2 vs 1 Showing Then their place[Bonus Chapter]

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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[BONUS CHAPTER BECAUSE OF 100 POWERSTNE'S (New chapter will be publish in few hour)]

Naruko, who had been kicked away, was shocked, but she quickly came out of her daze and tried to suppress Naruto's chakra with her chakra chains. However, something was wrong. Her chakra chains seemed to rust as Naruto rotated them rapidly. Meenma quickly realized what was happening and tried to cut the connection between Naruko and the chains. He managed to do so just before she got caught in the momentum of the spinning chains.

Naruto smirked as energy surrounded the chains, which didn't disappear as they were supposed to. Instead, a purplish energy enveloped them, and Naruto wielded them as a weapon. Naruko was shocked; usually, once the connection was severed, the chains would vanish. Yet somehow, Naruto had managed to keep them there.

"Well, thanks for the gift of the chains. They are fitting for the heir of the Uzumaki Clan. Too bad you can no longer use them," Naruto said. Naruko, horrified, tried to summon her chains again but couldn't. The connection had been destroyed, and she would never be able to produce the same chains. This realization utterly shocked and horrified Kushina.

"What is going on here? What is that purplish energy?" Kushina thought as she watched in disbelief.

Meenma, filled with rage, rushed towards Naruto, forming a Rasengan in his hand. Naruko, tears in her eyes, turned her sorrow into anger and charged at Naruto as well. Naruto simply smiled and vanished from everyone's sight, shattering the ground beneath him. He reappeared, grabbing the Rasengan with his hand, shocking everyone.

Naruto squeezed Meenma's and Naruko's hands, causing the Rasengan to explode, burning both of their hands badly. Before they could react, Naruto grabbed Meenma's head and slammed it into Naruko's, knocking both of them to the ground.

Naruto stood over them, his expression cold and determined. The spectators were stunned into silence, unable to comprehend how Naruto had turned the tables so completely.

Minato and Kushina looked on, horrified and helpless, as Naruto asserted his dominance.

Both Meenma and Naruko screamed in pain and agony as Naruto grabbed Meenma by the hair, pulling him upward and slamming his face into the ground. The crunching sound of breaking bones could be heard as several of Meenma's ribs broke, and blood spilled from his mouth, horrifying many civilians and shinobi council members. Naruto looked towards the council members with a devilish grin on his face and slammed Meenma's face into the ground again, causing his nose to shatter and eliciting another scream.

Naruko tried to punch Naruto, but he grabbed her arm and looked towards Kushina and Jiraiya. With a cruel twist, he broke Naruko's arm, causing her to scream in pain. Minato and Kushina were shocked by the brutality of the situation. At this point, many of the spectators started to realize that Naruto was far more powerful than Meenma and Naruko.

Naruto looked down at both of them and scoffed. "So, this is the result of years of training by two of the Sannin and the Hokage themselves?" He then pulled Meenma's face upward, who was almost unconscious at this point. Naruto slapped him, bringing him back to full consciousness despite his severe injuries.

"I must say, you are even more pathetic than that loser of a Uchiha," Naruto said coldly. The spectators were stunned into silence, unable to comprehend how Naruto had turned the tables so completely.

Naruto continued his taunts, looking at Uchiha with disdain. "You come from a weak clan, one that lost to the Senju, who didn't even have a bloodline. Pathetic." Fugaku clenched his fists tightly, wanting to rush in and teach Naruto a lesson, but he held back. "You, Meenma, were trained by four S-rank shinobi, including the Hokage, who is said to be double S-rank. But who cares about such minor details? After all, you were the heir to the Namikaze clan—now the former heir."

Naruto's voice grew colder. "Perhaps you've forgotten one thing, little brother. According to Konoha law, Section 1, Article 6, if an heir loses their title in combat against a relative, they are expelled from the clan." Suddenly, many of the shinobi council members' eyes widened in realization. "Well then, you're no longer a Namikaze. You are hereby exiled from the clan. What do you have to say for yourself, brother?"

Meenma's face contorted in horror beyond imagination. "You are still the son of the Hokage," Naruto continued. "But now, considering that he is the head of the Namikaze clan and has abandoned his own son, wouldn't you agree, father?" Naruto grabbed Meenma's hand and pulled it in the opposite direction, breaking it and causing Meenma to scream in agony.

Naruko tried to move, but Naruto slammed his foot onto her face, shattering her nose into the ground. Naruto looked at his siblings with a cruel smile. "Well then, as I said to Meenma before, you have also lost the name of Uzumaki, along with your chakra chains. Thanks for these chains."

The chains, along with a purplish energy, started to disappear and reappeared inside Naruto's body. He smirked, and nine chains surrounded by purplish energy emerged from his back. "Well, well, look at that. After all, I am the heir to the Uzumaki clan, so these chains suit me much better."

Naruto stood over his defeated siblings, his dominance clear for all to see. The spectators, including Minato and Kushina, were left in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the magnitude of Naruto's power and the depths of his vengeance.

Stay tuned for the next chapter of Destroyer Ball Z. Dattebayo!