"One Last Time"

"Yeah, sorry but this still isn't good enough. I.. don't..know it just isn't as interesting as your other novels you wrote as a kid. The ones you wrote as a kid were very interesting, but now it's just isn't it. Sorry but you have to ..maybe write another.. one.. you know..." I couldn't say anything, all I could do was just stand there as he spoke "respectfully."

"Alright, thank you! I will be back on my next deadline," I replied, smiling as I packed up my belongings. "I'm not trying to say you're bad..you..know..ha.ah," he awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he tried clarifying his statement. "Oh no, I'm not upset" I quickly waved my hands. "…" "Well, I will take my leave now, thank you Hanzo-San." I bowed, but before heading out I began hearing voices.

"Fumiko-Chan's novels have become more boring ever since she took a break for like 3 years. All she writes is about the world or whatever. But back then, she could write anything from just staring at random things." He said to his co-worker disappointedly.

I understand why he would be disappointed. No matter what I try writing, it doesn't make me feel excited like I used to. I sighed as I blankly stared at my bike. 'I don't even have enough money to buy a car, such a disappointment' I thought as I got on my bike. 'I can't wait to be home.'

Suddenly, a surge of emotions overcame me. "Writing a novel is very stressful, so stop acting like you know better than me. Your job is to just read and choose whether to publish it. Stop acting like you're a professional novelist." I complained, slamming my hand on the bed simultaneously. "Shut up!" I heard my neighbor yelling at the top of her lungs. The walls to this apartment were very thin, so voices could be heard really easily. Although, my neighbor always decided to yell.

"I have been a novelist for over twenty years, but nowadays my writing has gotten boring? Such a bunch of crap." I complained again quietly this time. "Well, I'll think about it tomorrow" I said to myself as I closed my eyes, hoping to sleep my feelings away.

'My shift starts at 12 pm so I still have time. I guess I could try writing something down.' I thought as I picked up my pen, but as usual I just stared at my computer screen for hours. "I have absolutely no idea," I wined, scratching my head.

After staring at my screen for who knows how long, I got up to get ready for work.

I murmured my favorite song as I checked the time. "11:40" I grabbed my belongings and my key. "I'm heading out," I said, shamelessly looking around the empty apartment. Walking from my apartment to my work takes about 10 minutes. I was lucky to land in such a cheap apartment that was close to my work.

"Good afternoon, Suzuki-San." I bowed, closing the door behind me. "Afternoon, Ito-San '' she bowed, changing her clothes. Me and Suzuki-San were the only two who had this shift, but yet we don't interact much.

Suzuki-San always took my breath away. I always find myself staring at her, I mean who wouldn't? Her hair is so beautiful like the depth of the ocean, so dark yet beautiful. Her eyes are so calm, it draws people towards it. I really like her, but I wouldn't say the same for her. 'I mean I don't blame her. Especially when I look like thi-' "I'll be heading out," Suzuki-San spoke up, staring into my eyes. Shivers went down my spine as I fumbled my words. "U-uh ye-yea right, I'll be there." 'I wonder if she noticed I was staring at her.' I covered my burning face with my hands. Truly, Suzuki-San was one of a kind, but we were obviously polar opposite. I closed the door as I walked outside to change the "closed" sign to "open." It took a while before customers began appearing.

Getting a rude customer isn't really a surprise in a small convenience store like this. "I told you to call your manager," the customer complained, slamming his hand on the counter. "I'm sorry, but like I said we are the only 2 here. Our manager doesn't arrive until the end of our shift." I tried explaining, but it wasn't useful. He began yelling and started destroying things. "Sir, please stop." I asked. " Well, get me your manager. You think because you're pretty I'll let you slide? Anyways, I don't care where your manager is, get them." "Like I said, they aren't he-" I replied but was cut off by an angelic voice. "Yo, shut up and leave the line. You are wasting the other customers' time." Suzuki- San looked at the other customer for a sign of an agreement.

"That's true. Pay your money and move." One of the customers in line spoke up.

"Now, please pay for what you've eaten and kindly leave before I push you out myself." Suzuki-San requested. "I'm not paying. It tastes like donkey." The customer argued back. "Then why eat it? If you know you can't pay for sweet bread then don't come. Actually, I'll pay. Just leave." Suzuki-San gestured her hand towards me. "Here." She said, 'Suzuki-San is so cool' I thought as I took the 479 yen and glared at the customer disappointedly. Shivers went down his spine as he tried speaking. But he retreated and left. I whispered to Suzuki-San. "Thank you!" But like always, she didn't respond, but glared at me.

Time went by fast and finally our shift was over. "Suzuki-San, don't forget we are all drinking out tomorrow." I said, grinning. I love drinking out with people, but the last time I had a drink with someone was when I was still new to this store. "Yea.." She responded. "Alright see you then!" I said smiling as I left.

