Morning Grass

 Azumi looks at her reflection in the mirror as she finishes getting dressed for work. The time inches closer to 6:45 she grabs her bag and heads out to the store. She walks slowly enjoying the morning breeze reminiscing the days she and Bakugou would walk to class together. It's not like they don't talk anymore, but he just doesn't call her as much anymore. She never knew why, and she didn't want to question it. She was afraid he would see her as a needy friend. She walks past the beautiful grass field, stopping only to gaze into its distance. 

 "Hey!" a strong voice called out from behind her. She turns to see Bakugou Katsuki waving, smiling brightly towards her. "What are you doing here standing in the cold dumb ass?" Katsuki asks Azumi. "Actually, I was just enjoying the view. The beautiful calmness of the swaying grass" Azumi says as she turns her gaze over to the grass field again. He softly flicks her forehead and jumps away from her to avoid her punches. She glares at him and chases him jokingly throwing soft punches to his arms. They stop for a second with intense eye contact. 

 "So, are you going to Midoriya and Uraraka's wedding later?" Azumi asks Katsuki. He looks over to the small stream and sighs. " Well, he is my friend, and I am the Best Man" he says softly smiling. "Will you be okay with her there?" Azumi asks Katsuki as she looks over at the stream he was looking at. He turns his back towards the padlock softly tilting his head back. "I know she's going to be gorgeous. Of course, I will be okay" he says with a bright smile on his face. Azumi knows she was asking herself; that question was meant for herself. Will she be okay, will she really be fine? 

 They both started out to the store. Katsuki sees Kirishima setting up his store, so he walks over to help, leaving Azumi without any words as usual. She enters the store and picks up a couple of drug store makeup for later. She has always been a tomboy, so makeup was a one-time thing. She also picks up some veggies and condoms. She walks over to the cashier and puts the cash down on the counter and waits for her groceries on the other side. The cashier stops her and gives her a pork bun. The cashier was an elderly lady in her forties. She looks very young even though she is in her forties. She has always been there at that store ever since Azumi was in middle school. 

 She knows a lot without having to know every detail. "My dear, just tell him already" the elder lady tells Azumi. "I can't" Azumi pauses as they both look at him across the street. " He loves someone else. It would be a very selfish decision" Azumi says, then takes a bite of the pork bun. "It's also a very selfish decision for him to not care about your feelings" the elder lady says pouting cutely. Azumi gives the elder lady a tight hug and thanks her for the bun as she continues over to where Kirishima and Katsuki were. "Hey there rock head!" Kirishima says to Azumi. She laughs slightly then punches his bicep aggressively as they burst into laughter. "What's up weakling!" she replies. 

 Kirishima and Azumi stopped laughing as Katsuki walked out the door. Kirishima then asks Katsuki "Is Azumi going to be your dance partner today?". Katsuki looks at Azumi and Kirishima confusingly and says, " Who said so?". Azumi's heart falls to the floor but she laughs it off and ruffles Katsuki's hair. "I was just wondering because you guys always seem to be together," Kirishima says to break up the awkwardness. "Oh! Well, you know" Azumi says, smirking at Kirishima. "Uraraka invited his crush" Azumi pretends to nudge Katsuki's side. "Whoa! Does Katsuki actually like someone? Who?" Kirishima asks excitedly. "Well, her name is Nakahara Hayami, she's 4 months younger than Katsuki and she went to high school with us," Azumi says without thinking. "Just like you," Kirishima says suggestively.

 "Her beautiful black hair flows with the smoothness of love and she has eyes that can see through to Katsuki's inner desires. And-" Azumi gets cut off as Katsuki's hand is now muffling her words. Kirishima and Azumi start laughing together causing Katsuki to get slightly pissed. He says bye to Kirishima while dragging her by her arm. Kirishima laughs as he shouts, "See you guys later!". Azumi could feel Katsuki's grip tighten. She knew she took the joke a little too far this time, except last time she was drunk. She tries to wiggle her arm away from him. He stopped as they were a block away from Azumi's house. He lets go of her arm and turns away holding in his words. "Hey, I'm sorry, I can see that I took it a bit too far," Azumi starts to apologize before Katsuki yells at her. 

 He turns and looks at her slowly approaching her. He pins her to the cement wall behind her and looks her up and down. "Uh, Katsuki? You're being weird" Azumi says to Katsuki. "Shh. Be quiet, look me in the eyes when apologizing." Katsuki says in a stern tone, holding her face to look at him. She looks away from him as her breath becomes hotter. She was slightly scared but not as much as in high school or college. She pushes his hand off her face and says, "I already apologized, just take it like that". "You've changed so much since the last time we did it. "Katsuki says angrily.