Naruto's plan And Jiraya Roast

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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100 power stone= 1 bonus chap



Timeskip to!

The Fire Daimyo had finally arrived at the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He went into the office of Minato, who would have preferred to be somewhere else, but had to be there because the Daimyo's daughter was present, and so was he, for the sake of fate. Minato, along with the council, was present, and Naruto stood behind him. Menma and Naruko, on Jiraiya's insistence, were also present as future clan heads to make a good impression with the Fire Daimyo. Minato had decided to do things differently this time, wary of some troubling stories he had heard. 

All the clan heads were present with their heirs. Naruto noticed that Menma and Naruko looked irritated and Smirked. They were excluded from the official meeting, as they were not considered clan heirs. This exclusion angered Kushina and Jiraiya even further. As the Fire Daimyo walked towards the Hokage's office and took his seat in the council chambers, everyone attempted to engage in politics and conversation, but Naruto ignored most of it.


[Img of Fire Daimyo's](Pls post here reader's)


The Daimyo finally addressed his daughter, who was looking at Naruto with a smile. The Fire Daimyo smiled as well. "Minato-san, it is good to see you in good health, and it's also good to see your son. My daughter talks about him a lot." Naruto gave him a polite smile, though inwardly he chuckled, planning to deal with this arrogant girl later.

Minato and the Daimyo discussed various matters while Naruto and the Daimyo's daughter were sent out of the room. Naruto looked at her. "So, it seems you're enjoying your life as royalty."

"Well, you could say that," she replied. "After all, I spent most of my life as a side member of the Otsutsuki clan. Now, I'm finally enjoying something different. Don't worry about my father. I've already put a small genjutsu on him using my abilities." Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? That could be interesting. Anyway, the Chunin Exams are starting soon, and I plan to have some fun." 

"What are you going to do about your siblings?" she asked.

"Aside from eliminating them in future, I'm going to kill most of the clan heirs of Konoha," Naruto said with a smirk that will even make Blackbeard to shame.

Her eyes widened. "Are you sure about that?"

Naruto looked at her. "Don't tell me you're getting attached."

She shook her head. "But why do you want to do that?"

Naruto shrugged. "Most of the clan heirs claim to be good people, but they did nothing when they had the chance. Why should I let them live? It's time they learn about the loss and pain they've caused to me."

She looked at Naruto, his eyes glowing with dark purple energy, and felt a moment of fear. She knew the power Naruto held; he could destroy the planet at his whim. Deciding to do nothing, she acknowledged she wasn't an angel herself. She had destroyed many planets for the sake of her clan. They chatted briefly before the time skip.

A week later, the Chunin Exams had finally begun. Minato looked at Naruto with a stern expression. "Are you sure about this, Naruto? You know you can always take the exam next year."

Minato was unsure if Menma and Naruko were ready to challenge Naruto. They had trained hard, mastering the Rasengan and even creating the Rasenshuriken. They had been training in Sage Mode for a long time with the help of shadow clones. They had the firepower of Jonin-level shinobi, but they lacked experience. Naruto, on the other hand, had strange chakra that F.Minato still didn't understand. 

"I will have to pull some strings so Menma and Naruko can fight Naruto together in the finals,After they are Saviour and for VILLAGE" F.Minato thought. "Naruto, you don't have a team, so by the rules of the Chunin Exams, you cannot enter."

Naruto smirked. "Well, Lord Hokage, by the laws of Konoha and the Chunin Exam regulations agreed upon by the Five Kage, a person can enter without a team. Therefore, I am initiating that law."

Minato gritted his teeth inwardly. He knew that if Naruto participated alone, he would breeze through the competition and reach the finals, complicating Minato's plans. "Are you sure about this, Naruto? Without your teammates, it will be difficult."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be able to handle it," Naruto replied .

Minato sighed inwardly. Then Jiraiya spoke up, causing Minato's eyebrow to twitch in annoyance. "Why don't you let the brat compete, Minato? That way, he will realize his position as a failure after being dismissed from the Chunin Exam."

Naruto looked at Jiraiya. "Did you just say something, dead last?"

Jiraiya twitched at the insult. "What did you say to me? I'm a Sannin!"

Naruto smirked. "A Sannin, you say? That title always makes me laugh. You didn't defeat Hanzo; he defeated you and named you. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.if i was on your position i would have commit senpooko ...i think that it's called where person kill himself out of ....well you know that anyway"

Jiraiya gritted his teeth as Minato stepped in. "All right, that's enough."

Stay tuned for the next chapter of Destroyer Ball Z. Dattebayo!

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