"I'm home!" I said, taking off my shoes before walking in. My plan was to try and fall asleep early, but my stomach had other plans. I opened my refrigerator. "Of course there is nothing." I sighed, falling down on my desk chair. I turned to grab my bag and brought out the food I bought from the convenience store before heading out. "Onigiri," I exclaimed while cleaning the drools on my face. "Who doesn't like this flavourly, cleamy, scrumptious, mouth-watering, luscious food?" I said, stuffing myself.

"Ahh, that was delicious." I laid back on the chair's edge, rubbing my stuffed stomach. I got my computer off my bed and continued searching for ideas for my next story the entire night. I don't even remember when I fell asleep.

"Beep beep beep" "Ahhhh- I don't want to get upppp," I winced, throwing a fit.

I was expecting a yell back, but it was awfully quiet. 'I guess she went to work.' I thought, grabbing the loud phone, "9Am huh," I sighed, getting up from the warm bed. Although, I didn't want to leave my warmth behind; I remembered I was drinking out with Suzuki-San and the others.

We were supposed to meet after mine and Suzuki-san's shift. I was so excited that I began running around the apartment room that couldn't even fit 2 people. As much as I wanted to keep expressing my excitement, I had other things to do. I got ready for work early and began typing on my computer with the extra time I had.

Time went by quickly and I found myself at work. "Good morning, Suzuki-San" I smiled, waving. I don't know if I was seeing things, but the grumpy looking beauty was chuckling. I didn't know how I looked at the moment, but I did know my face was heating up. I quickly turned around to control my unsteady breath. "Ahem, Good morning" She replied with her usual tone. The rest of the shift went on smoothly and before we knew it, it came to an end. "Drinking timeee!!" I said , grabbing Suzuki-San's hands after she locked the door.

Since our boss was waiting for us at the drinking spot, we had to be the ones who closed the door. Due to my excitement, I didn't notice I was still holding her hands until she spoke up when we arrived. "Your hands" "Huh?" I asked, confusedly. "You're still holding my hands," she said straightforwardly. "Ohh, I'm so sorry." I let go of her hand and started bowing my head as blood rushed to my cheeks. "Over here!" The manager waved her hand. We walked over to her, taking a seat opposite to her. "Well guys meet Sato-kun, he will be working the morning shift." She introduced. We took turns introducing ourselves. "It's crazy we haven't had a new member in like 4 years" I said, laughing. "And the last member was you," the manager added. We laughed and shared some drinks and conversation with each other. I must admit, this was fun. It's been a while since I've had company like this. I won't lie, I miss it. I don't really remember what happened for the rest of the night, but I do know Suzuki-San took me home. I must have been drunk out of my mind.


"Beep beep beep" "Ahhh- shut up" I screamed, kicking my legs. "Beep beep-" "Okay, I get it, I'm getting up now" I grabbed my phone aggressively and turned the alarm off. I honestly didn't want to go to work, but I had to. I pulled an all nighter yesterday brainstorming ideas for my next story. As much as I like writing novels, I haven't really made the effort to turn in any of them in a while. Well whatever, it's time to go to work now. It was currently 11am and I had to be at work by 11:30. Although my shift starts at 12pm, I had to get there early to get the keys and watch the store. My apartment is like 12 minutes away, so I'm cool.

I grabbed my belongings and headed out.

"Good morning, Fuji-San," I greeted. "Morning to you too Suzuki-San" he greeted. "Well I'll get going now. Have a nice day" he said, handing me the keys and signing out. For the next few minutes, I just try to replace some stuff on the shelves. Only to double cross by tripping on my feet and landing my face on one of the things I was carrying. "Ow-" I wined, getting back up as I picked the things off the floor and put them where they belonged. "Why am I so clumsy?" I groaned.

As I changed my clothes to the assigned uniform, I recognized a familiar voice. "Good afternoon, Suzuki-San" She greeted me energetically. "Afternoon, Ito-San" I greeted back as I continued changing my clothes. "I'll be heading out," I told her. I don't why, but she is always fumbling with her words when she's around me. "U-uh ye-yea right, I'll be there." She said, covering her flushed face with her hands. I left the room and stood in my assigned spot. Ito- San was cute, but her personality makes me annoyed sometimes.

