Revelations of Light

"Luminaries?" Elian's brow furrowed with concern. "Are they evil too? Do they intend harm to us humans?"

"Well, quite the opposite," the will responded calmly. "You see, the Luminaries are descendants of Lady Lumina."

"Lady... Lumina?" Elian echoed, his confusion deepening.

"Yes," the will continued, "she is the former wife of Lord Indra."

"Who exactly is Lord Indra?" Elian pressed, trying to piece together the unfamiliar names and relationships.

"Lord Indra is the supreme leader of the Anshelborn deities," the will explained. "Billions of years ago, he and Lady Lumina were married. In their youth, they were remarkable beings—Indra with his commanding presence and Lumina with her grace. They met in a place beyond mortal understanding, drawn to each other's company despite their mysterious pasts. Though Lumina eventually wanted to learn more about Indra's origins, he evaded her questions. Instead, he proposed to her, and she, touched by his gesture, accepted."

"So, they got married?" Elian asked, trying to grasp the cosmic romance unfolding before him.

"Yes, and that union gave rise to the race known today as the Luminaries, under the leadership of Lady Lumina."

"So why did they get separated? Weren't they truly in love?"

"As romantic as it seems, it turns out that this was a one-sided relationship," the will explained sadly. "Lord Indra never truly loved Lady Lumina in return."

"Why did Indra marry Lady Lumina if he wasn't even interested in her?"

"Lord Indra, being a pure incarnation of malevolence, had ulterior motives," the will continued gravely.

"What do you mean, ulterior motives?" Elian asked, his voice tinged with fear.

"Lord Indra has always been drawn to celestial wars," the will explained. "While we know little about his origins, it's believed he was a ruler in another realm far removed from this universe. He revels in war, carnage, death—all forms of destruction."

Elian shuddered, his thoughts once again turning to the safety of his family and friends amidst the cosmic turmoil unfolding around him.

"Elian, as I said, I know you're worried about your family, but you need to pull yourself together."

"Right, sorry for my distractions. Please continue," Elian replied, refocusing his attention.

The will passed a reassuring smile. "Lady Lumina, known for her kindness and affection, eventually learned that Lord Indra hadn't married her out of love, but to create warriors. He sought descendants powerful enough to surpass even himself, driven by a dark purpose from his past."

"That... is so cruel. What did Lady Lumina do then?"

"After millennia spent with Indra, upon discovering his true intentions, she was devastated. The embodiment of love and affection, she raged for the first time. Calamity ensued, for their descendants inherited both her loving nature and Indra's destructive power. It sparked a war."

"The War of Celestials...

"It was luminaries against Lord Indra..."

"So you're saying Lord Indra faced that battle alone?"

"Don't even begin to imagine the scale of that conflict. There were 30 million Luminaries, led by Lady Lumina, fighting against Lord Indra."

Elian stood in shock as he realized the immense number of soldiers involved far surpassed anything he had imagined.

"Yes, the fight lasted a total of 6 million years."

"So you're saying Lord Indra lasted for 6 million years? How did he go down? What kind of powers did he hold?"

"Go down? You think Lord Indra lost?" The will chuckled softly.