No Progress

Abel charged ahead, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist. Taken off guard by his sudden but swift attack, Bruno could do nothing to resist.

He tried to push against him, but he was met with a force that shouldn't have been possible to be exerted by somebody without a dantian.

His feet were lifted into the air and he was slammed right into the ground by Abel.


The other students let out gasps of shock and surprise. The fact that Abel was capable of such a powerful slam was certainly confusing to them.

Abel lifted slightly, but his work was not done. With his adversary on the ground, and fuelled by his own fury, he wanted to cause as much damage to this man as possible.

He wasn't even aware of what was happening to his body, because his mind was shrouded by rage and anger. The adrenaline pumping through his veins masked the pain and any rational thoughts that he could've had.

He threw several punches onto his face and chest, causing Bruno to try and block the assault with his arms. However, Abel was able to punch between the gaps in his block, causing the canvas beneath to rattle each time he'd punch.

Blood soon dripped from the boy's mouth and nose. The sheer power and fury that Abel possessed now terrified him. All he could see was his fangs and glowing eyes focused sharply on him.

Abel lifted both hands then clasped them together, shouting. Shooting down his hands, trying to slam them into Bruno's face, he felt a sudden heavy force from his side.

Their master had shoved him right off Bruno before he could do anything more. The push seemed to be light from how little effort it took, but Abel was totally launched off the canvas.

Sent tumbling off it and rolling, he almost felt like he had gained control of his mind again. Shaking his head to try and calm and recollect himself, he lifted back up again and placed his hands behind him to keep his torso up.

'What just happened?' He wondered, as the glow in his eyes faded.

He started to get up, only to realise that the paint that he felt was totally gone. He made a slight facial expression of confusion upon feeling this.

As he did so, he was met by the gazes of the students in the room.

Swiftly wiping the blood on his forehead, he felt absolutely no cut. He was certain that his forehead had been opened up from a punch from Bruno.

How else would there have been blood there?

"I am more than disappointed with you, Abel. Just because Bruno acted rashly at the beginning of your bout doesn't give you the right to act in the same way. This is not the path to immortality and enlightenment." Master Oscar said sternly.

He aimed this critique solely at Abel, saying nothing to Bruno at all.

It was just as predicted, and Abel pretended to show respect and bowed, but felt growing anger inside him.

"I apologise, Master Oscar. I promise to never act impulsively like that again." He replied.

"Your words are weightless, young one. I shall see if you mean so through your actions."

He gave Bruno a special flask, with a green substance inside it.

It had mystical properties, and was made from the medicinal herbs that could be found across the planet. When imbued with qi and mixed in the right proportions, these herbs possessed supernatural, magical powers.

Following this, some of the remaining students had spars with each other. They lightly fought and used just a slither of the qi from within their dantian.

Using a large portion of the qi stored within the dantian was physically exhausting, and could place strain on the body if one's qi was much stronger than their physical bodies.

This was why one had to train themselves not just in terms of cultivation but also their strength and durability. If one's qi became too strong, their body would explode upon trying to utilise it!

Their lesson had come to an end, and Abel rushed across the halls of the school. The walls were made of wooden planks, together with rice paper, and there were golden lights that swinged down from the ceiling above.

He arrived at two large double doors, made of a dark oak, and opened another pair of doors to enter the school library.

Ahead of him was a flight of stairs, but the library consisted of two floors in total.

On the upper floor, there was a central opening and balconies laid across the walls, housed with bookshelves and other things.

There were various students, where some were reading, and others were cultivating. With qi, humans could read special books that described and detailed skills and techniques.

After reading and practicing with a technique that was close enough to the nature of one's qi, you could make that power your own. 

Abel went down the wide flight of stairs ahead of him and arrived at one of the areas of the library that he would usually go to. He wasn't here to learn any new techniques, since he had no qi in the first place.

He would come here every single day, with the free time that he was given, and try to cultivate.

Revealing the sheet of parchment, he used the inscription that he used almost religiously.

Holding the inscription calmly, he began to meditate and control his breathing.

"Calm the mind, cultivate the spirit. Tranquility leads to transcendence. Let the heart be still like water, harmonize with the universe." He whispered to himself.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked back to his parchment with confusion. Usually, he would feel that progress was being made, like he could feel something remotely close to his pure soul that he wanted to connect to.

However, there was nothing. Nothing at all. He didn't even feel calm, and even felt slightly uneasy after the fight that he had with Bruno.

His body felt like it was on overdrive, it was a feeling that was tough for him to describe.

Thinking back to what was happening, it felt like his progress was totally gone.

'I can't be back to ground zero, can I? No, this can't be happening." Abel thought, grabbing his head.

Without a dantian, one would be tied to the bottom of the social hierarchy. He would be left with nothing and continue to live a mortal life of powerlessness.

The main thing that drove him through every day was the chance to escape. The chance to strive for something greater.

He decided to shake his head and just throw the thought behind him. Allowing it to occupy his mind would just leave him feeling even worse than he already did.

Saying goodbye to his friends, he saw them getting picked up by their loving parents. They would be seen laughing away, hugging and having a great time. Abel could only watch and walk by them, plastering a fake smile onto his face.

The emptiness within himself only intensified as he was left alone, but all he did was smile it off.

He walked through the bustling streets of the city that he was in. Walking across the street from time to time would be warriors clad in extravagant, gleaming equipment.

They wore shiny breastplates, with greaves, bracers and weapons that covered their bodies up nearly entirely.

The toughest metals of earth were extracted to be used as armour but also, certain body parts from beasts were used.

In the centre of their breastplates were glimmering crystals of various colours. These were crystals that were found within the bodies of beasts. When being embedded into equipment, qi could be used to enhance the items properties.

The buildings around him looked expensive and aesthetic, because he was in the richer areas of Fragan. As he walked, though, the quality of the buildings around him steadily dropped.

In these walled cities, the nobility grouped up into their own rich neighbourhoods, while the poor were forced into other areas of the city. The number of warriors walking through the streets were much lower too, and the atmosphere just felt a lot less enchanting and warm.

He lived in a siheyuan, a shared property that was popular in Fragan.

It allowed for a few people to stay together, to cut down on the rent and costs for each person.

"Where's my rent, boy! I've got mouths to feed, you know!" A rotund, grey-shirted man said, as he walked in the central garden of the property.

"I'm sorry, man. I'll get it to you tomorrow." Abel said monotonously, shutting his door on him.

The man squinted his eyes and grunted before turning around, going back to his own room.