I 100% wasn't feeling it today. But only for a customer to make it worse. "I told you to call your manager." I placed my hand on my head to subside my headache, but the customer wasn't helping. 'Shut up' I thought as I focused on my group of customers. I thought Ito-San had the issue wrapped up, but he began to destroy things, fringing his arms around, throwing the goods to the ground, stomping on them like a child, yelling like the shrek from the movie, in fact, shrek would be ashamed. "Yo, shut up and leave the line. You are wasting the other customers' time." I don't know what got into me, but I was just beyond annoyed. I felt the urge to knock him out here and there. "That's true. Pay your money and move." One of the customers in line spoke up. 'Thank you!' I thought as I began speaking again. "Now, please pay for what you've eaten and kindly leave before I push you out myself." I spoke up before he began sprouting nonsense. "I'm not paying. It tastes like donkey." At this point, my muscles itched, my hands were clutching, my lips were bleeding. "Then why eat it? If you know you can't pay for sweet bread then don't come." I sighed as I began speaking again. "Actually I'll pay. Just leave." I gestured my hand towards Ito-san. "Here!" I said, giving her the money. "Thank you!" She said, smiling like she always does.

I wanted to go home and rest, but was stopped by Ito-San. "Suzuki-San, don't forget we are all drinking out tomorrow." She said gleefully." In all honesty, I forgot. "Yea.." I replied hesitantly. "Alright see you then!" She voiced before she practically started hopping like a bunny.

"Blop " I stepped into the water, walking who knows where. I just know I am safe as long as I'm here. I laid down on the water, the sounds of waves rushing to my ears. Arms and legs spread out as if this was my home. Home. What is home? I stared at the sky. 'So beautiful!' I thought. I wonder if I'm going to be up there one day. I laid there for who knows how long, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the sky. "What has this world become?" I asked myself. 'Wait' I thought. "What has this world become?" I repeated. I got up, grabbed my shoes, bag, and other belongings.

I got home, changed and began typing. "What has this world become? By Suzuki Keiko" I wrote. I laid back on my chair and began laughing maniacally. "Huh, why am I crying?" I wondered as I continued laughing, but before I knew it, I passed out.

"Good morning, Suzuki-San," she greeted, beaming like a puppy. I couldn't help but

chuckle. "Ahem, Good morning," I said, clearing my throat. I noticed that her face was completely flushed like a tomato. She started moving like a robot, one leg after another. I must admit, she's quite the comedian.

Luckily, there weren't any rude customers today because I didn't want to deal with any senselessness.

After making sure the door was locked, I felt a hand grab my hand. "Drinking timeee!" The owner exclaimed. She kept holding my hand, but I couldn't help but freak out. 'Waittt Why is she holding me? Waittt I'm not used to thisss.' I thought. I felt my ears burn as she held onto me. I was too embarrassed, so I spoke up after getting there. "Your hands" I said embarrassed. "Huh?" She tilted her head slightly. 'Wait.. she didn't notice she was still holding on to me?' "You're still holding my hands," I attempted to explain, but she let go of my hand and began bowing apologetically. "Ohh, I'm so sorry."

I felt cold, I felt lonely… I wasn't offended, but I was too embarrassed to admit that.

"Over here!" We turned towards the voice. The manager simultaneously waved her hand in our direction. We walked over to her and took the seat across from her. The manager introduced the new worker to us and we introduced ourselves. We drank and chatted about random things. Okay, maybe not "we", but they. I did contribute once a while, but interacting wasn't my thing. Although, I did notice how Ito-San would flash a smile at my direction once a while. I wonder if that's her way of making sure I was okay. However, the more she did that, I noticed she was becoming more flushed. 'Ah- she must be drunk' I sighed. "Alright guys, time to wrap this up. Also Keiko-Chan please take Fumiko-Chan home." The manager announced. "Wait..what did you say Ayame-San? Me take her home?" I questioned. "Uhh.. yeah you know I can't; I have to check up on something and plus you're the closest to her than anyone here." She hurled back. "Closest?" I questioned. "Ohh.. don't worry about that, I'm sure you'll understand later." She smiled. "Arlight, please take her home, and be safe on your way home as well. Thank you Keiko-Chan!" She added, smiling as she ensured everyone was set to go.

Good thing her home was nearby. "Ito-San, I need your key." I asked, but it was useless, she already passed out. I searched her bag, "found it" I said, unlocking the door and moving her inside. "Damn" was all I could say. There were papers all over the floor, a computer laying on the floor next to the bed. A desk table with a chair across the bed, a mini fridge next to it, and a microwave on top. I mean I've been to her house but I haven't been inside. I gently walked in watching my feet so as to not step on the papers. I slowly moved the computer and laid her down on the bed. "Suzuki-San..?" She said, "Hold up, let's get you water." I began walking towards the fridge, but to my surprise, there was nothing there. "You really do not have anything in here." I sighed as I walked towards my bag. "Good thing I have water on me." I said as I lifted her body gently and gave her water to drink. "Thank you Suzuki-San," she managed to get out before dozing off.

I began to take my leave, but something caught my attention. I got closer to it,

"What has this world become?

By Ito Fumiko

This world is beyond what we can control. I've wondered countless times how we can save the world we dwell in."

