Beast Dantian

His arm bent backwards, and his eyes started to glow and amber-golden colour. He grew fangs and had to take breaks of panting, to hold his breath and endure the pain.

It was totally unbearable, and he soon felt his limbs growing. The pain was starting to reign over his body, though, and his screams of pain turned into beastly growls and grunts.

His body grew past even 2 metres, and he fell onto four of his limbs. The hair on his head grew, and the hair across his body grew and thickened into a sheet of fur. During this growth, his hair darkened and became a brownish colour.

Groaning in pain, his face shifted into a snout and several large canine fangs were revealed. His eyes now glowed a bright golden, and he let out a powerful exhale.

It was somewhat cool now, and the breath from his snout was visible. He lifted slowly, reaching 8 feet into the sky and turned around violently to survey his surroundings.

Instead of feeling agony, his mind had totally succumbed to his growing bloodlust and primal instinct.

All that was left was the beast.


As he heard nothing, he made no movement. His eyes continued to search around, but he then found exactly what he was looking for.


He could hear the distant steps of a lifeform. His mind was totally devoid of rationality and remorse. All that drove him was the insatiable thirst for blood and death.


Blasting forward, he moved with explosive speed and entered a quadrupedal galloping run, charging at the source of the sound.

He entered an adjacent bamboo forest, forcing himself through the somewhat dense collection of bamboo.

As he rushed through the bamboo, there was an opening ahead of him.

A bald man, clad in training uniform turned and was aghast at the incoming beast.

"It's a beast inside the walls!" His friend exclaimed, who had red hair and wielded a katana.

"GRAAAH!!" Abel had lost control of his body and was driven his beastly instinct.

He threw down his arm toward the bald man, who was closest to him, but he used all of his explosive speed to evade.


The ground cracked and quaked under the force of his blow, and he almost couldn't believe how strong this beast seemed to be.

'This beast might even be of the primal rank! How did a primal rank beast enter the walls unnoticed?!' He thought to himself. 

Primal rank beasts were known for their destructiveness and ferocity, being stronger than feral beasts, which were then stronger than ordinary beasts.


Abel continued swinging wildly at the man, that was using his smaller size and nimbleness to dodge his attacks. Gusts of wind would blast outward with every movement he made, and it wasn't long before he was caught.

Receiving a slash to his face, his entire body was thrown onto the ground and large slashes were left across his face.

They were deep wounds, revealing not just blood but the bloody flesh and fat underneath.

"Urgh! It really is a primal beast!" He realised, as a golden aura of qi enveloped his body.


He ingested a white pill, which then made his face heal much faster.

In seconds, his wounds completely sealed up.

Abel continued standing, growling at the two warriors stood ahead of him. Behind them was another friend of theirs that had been training with them.

He stood at nearly two metres, at around 6'7, and had a very muscular, burly frame.

"Looks like I'll have to use my beast dantian!" The bald man called out.

From a dantian located within his right chest, a brighter yellow qi started to enshroud his body. His body then went through gradual physical changes. He seemed to resemble a monkey more, and his armour was now given a golden tint.

He was covered in brown fur and resembled a lean, nimble monkey, and had a prehensile tail that swayed behind him.


The two beings soared toward each other then violently clashed at the midpoint between them. The man pushed forward with all his might but knew that a fight like this would be futile.

Trying to match the strength of a towering beast like this was impossible for him. He landed a strong punch to Abel's body, then leaped up to punch him across the side of his face.

Using the power of this dantian, his body had become stronger and faster.

"Since when did Arturo get such a strong beast for his beast dantian?" The redhead swordsman wondered.

"It's the Heavenly Spider Monkey beast. Packs a serious punch."

Even with his slim frame, this punch to his face made him fall back slightly. As he landed, Abel whipped his arm around to try and slash him again.

His attack was too predictable, though, and all his claws hit was thin air. In quick succession, though, he landed a front kick to the man's chest and the impact of his kick sounded like an explosion.

Arturo, the monkey-man, got launched off his feet and hurled away more than 15 metres. He was forced to use his hands and dug into the ground to slow himself to a stop. Blood already started to trickle out his mouth, and there was an intense pain and ache in his chest.

This certainly was a formidable beast.

"GRAAARGH!!" Abel roared, charging ahead.

He grabbed the man by his neck, lifting him right off his feet with just a single arm. It looked like he didn't even intend to do so with his grab, then he slammed him into the ground so forcefully that cracks scurried out from the point of impact.

He ended up coughing blood from the intense force applied over his neck, and his two other companions felt frozen.

Their fear was keeping them planted in place, since they felt they would suffer a gruesome, agonising fate if they were to step in.

Watching the attack that their friend had just taken, they just couldn't stand by and watch this happen.

Arturo lifted back onto his feet, with adrenaline masking the debilitating pain he was supposed to feel.

He opened his right palm and what grew within it was a large golden rod of pure qi. It condensed and then resembled a luminescent physical object. It was a long rope, and he swivelled it powerfully and speedily to strike it across Abel's face.

The string was almost like a whip and moved with great velocity. It sliced across his cheek, and left a shallow cut, before he then pulled it back. He danced around with this glowing lasso and looked elegant and graceful.

HIs movements were fast but smooth, and he wrapped it around Abel's extending arm. Before he could even slash him, his arm felt stuck in place, then there was a sudden pulling force. Arturo jerked back his arm, so that Abel was shot forward and off his feet.

The lasso was free-moving and thin but possessed great strength.


He landed a textbook punch right onto the advancing beast, and the impact sounded heavy and strong. Abel grunted in pain upon receiving this strike, only to get whipped by the lasso once again.

The being moved too fast for him to properly react, and he had lost all sense. He simply endured the attacks and relied on his body's durability and healing factor.

Watching the lasso whipping toward him, Abel looked furious. He managed to grab it before it could slice his body again, and the previous cuts on his body had already sealed up.

His glowing golden eyes stared into his opponent's soul, and he felt frozen upon seeing this. His first instinct was to try and retrieve his lasso, but he could not. His arm simply wouldn't budge, but he continued to try and pull.

All Abel did was let out a lowly snarl as he glared at him.

The lasso then snapped, with both ends disintegrating into a loose cloud of energy that soon dissipated.

Arturo then looked at the beast that he had supposedly angered even more. It snarled and its visible breath rose across the sides of its snouted face.

As he subconsciously retreated, his burly friend was stood behind him.

"Let's end this thing together!" He stated, stepping ahead.

"Yeah, it might beat one of us, but not all of us!" The redhead stated.

Air started to swirl around them, condensing into the blade of this warrior. It was almost like a secondary blade, that sharpened it and enhanced it.

The burly man behind them started to grow and became even more muscular than he already was. His skin darkened, and then black fur started to cover his body.

His eyes glowed a blood red, and he growled lowly in his transformation. He was now using the power of a beast that resembled a gorilla.

He had broad, large shoulders and looked to be seven feet. Resting on his knuckles, he was still as tall as his companions ahead of him.

"Let's go!" He roared deeply, charging ahead.

The swordsman slashed at Abel's stomach. The wind cloaking his sword allowed it to cause more damage, which made blood spurt out from the wound.

Just as Abel looked to attack him, though, the large gorilla-like warrior leaped over his smaller friend.