
Elian sat beside Aurelia's bedside, his hands trembling as he clutched hers tightly. Tears streamed down his face, his heart heavy with despair. The makeshift camp was quiet except for the faint crackling of the campfire and the distant murmur of voices, marking each passing moment with an eerie calm.

Suddenly, the tent flap rustled open, and two figures entered, bathed in a radiant golden aura that filled the space with a gentle warmth. Elian looked up, his eyes red from crying, and saw two men he didn't recognize, their presence both comforting and unsettling. At their sides stood Lucas and Barron, their expressions a mix of concern and support.

"Who are they?" Elian managed to ask, his voice choked with emotion.

"We are Ethereal Healers," the first man answered calmly, stepping closer to Aurelia's bedside. His voice was soothing, carrying a sense of understanding born from witnessing many similar scenes before. "We've come to check on Aurelia."

Elian nodded faintly, wiping tears from his eyes. His gaze flickered between the two men and Aurelia's still form. "Ethereal Healers?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "What does that mean?"

The second man approached the bedside, his demeanour gentle yet purposeful. "It means we possess the ability to sense and monitor the celestial energies within individuals," he explained, his voice steady. "We are here to assess Aurelia's condition and provide whatever support we can."

Elian nodded, absorbing the information as he glanced at Aurelia, her face serene in sleep. Memories of their life together flooded his mind—their laughter in the garden, her comforting embrace after a nightmare, her unwavering support through every challenge he faced.

"And?" Elian asked softly, his voice filled with a mix of hope and fear.

The first Ethereal Healer placed his hand softly on Aurelia's forehead, a soft glow surrounding his palm as he concentrated. After what felt like an eternity to Elian, he withdrew, his expression solemn.

"Her will is Blue," he said quietly, his voice filled with empathy.

Blue. The word hung heavily in the air, laden with the weight of inevitability. Elian's heart sank further. Blue meant that Aurelia would remain unconscious until her light drained out completely. It was a death sentence, a slow fading away that Elian couldn't bear to imagine.

"How much time does she have?" Elian asked, his voice trembling with a mix of hope and fear.

The second Ethereal Healer turned to the doctors who had been quietly observing in the background. They exchanged knowing glances before one of them spoke up, his tone measured and compassionate.

"It's hard to say for sure," the doctor began carefully, adjusting his glasses as he chose his words. "Anywhere from 2 to 6 years, depending on how quickly her light diminishes."

Elian closed his eyes briefly, processing the information. Two to six years. The uncertainty of it gnawed at him, each possible scenario playing out vividly in his mind. Relief mingled with anguish as he considered the time they might still have together, and the inevitable loss that loomed on the horizon.

As the two Ethereal Healers stood in respectful silence, Elian's thoughts turned inward. What kind of powers did he hold, deep within him? Would he ever meet his own will, as others had described? Did every person who awakened their green will or higher have a connection with their wills, a bond that transcended mortal understanding?

Lucas stepped forward, his voice steady yet filled with concern. "Elian, how are you holding up?"

Elian looked at his friend, grateful for his presence amidst the overwhelming emotions. "I... I don't know, Lucas," he admitted, his voice wavering. "It's just... too much."

Lucas nodded understandingly, placing a comforting hand on Elian's shoulder. "We're here for you, whatever you need."

Beside Lucas, Barron stood quietly, his usual stoic demeanour softened by the gravity of the situation. He glanced at Aurelia, a flicker of sadness crossing his features before he spoke in his typically calm tone. "Elian, we've faced challenges before. We'll face this one together."

Elian managed a weak smile, touched by their unwavering support. "Thank you, both of you," he said sincerely, his voice choked with emotion. "For being here."

The two Ethereal Healers nodded respectfully before turning to leave. Their golden auras flickered briefly, casting a final warm glow over Aurelia's tent before they stepped out into the quiet night, followed by Lucas and Barron.

Alone again with Aurelia, Elian slumped back into the chair beside her bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, feeling the weight of responsibility settle upon him like a heavy cloak. He couldn't lose her, not after everything they had been through together. Memories of their life together flooded his mind—their laughter in the garden, her comforting embrace after a nightmare, her unwavering support through every challenge he faced.

Outside, the campfire crackled softly, casting flickering shadows across the tent. Elian's thoughts drifted to Ashun, his younger brother. Where was he now? Was he safe? Elian longed for Ashun's presence, needing his brother by his side in this moment of uncertainty and fear. He wished he could protect both Ashun and Aurelia, but he felt powerless, unsure of what steps to take next.

"Ashun," Elian's voice quivered in the quiet of the night, filled with longing and worry, "where... where are you?" His heart felt heavy with the weight of uncertainty, each word laden with a tear that escaped from Ashun's eye as he slowly drifted into sleep.