I stumbled backward, slipped, and then all the papers went flying. "Why do we exist?" "Are we safe in this world?" "Who are we?" Ideas spread across the room like a blanket on a bed. But the one that caught my attention was "How does Keiko view the world?" "How do I view the world?" I questioned myself. I got up, picked the papers and placed them on the table with the computer. I wrote "Keiko was here :) " on the idea titled "How does Keiko view the world?" and left.


There I simmered in the bed, my head throbbing with the reminiscing sensation of trying to remember what had unraveled the previous night. I laid back with my hand on my forehead, hoping the throbbing would subside. After laying for who knows how long, I got myself up when I was sure I could walk. I opened my refrigerator and to my surprise, there were 2 bottles of water there with a note saying; "I'm sorry, this was all I had on me. Hope you can manage until we meet again.-Suzuki Keiko " I stood there, letter in my hand, heart racing, face burning, tears streaming down my cheeks.

A "Thank you!" Slipped out my mouth as I made my way to the desk. My computer was plugged in for me and by the side were ideas I had jotted down. "Keiko was here :)" was written in one of the papers. "Hahaha, that's so cute! The usual grumpy beauty wrote this?" I said, chuckling as I held my stomach. After getting myself together, I skimmed through the smiley face for hours. "Growl~" "Oh right I haven't eaten today." I got ready and headed out. I usually stay home during the weekends, but today I felt jovial. I wanted Monday to be here.

"Morning Suzuki-San" "Keiko" "Huh?" "Call me Keiko," she replied. "Ke..I..ko-San" I said, scratching my head. "Drop the formality." She said with a flushed face and an attempted smile. 'Waittt, I mean yes, I say her first name all the time, but that's when I'm alone. Why, now? Was it because she saw the paper with her first name?' I thought as I stared at her. "Kei..ko" I finally stated. "Good morning to you too Ito-" "Fumiko" I interrupted. "Good morning to you too Fumiko" she corrected with another attempted smile.

"As you may know, I dropped you off on Friday." She began. "I saw some papers which I accidentally went through, I saw your computer…" she kept going on, but her face reddened every time she spoke. I could only guess she's embarrassed and nervous since this is the first time she has spoken this many words to me in like 4 years. "Okay, what I'm trying to say is I didn't know you were a novelist." She sighed out. "Oh yeah, I am, but I'm not.. that..proud of it" I said. "What are you talking about? I saw what you wrote. You should be proud of yourself. I give up easily …." 'Wow she writes novels?' "….but you don't. I saw the other ideas you had."

"Wow" was all I could say. "I didn't know you could speak like this," I laughed. "…" "wait I don't mean it in a rude way" I quickly waved my hands apologetically. "What I'm trying to say is, I thought you hated me. So, I was quite surprised you could talk this much to me, it's cute" I said, clarifying my reason. "Cuteee?!?" She flushed. "Ahem like I was saying, I like your idea. Actually I also thought of the same idea as well. So, uhm.. do you want to do a collaboration?" She announced. "Uhm.. I'd love to since it's you, but I'm starting to lose motivation. However, I can't get myself to quit." I spoke.

"I..think I may understand! I tend to give up after losing interest, but yet I can't find myself quitting," "I-" "So, that's why I'm sure we can do this…together." She continued. At this point, anything I say would be useless; she will keep finding ways to make us do it. "Alright.. it's nice working with you, although this is my first time collaborating with someone." I said, extending my hand towards her. "It's also my first, but I know we will figure it out together." She said, shaking my hand.

The rest of the day went the same as usual, but I was in an excellent mood.

"Oh yea before you go let me get you some things." She said, stopping me as I was about to step out. She gathered many foodstuffs and bottles of water. "Here, I'll pay the manager later." She said, moving the items outside. "Oh no, you don't have to do that." I said. "I insist and plus I don't want you dying from starvation." She replied. "If you say so.. but I can't carry this alone.." I said. "Oh.. right, I'll help ya out." " But what about the store?" I asked. "I have the key. She said she can't make it today and that we should just close it up after our shift." She responded. "Oh..i didn't know that." "Alright let's go." She said as she lifted the bags of water.

"Welcome abroad" I said, as we stepped inside. "Thanks for having me," she replied. She began storing the items in the fridge. "Since you have no kitchen except a microwave and a fridge, I'll cook for you." She said, attempting to smile. "Also, come over to my place on the weekends, so we can talk about the story." She continued."Oh.. right.. that. Alright I'd love to come over." I responded. "Alright, I've to go now. See you later." She said as she began to head out. "Oh. Okay bye" I said, escorting her out.

Weeks went by so fast, I went to Keiko's apartment and it was spacious. I thought she was rich, but turns out this was actually her guidance's place, but unfortunately she has already passed away.. I also found out why Keiko and the manager are close. Turns out the manager is her guidance granddaughter. We also went over the novel, we decided on characters and the kind of story we were going for; (two girls who explore the world together. They found the pros and cons of their world/ its people.)

