(1)PROLOGUE Confession

"Hmm... Umm... Should I... really... ask for anything?" Lights flashed in Lily's eyes, unable to hide their excitement. Though she tried her best to hide it by putting her words together as calmly as possible, but the more she tried, the more visible it became. 

"Yes- Go on. Seeing you like this even I have become curious as to what it is that you long for so much." Ray chuckled as he urged Lily to make her wish.

His words were true as Lily had never shown such an expression. For the whole year that he had known her, she was a smart, level-head, cold, and somewhat notorious girl. She was so mischievous that he had to work hard to turn her into a lady let alone a graceful one. But even after all that, this was something new. She had never stuttered before. Even when she was in front of the most renowned person, she was full of herself.

"Ask!" While enjoying himself he urged her again. Discovering a new side of Lily that he had never known was more fun than he had thought.

Like everyone, Ray was also not someone who could see the upcoming future but he was always confident about himself, however this time it turned into something else. He had never thought that his actions of pleasure would turn into remorse.

"Then..... Ca- can you love me? I mean not only in front of others but... also in real." With all her might, Lily asked him. She felt naked. Opening herself, the thoughts that might not be accepted.


"I - I mean I know it's a bit sudden but you know you...." Her words trailed off but her eyes were still shining, expecting. Her whole face was red, even to the tip of her ears and fingers. She was super awkward and her hands got fidgety. Her eyes were running all around while peeking at him from time to time. She was nervous. It looked like she wanted to run away but was desperately stopping herself. She was waiting.

'She is not joking.' Ray was perplexed. He had many thoughts as to what she could ask for but this was something unexpected. Surely their relationship had gotten a lot better in comparison to their first meeting but this... this was not something he had in his mind. He had never thought of Lily in that manner.

While all types of thoughts came to his mind, his eyes didn't leave Lily. He knew that he had to answer and..... it was already decided.



Before Ray could say anything, the doors burst open.

It was the butler.

Lily had never seen the butler so breathless. He was panting and his expression showed urgency. He was someone who would never forget his manners. Even when Lily first entered the mansion, he was the only person who did not judge her. For Lily, it was very shocking, as she had always thought that he would walk properly even if there is a sword in his throat.

".....the inside of the mansion has gotten brighter lately." It seemed that the butler wanted Ray to come down. Lily had gotten accustomed to these code words and to her, the crown prince's visit did not seem that surprising. Of course, it would have been serious if it were some other royal, but the prince was a regular visitor, and even if it is a secret visit, it was still okay. After all their relationship is not only friend-orientated.


Ray left the room.

"Agh! What timing! Should I be grateful?"

Lily pondered whether she should go or not. Then she decided on the former one.


"Ah! Lady, here you are. We were just going to send someone to call you. The prince seemed to have something important to tell us."Ray told her without making any eye contact with her. Lily felt something prickling but decided to ignore it because his actions didn't seem to have any meaning behind them. The prince was sitting in front of them, observing quietly. She quickly greeted him and sat down so that he would not notice anything.

"So shall we start?" The prince said in a serious tone and with one gesture, all the servants left the room. Only the butler was left, standing in the corner of the room as if he was some statue.

The room was tranquil. Even the outside noise was hushed. It seemed as if something big was going to happen...Lily was having a hard time controlling her laughter. Even though just a minute ago she was sad and even now she does not know the reason for the current state, but for some reason everything seemed funny. But at last, she controlled herself and became serious.

"Prince Rayon has entered the palace." Finally, the secret was revealed and it appeared that the Emperor's efforts paid off, which was bad news to Ray and of course to the prince.

He was sitting glumly as he told them the news. But to Lily's surprise, Ray didn't look shocked rather he was calm. Lily was reminded of his face when she told him about her feeling which was very different from now, she felt suffocated.

"Why are making such a big deal out of it? We all knew that sooner or later it will happen. No matter what, he is still a prince. You should be happy that it didn't happen earlier." Ray spoke as if it was a matter of fact. Though Lily wasn't sure whether he was encouraging him or discouraging him.

Prince Cyan was the first prince of the Spanier Empire and was the legitimate heir to the throne. He had started handling his duties in childhood and had known Ray since that time. He was supported by nobles and loved by people. It seemed that he would become a wise king but a big obstacle came in front of him and that was Prince Rayon, the illegitimate son of the king whom he cherished greatly. His existence brought a big wave in the royal court and broke it into different factions. This was before he was named a prince but now that he had entered the palace...

Lily didn't want to think anymore about it. The prince's expressions were enough to tell that he was having a hell of a time.

"But still you should help me, you are my friend. At least suggest something to me. Can't you see in which state I am?" The prince started massaging his forehead.

"How many people know about this?" Ray asked the same question Lily was pondering. The Duke's information network was nothing to be laughed at but this was news to them.

"You might haven't heard about it but soon it will become breaking news. The King is even thinking of arranging a ball to announce this" Cyan seemed exhausted as he explained the future events.

"You should go now. Too much time has gone by as we discussed things...Don't worry, soon I'll ask for an official meeting with you after devising a new plan." Ray added to his word as the prince didn't seem convinced.

"All right."

After the prince left the mansion, Lily went back to her room. Too much had happened today.

Lily was ready to sleep. She had decided to not go for dinner because she was unsure about Ray's answer and wanted to extend it to as late as possible.

Even Ray was not yet ready to meet Lily. Somehow he felt both happy and sad.

It was a tiring day for both of them yet they were wide awake. The prince had bombarded them with a piece of big news but something entirely else occupied their mind, immersing them in it.

It was going to be a long and restless night. Turning and rustling with their mind drifting afar.
