said, his voice tinged with satisfaction. He suddenly had an instant understanding of this new power, feeling its potential and the destruction it could bring. The transformation was complete, and with it, a new, more dangerous Naruto had emerged.


(A space filled with white light. There were three beings sitting on golden thrones facing Eachother.)

"So, it's the true presence of destruction... It almost destroyed the multiverse... ...he is Destruction after all as you knew."

"Yes, sister, he is dangerous to you. He is the exact opposite of you," said another being.

"Why are you afraid, Yami? Aren't you happy that our group will grow from three to four? Don't you agree, Kami?" said Shinigami, a man with a dark cloak and red glowing eyes, beads in his hands, sitting on his throne.

"Baka! I am not afraid, hmph. Don't you agree with me, Kami?" said Yami, a beautiful loli woman or the punisher, with a pout as she sat on her throne.

"No, Yami. Shinigami is right. We need him. Can't you see the shinobi world and other worlds in our multiverse have become corrupt to no end? In the shinobi world, they are trying to manipulate the prophecy in their favor. Didn't we try many things, like having Hagoromo preserve peace, but then it all started again? Not only that, but they tried to play gods by manipulating the prophecy," said Kami, a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice filled with frustration.

"Hmph," Yami huffed and looked away, embarrassed.

"Indeed, sister. But this time, the shinobi world messed with a being they cannot defeat," said Shinigami with a chuckle.

"Did you inform Hagoromo about our plan?" asked Yami curiously.

"No, he loved humans too much but still allowed millions to suffer, like the Uzumaki. As the mediator of that planet, he should have stopped it, but he did not," said Shinigami, scoffing with disgust at Hagoromo.

"So, what should we do now, sister?" said Yami to Kami with seriousness.

"Nothing. We will not interfere. As you know, before creation comes destruction, then preservation," said Kami with a smile.

"And as for Hagoromo, he will be destroyed. He was responsible for the planet of shinobis, but many suffered. He wasn't able to react or make decisions. Now he has become a liability to us... We will let him die at the hands of the Destroyer," said Shinigami with disgust while talking about Hagoromo Otsutsuki, as the other two gods nodded.

"And what about Hitogami... He killed our mediator, the previous human god," said Yami.

"Didn't you reincarnate a pervert there? He should be able to solve it, right?" said Kami.

"There are low chances. In many timelines, he loses everything," said Shinigami with some pity for Rudeus.

"We will wait for the Destroyer because we can't involve ourselves," said Kami with a sigh.

"See, unlike you, Shinigami, who goes anywhere at a call," said Yami childishly, trying to provoke Shinigami.

"Idiot, she meant natural order and timeline... Go check your brain mentality and issues about your height with the god of Health," said Shinigami.

"What! You say, you bastard. SUPERNOVA!" yelled Loli Yami, clearly pissed, throwing her technique which can end a universe.

"Silence! Don't act like children," said Kami, sighing at her siblings' attitude.

As Kami's eyes shone, the void started to shake and a new throne emerged, awaiting the new deity, the Destroyer.


KAMI [img]

YAMI [img]


Stay tuned for the next chapter of Destroyer Ball Z. Dattebayo!

[Note:-Naruto's destruction will be same level as Zeno ERASE Beacuse when Beerus reincarnated as Naruto So Naruto Verse Destruction Energy recognize him and Merge with it.]