Weeks turned into months and before we knew it a year already passed. "Let's move in together" "huhhhhh?" "I mean we have been to each other's house for a year now, so I thought why not, and not to mention, it's quite lonely here." She said, covering her flushed face with her hands. 'Ehhhhh, I mean I want to buttttt can someone like me really live here??' I contemplated. "I mean-" "I won't let you say no." She cut me off as she played with her hands. "I wasn't..but are you really sure?" I spoke, staring at the floor. "Why wouldn't I be? I mean at first I used to be annoyed with you because you were a people person and you were also smiling, but the more I got to know you the more I noticed you had some flaws that made you who you are. We humans aren't meant to be perfect and in addition to that….we are quite similar.. don't you think.?" "I-" "And plus you're amazing, I love your dedication" I remained in a state of shock, my surprise deepening as I noticed her eyes were filled with stars. "And.. I just want to live with you." She confessed. She took notice of my expression and asked, "Are you okay?" I stared at her for a moment before shaking my head and replying, "oh no.. it's nothing. I just can't get used to you saying all this and yes I'd love to live with you." I said, shining her smile. "Then let's start moving on Sunday." She replied with an attempted smile. 'Ah- her smile is getting better' I reminisce. "That's tomorrow.." "Yes, I know. Don't you want to…?" She says softly with puppy eyes. "When did she learn how to do that?" I murmured, as I held on to my heart. "Yes.. I want to" I smiled.


"Today I'll ask her to live with me" I murmured as I walked around the apartment. "I mean she has slept over many times so why not make it official?" I continued. 'I hope I'm not pushing things.' I sighed as I heard a knock on the door. "I'm coming!" I exclaimed. "Good morning Fumiko" I greeted. "Morning my dear Keiko," she smiled. 'She always reminded me of a dog.' "Anyways I won't tell her now because it would be too sudden" I murmured. "Did you say something?" She asked, concerned. "Umm...noo" I responded. "Okay, you can talk to me you know-" "Let's move in together" "huhhhhh?" "I mean we have been to each other's house for a year now, so I thought why not, and not to mention, it's quite lonely here." 'Ahhhh so dumb!! I said I wouldn't ask her now..' I thought as I covered my face. "I mean-" I knew she was going to reject so I interrupted her, "I won't let you say no." I said nervously. "I wasn't..but are you really sure?" She asked as she draped her attention to the floor. 'Why wouldn't I?' I thought to myself before speaking up. "Why wouldn't I be? I mean at first I used to be annoyed with you because you were a people person" I stopped. 'Is that what they call it?' I asked myself as I continued on. "And you were always smiling, but the more I got to know you the more I noticed you had some flaws that made you who you are. We humans aren't meant to be perfect and in addition to that…we are quite similar….don't you think..?" I continued, I didn't even know she was trying to say something. "And you're amazing, I love your dedication and.. I just want to live with you." I confessed as I took notice of her reddened and shocked face. "Are you okay?" I asked, tilting my head. "Oh no.. it's nothing. I just can't get used to you saying all this and yes I'd love to live with you." She said, shirking a smile. "Then let's start moving on Sunday." I replied with a smile. "That's tomorrow.." she said. "Yes, I know. Don't you want to…?" I said with pleasing eyes. "Yes.. I want to" she smiled as she held her heart. 'Is she okay' I thought as I scanned over the flushed girl.


"Happy 28th birthday Fumiko," Keiko said as she came to my room. "Thank you very much!" I said, turning towards her. "Let's go out today. I just realized we haven't gone out together except when we go to work." She said, furrowing. "That's actually true. I didn't even notice." I responded. "Well get ready." She said, "Wait now?" I asked. "Yes, we are going to spend the day together," she said softly. "Huh. Okay I'll go get ready." I said as I walked to get the clothes out.

"Wow! You look stunning." She commented as she spun me around. "I love the dress." She continued. 'The outfit isn't special; I'm just wearing a short black dress with some jewelry.' I thought as I played with my hair. "You also look charming." I replied. "Thank you, but I'm just wearing a shirt and a skirt." She responded. 'She looks cute with that two ponytails.' I studied. "Alright, where do want to go first?" She asked. "Huh.. i don't know." I Answered. "It fine. I know where." She replied.

I won't lie, this was the first time in a while I have felt truly happy. We went from places to places, buy things left and right. I honestly felt spoilt. "That was nice," I said as we stood our seat at the restaurant. "Yes it was." She replied. "Alright let's eat" she said as she called over a waiter. "This is good." I commented as I chew on the sweet meat. "I know right. It's so soft, yet juicy." She said as she took another bite.

