Leaving.....planet for a while

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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100 power stone= 1 bonus chap



"Beating me? So, where are you?" Naruto taunted as he looked at Minato, whose eyes were filled with anger and hatred to the brim. Naruto then turned his gaze toward Jiraiya. "Well, Jiraiya, don't you want to hit me? After all, I've killed all your so-called 'Children of Destiny.'"

At this, Jiraiya's eyes widened in shock, and even the Toad Sages' eyes widened. "Huh, did you really think I didn't know about that ridiculous prophecy from that drunken toad?" Naruto scoffed. "I couldn't care less about it, but since you all seem hesitant to face me, what about you, my dearest mother?"

Kushina glared at Naruto with all the hatred she could muster. "Enough of this!" she shouted as she unleashed her chakra chains, attempting to bind Naruto's construct. To her horror, even her chains began to dissolve into purple energy, threatening to erase everything in their path. Desperately, Kushina tried to retract the chains, but it was too late. The energy started creeping back toward her.

Minato, noticing the danger, quickly channeled chakra into his hand and severed the chains just in time. Had he not acted, that purple energy, just like it did with Naruko, would have consumed Kushina. She let out a sigh of relief, her heart still pounding from the near-death experience.

Naruto looked at all of them with a bored expression. "You know, I'm getting tired of this. I've already fulfilled my promise and taken care of half the people in Konoha. But don't worry, I'll be back to finish off the rest."

He then turned his gaze toward the Raikage. "Oh, and Raikage, since I'm such a generous person, I'll be sure to pay a visit to Kumo as well." Naruto chuckled darkly. The construct he created began to dissolve as he started to ascend into the air.

He spoke loudly, his voice echoing across the village. "People of Konoha, this day may be over, but mark my words—I'll be back. Live in the shadow of the illusion that you're safe, but remember, you never are. Your Hokage can't save you, your shinobi aren't strong enough, and your so-called saviors are dead. Next time, just wait for your miserable deaths."

Naruto's maniacal laughter filled the air as he flew higher and higher, leaving the devastated village behind. Unbeknownst to most, another figure took to the skies shortly after—Kia, also known as the Fire Princess, followed him, her eyes full of determination.

Meanwhile, Naruto continued to ascend beyond the planet's atmosphere, leaving the world beneath him in fear and despair.

Naruto left the atmosphere of the planet, disappearing from view.

Minato stared into the sky, hatred burning in his eyes. That day, he made a vow: no matter what, he would hunt down Naruto to the ends of the world. When he finally got his hands on him, he would kill him—there was no other option. He wouldn't try to use him as a weapon or see him as useful in any way. The only fate waiting for Naruto Uzumaki was death.

Minato looked at the aftermath—so many of his shinobi lying dead. Jiraiya, still in Sage Mode, walked up beside him. The Toad Sages on his shoulders looked at Jiraiya and said, "Jiraiya, my boy, we have to stop him at any cost. If he's allowed to live, he'll bring nothing but utter destruction to this world."

Jiraiya nodded grimly. He was heartbroken, yet anger boiled within him. Manma was dead—there was no doubt about it. Naruko had lost her ability to use chakra. Maybe Tsunade would be able to help her; that was the only hope. Tsunade, clenching her fists in frustration, looked down at the ground. She wanted to kill Naruto for what he had done, especially for hurting Naruko. But for now, she would focus on helping Naruko regain her ability to use chakra. Naruto had severely damaged Naruko's chakra network, and Tsunade needed to assess the extent of the damage.

Minato was still seething with anger as he looked around. He noticed that the Raikage had fled, while Onoki lay dead. Minato knew this would lead to more trouble in the future. For now, he needed to assess the damage to the village.

Some time later, Minato sat in the council room as all the clan heads arrived. They took their seats, their faces filled with sorrow over the loss of their clansmen. They had never expected something like this. As they settled, Kakashi suddenly flashed in front of Minato.

"Lord Hokage, the casualties have been counted, and the numbers are in," Kakashi reported solemnly.

[there are only max 6-10 chapter left to end volume 1 guys thanks for your constant support and i cant thank you enough for that .]

Stay tuned for the next chapter of Destroyer Ball Z. Dattebayo!

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