We ordered more and ate to our heart content. "Uhm.. we have been close for 2 years. Don't you think it's time we learned something new about ourselves?" She asked as she stared at me. "…" my expression most have changed, "wait never mind, I'm sorry you don't have to say anything" she said, waving her hands apologetically. "Oh no it's not that." I laughed. "It's just this is a first someone asked about my past so I didn't know how to act. " I continued. "Oh, but really you don't have to talk about it if you don't want." She replied. "No, I want to tell you.. although it's nothing special " I responded. "Well, I've also love writing as a kid, so when my mother told me I was a very talented child and I should use it. I was quite excited even though I didn't know what was going on" I giggled as I recalled some memories.

" Fumiko dear, you know you're very talented." She said as she ran her hand through my hair. I'd always loved when mom touches my hair; it makes me feel calm. "Yes mama, you always tell me that." I smiled as I turned to face her. "That's why I want us to use that talent. Alright dear?" She asked. Although I didn't get what was going on at that time, I just grinned. "Yes mama," I replied .

"At that time I didn't understand what was going on, but my job was to write. As I got older I became more knowledgeable about what was going on around me. I was also becoming known to the world because of my supposed talents. Then I found out that mom was using me to get money. At first I didn't care because I didn't need it, but then it started taking a toll on me slowly." I stopped to catch my breath then continued, "I was at the age of 10-11 when I found that fact out. My parents were amazing people, but they wanted wealth. Due to my mental state, at the age of 15 my novels became boring. I just wrote whatever because I didn't feel any emotion while writing. It felt like I was a slave to my own parents. My parents were nice enough to keep me for 3 more years, thinking I'd get better. However, when I turned 18 on my birthday; September 9th, they kicked me out. "I sighed into my hand as I recalled the memories vividly.

"Mom, I'm sorry! I promise I'll get better please mom." I pleased. "Ugh, don't touch me, you disgusting thing. You messed up the only thing you were supposed to be good at. Talented my butt." She said as she kicked me off her. "Dad, please say something please." Although, he just stared at me like I was a mere object who doesn't deserve any rights. I was devastated. I couldn't believe what was happening. "What do I do now" I asked the both of them. "I don't know, maybe sell your body. She said as she shrugged. I looked over to dad, but he was looking on the floor. "Alright young lady, start moving." She said as she gestured her hand toward the road.

"And I started living on the streets for a while, moved around and landed here when I turned 22. And I met you and Ayame-San." I continued. 'See, I told you my story wasn't interesting.' I thought as I looked up, but to my surprise, Keiko was crying. "Huh?? Why are you crying? Did I say anything wrong.?" I quickly got up. "No, I was just surprised, I didn't even know I was crying. I'm sorry." She responded. "Oh no don't apologize, this is my first time seeing you cry, especially to a boring story like mine." I replied as I sat back down. "No, it's not boring, in fact if a story were to be boring, it would be mine. She sighed. "Then can you tell me yours." I asked. "I mean sure, but it'll be boring." She replied as she played with her hair.

"Like yours, my parents always told me I had a talent in writing, that I should keep it up. Unfortunately, on my 6th birthday we got in an accident and I was the only survivor. Of course I was traumatized by that incident but I was still confused about the situation. Then at their funeral, my uncle took me in.

"Keiko-Chan don't worry, I'll take good care of you, so trust me." He said, as he let me hug him. "Okay" I said as I started sobbing.

"My uncle was a decent man, but sometimes he gets too drunk and does some irrational things. I started my novel career with a different name because I wanted to remain anonymous. I started writing novels as a way to escape the hell I was going through in that place. When he found out I was writing novels, he beat me up, throwing me from places to places. It was quite obvious he was mad. I was quite confused when I found out that his ex-wife was a novelist. After that day, he didn't care much about it. Whenever he was upset he would abuse me, but he really isn't a bad guy." She sighed as she continued. "Then I started making money at age 10, I used his account to get the money since that was all I had. Of course we shared it 50-50. That went on until I turned 15. He started bringing girls over and would get upset after. Due to that, his abuse became worse for me to handle. I continued writing novels because that's all I could do. I've never left the house since I first came there. On my 18th birthday I ran away because I almost lost my life to him. That night, he was beyond drunk and I think he got in an argument with someone before coming home. But, he first strangled me then released me to get a knife. During that time period, I got up and ran away even though he chased me down." She paused. "Then how did you survive after that?" I asked her, hoping to calm her down and know I was here for her.

"Luckily, I'd been preparing to escape." I had his card, so I was able to redraw money and took a bus to this place. That was when I met oba-San also known as Ayame-San's grandmother. She invited me to her house and then when I turned 19, I learned my uncle died in a car accident. Oba-San was the best thing that ever happened to me. Unfortunately on my 20th birthday she died of old age. Ever since then, I chose to live in that house and keep the memories with me." She said, smiling.

"Wow! I don't even know what to say." I said. "Yea, I feel the same way." She laughed. "Alright shall we go home?" She asked. "Yes, we shall!" I said. We went home and did a little sleepover in my room and passed out.


"Fumiko, what's wrong?" She asked with a lot concerned. "My heart has been hurting lately. I thought it was nothing, but it started getting worse." I replied. "How didn't I notice? Why didn't you tell?" She exclaimed. "I'm fine-" "No, let's go to the hospital now." She yelled. I tried rejecting, but we later went there.

"The result said she has heart cancer." The doctor said. "What" we exclaimed. "Heart cancer occurs when diseased cells grow out of control on or near the heart. These cells form a tumor. This form of heart cancer is extremely rare and most occurs in adults between the ages of 30-40." The doctor explained. Our jaws dropped. 'I'm 34 turning 35 in days.' I thought as she continued, "How long have you been feeling this pain?" She asked. "It's been 4 months." I replied. "Oh, then it's good you came before it's too late. The average life expectancy after a heart cancer diagnosis is about six months without surgical treatment, and sometimes greater than a year when surgery is possible." She continued. "So please we need to schedule an appointment quickly." She said. "…" we couldn't speak, emotions rushed through us like waves of water. "What about September 9?" She asked. We turned towards each other and I'm sure we were thinking about the same thing. 'That's my birthday.' We sighed as we turned back to the doctor. "Yes, September 9 is perfect" I smiled as I felt eyes on me.

We didn't talk until I broke the silence when we got home. "At least I'm rare..right?" I laughed. "No, stop joking around, this is very serious." She said as she started crying. 'Wow' was all I could say. "It's fine.. alright? I'm still here with you." I replied but she pulled me in for a hug. Then before I knew it, I started crying as well. I didn't know whether it was because of the news, or the fact that this spine the first time she had hugged me, or the fact the hug reminded me of my mother. But, we kept on crying together. "Keiko.." I cried out.


"Alright, we have the result ma'am" The doctor said as she walked in. "Oh, you're alone today?" The doctor asked. "Yea, I was quite scared of the results, so I didn't want to hurt her so I snuck out before she finished getting ready." I confessed. The doctor's jaw dropped as she looked at me. "Ha..ah" I said. "Alright," she said as she fixed her posture. "Fortunately, we were able to remove the tumor." I smiled as she spoke, but I smiled too quickly. "Unfortunately, you only have a year to live. We estimated September 9 on your 36th birthday." She stated as she ended with, "we are sorry." "Oh no, you're just during your job. Thank you doctor'" I said as I smiled. The doctor looked at me with pity, but she knows she can't do anything about it. "Do I need to come back?" I asked "hmm.. no unless something occurs." She said. "Also please make sure to take your medications." She added before stepping out. "Thank you," I said as I also stepped out.

When I got home and opened the door, Keiko was sitting at the center waiting for me. "Welcome back, she said." But it was quite obvious she was upset as she grab me and asked, "So..?" She asked. "Well, the doctor said I have a few years to live and that I should continue taking my meds." I replied. "Few years? What does that mean?" She asked. "She said they couldn't estimate it yet, that they would call later on. But she also said I'm doing alright and that the tumor had been taken care of." I lied. 'I'm sorry Keiko' I thought as I looked up at her. "Is that so.." she replied with a sad expression. "I don't know whether I should be happy," she said as she started crying.

"It's fine" I said as I pulled her in for a hug. "Let's go eat..alright?"


I felt awful for keeping the fact I'd died in a few months a secret, but … I can't hurt the only person I have left. I spent these few months lying pretending I was fine. "Fumiko, there is a festival occurring on your birthday, let's go there. We have been working hard on this novel. So let's take a break, what do you think? She asked, smiling. 'Ughh she's so adorable why wouldn't I say yes.' "Yea.. sure.. why not."

"So let's spend the next 2 months working alright. And plus we should be done by the end of September." She said, 'Well I'll be dead by then' I giggled. "Yup."


"Fumiko, are you ready?" "Yea, I'm coming" I said as I placed the notes on the table. Today was the day for the festival and my rest. "You look charming," She said as she smiled. "Thank you and so do you" I replied as we left and headed to the festival.

"Wow, so beautiful" I commented as we looked around. "I know right" she replied. We went from places to places. It was really fun and finally it was the fireworks time. "Wowww, so pretty" we said as we turned toward each other and began laughing. "If I die, I want to go out just like that. I want to be someone's happiness." I murmured. "You are my happiness!" I turned towards her, shocked because I didn't know she heard that. I couldn't help but be fluttered. She gestured her hand to face and wiped the tears dripping from my eyes. "Huh?? Why are you crying?" She said, freaking out. "Ha.haha.. thank you." I said as I laughed. But then my heart started aching. I felt like I was being stabbed. "I have to use the restroom." I said as I started running to the restroom. "Alright be safe though." I heard her voice.

I ran to the closet restroom and sat there. My heart felt like it would stop at any moment, I held on to it as I closed my eyes. "Keiko.."


"Where could Fumiko be? She said she was going to use the restroom, but it's been like 20 minutes." I sighed. 'Maybe she got lost' I laughed as I kept calling out her name. "Fumiko" I called out again. "If I die, I want to go out just like that. I want to be someone's happiness." "Wait, why am I getting flashbacks?" I murmured. "Ow-" I got to look at my wound only for water to drip out of my eyes. "Huh? Why am I crying? What's going on" I didn't know when my walking turned into running. I was a very clumsy person, but this is the first time I'd fallen this much.

"Fumiko," I called out as I opened the bathroom door. There was only one store occupied. "Fumiko?" I knocked, but there was no answer. I tried opening the door, but of course it was locked. I went out and found something that could break the door. "Fumiko, hold on I'm coming" I exclaimed. "Finally" I said as I got the door to open, the thing I saw made me weak. My body fell onto the floor. "Huh, Fumiko wake up, stop playing" I said as I dragged my body towards her. "Fumiko," I yelled as I shook her body, but she just fell to the floor. "I need to call someone." I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance.


"I'm sorry" the doctor said. "I understand," I said, smiling. I did all I had to do and left. When I got home I saw some notes on the table. "So this is why you were running late." I sighed and I open the one addressed to me.

[ Dear Keiko,

Hello Keiko, unfortunately I passed away. I know that's not a good way to start a letter, but I didn't know how to say it. I'm sorry I didn't let you know earlier about my death day, but I was told I had only a year to live. I know it's very selfish of me to keep this to myself, but I didn't want to hurt the only person left for me. I'm very sorry for my actions. I really am and I hope you can forgive me for my actions. Please don't think about me too much, I'll be doing fine up here, so I'll wait patiently for you. And, you better not come very soon. Anyways, thank you for being in my life, really I mean it, thank you. I am lucky to have someone like you in my life. Thank you for everything and thank you for existing. I'd also like it if you could please fulfill my last wishes.

Please give the remaining letter to the names assigned. My parents' addresses are on the paper next to their name. Thank you!

Finish up the novel and turn it in

Please live a fruitful life.

Thank you and I love you. :)

Kind regards,

Ito Fumiko]

Before I noticed, the paper was already wet. "I'll try" I sobbed.


"Who are you?" The woman asked. "I'm Suzuki Keiko, a friend of Ito Fumiko." The expression on the woman dropped into a frown. "What do you want?" She glared diggers at me. "Unfortunately, she passed away, but she said I should give this to you." I said, as I dug into the bag and handed her the envelope. She hesitated. I waited for her to say something, but I was met with tears as she kept reading. "Thank you!" Was all she said as she headed back inside. "I wonder what she was on there." I murmured as I turned back around. I delivered the last letter which was to Ayame-San and headed home.


"It's quite crazy you're already about to turn 40." Ayame-San said as she giggled. "Be quiet, you're already in your 50's so hush." I replied. "Why are you being mean, I miss the cute version of you." She said as she faked crying. "So you're still going to stay here?" She asked. "Yea.. I can't afford to leave. Although I have bad memories here, I still have many joyful memories." I replied. "I understand." She said as she smiled softly before she began speaking again, "Please don't think much about it. I understand, but look at your health, please consider taking care of yourself." She said softly as she patted my head. "Yes … I know." I replied as I laid back on the bed. "Alright take care, I have to leave now." She said as she checked the time. "Thank you Ayame-San," I said as I waved goodbye to her. Ayame-San had been visiting ever since then, even though she had her own issues, she had always put others before herself. She's such a role model.


"And on her 40th birthday, she passed away." "It sounds like their birthdays are cursed." One kid exclaimed. "I know right." The other kids replied. "Ayame-San, this story sounds like the famous novel "One Last Time." One kid spoke up. "Yup, because they were the ones who wrote that story. They probably didn't realize they were telling a tale about their life but in a fictional world." I replied. "That means they are famous!" One kid said excitedly. "Yup, that's right. I'm sure they are happy up there." I smiled as I checked the time. "Alright guys I'll come back tomorrow. Alright"? I waved as I headed out. "Thank you Ayame-San, you have really contributed a lot in this orphanage." A woman thanked. "Oh.. thank you, I'm glad I'm able to help." I responded. "May I ask why you do this?" The woman asked. "Well, I just want to help out people one last time." I smiled.

"I'm sure they would have want to help each other out one last time." I murmured under my breath. "Did you say something?" The woman asked. "Oh no, alright bye. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said as I waved goodbye.

(Although we couldn't live together on earth, we would meet each other again.)

The End