Molag Bal

It has been half a year since I arrived in this world. A few months ago I finally remembered why everything was so familiar. A boy I had seduced years ago had been one of the biggest gamer nerds I had ever met. His whole life revolves around a game called Skyrim. 

Now I was living in the world that used to be a game, and my life had been turned into a game due to my System. 

In the half a year I had been living in Riverwood I had embedded myself with the locals flawlessly. Except for Sigrid of course, she could never get over the fact that I had fucked her husband. 

Oh well, that's what happens to vanilla women. 

I had researched all I could about vampirism in this world. Lucan had books on the topic that he let me borrow. He and Camilla had become my 'friends' after Svenge's unfortunate untimely death. 

Apparently there were two kinds of vampires in this world. Purebloods, vampires granted their vampirism by a certain deity and then there were regular vampires. Humans infected with a virus called Sanguinare Vampiris, sure there were different variants but all of them ever alike in the the sense that they were 'impure'. 

The only way to become a 'pure blooded' vampire was through Molag Bal. Thankfully I had a summoning book related to him in my Inventory. 

I had read up all I could about Molag Bal, even visited different villages to see if they had information on the Daedric Prince. 

According to some books, Molag Bal created the first vampire by raping a woman. It was funny to me to think that vampirism was some sort of super std. 

The perks of vampirism were too good to pass up though, immortality, speed, power, and unnatural powers. Only one thing was holding me back, I was too prideful to ever be subordinate to anyone. Not even a being that was as close to a god as one could get in this world. 

Still, sometimes you have to lower your pride to get something you want, something you need. 

[Scene Break]

I mentally navigated through my system, there really wasn't much to look at. The map had been filled out in the places I've traveled to, I hadn't gained any new skills or perks since Bleak Falls Barrow. 

I noticed the 'Starter Pack' I had missed when I first looked into my Inventory. I selected it and a new option popped up asking me if I wanted to open it. Selecting 'yes' I watched as the virtual box opened and four items were added to my Inventory. 

Starter Pack Opened 

Iron Dagger x 1

Clean Clothes x 2

Gold x 100

Free B rank Gachapon Draw 

The prizes weren't great, then again this was something that was supposed to have been opened a while ago. So the prizes being underwhelming was understandable. 

I spent the Gachapon draw and waited for the wheel to stop spinning. The wheel eventually stopped but nothing was added to my Inventory. Confused I looked at the wheel and saw that it was giving me an option to reject the prize. Reading what it was I saw why. 

Prize Selected

Tomie (Perk):

Host gains the abilities and power of Kawakami Tomie. Host can emit a pheromone that affects both genders in different ways. Men will be completely obsessed with the host, and women will have extreme jealousy towards the host. If given enough time, affected individuals will try to kill the host. If an individual succeeds then the host is revived and a new clone of the host is spawned from the flesh and blood of the host's old body. Each clone will have the hosts collective memory. Each clone killed will repeat this same process over again. If an individual is implanted with the host's flesh or blood, the individual with the implanted part will turn into another clone of the host. 

'Holy shit that's really fucked. Is this really a B ranked prize? It seems a little overpowered.' 

Shrugging I accepted and winced when the skill affected and changed my body. Taking out a polished copper mirror I had stolen from a humanoid cat I looked at my reflection. 

There was no immediate noticeable change, I did notice that my skin was a bit more flawless and that my hair was a touch more silky. I nearly dropped the mirror when my reflection flickered and changed for a moment, instead of my face it showed a grotesque version of me with blood red eyes and rotting skin. 

Shaking my head I tucked the mirror back into my Inventory and momentarily activated the new perk I had gotten. I could feel the pheromones I was putting out, an almost cloying feeling settled in the area around me. It was as if the air stilled while the perk was active. Quietly deactivating it I let out a sigh and pulled out the summoning book.

[Scene Break]

The sun had sunk beneath the horizon now, the fire I had set in the center of the circle crackling and spitting sparks into the night. Tonight was a specific night that Molag Bal could be summoned. 

The ritual was very specific on what I needed. The hardest was a hundred sacrifices. Sure I could have just kidnapped people, but I didn't want people to suspect me of any foul play… yet. 

It took me a while and lots of bribes but I managed to gather a hundred bandits from various prisons across the land. The bandits were bound and set up in a ring around the clearing. 

I took out the summoning book and started the ritual. I had memorised the invocation portion of the ritual in preparation a few weeks ago. The foreign sounding words flowed out of my mouth in a continuous chant. Power soaked into the clearing as the summoning ritual began to take effect. Finally with one last push I called out to the Daedric Prince.

"Hear my call O' Lord of Coldharbour!" 

Around me the bandits screamed as they burst into flames, beautiful blue fire erupted from their eyes and mouths as they turned into burned out shells. Time seemed to stop as the fire in the center of the clearing grew into gigantic proportions. 

A looming shape emerged from the flames, gray skin, clawed yet cloven feet, glowing pale blue eyes, horns, and completely nude. 

I gulped at the mere presence Molag Bal had, I could feel the power oozing from him as he scanned the clearing before looking at me. 

"Mortal, what have you summoned me for?" 

Even though it was a question, it sounded a lot like a command. I got up from where I was kneeling and let my dress slip off of my shoulders. Standing naked in front of the 'Prince of Rape'. I spoke with confidence. 

"I offer myself to you." 

Molag Bal took a deep breath as if inhaling my scent, his eyes blazed in what looked like excitement. He stepped forward, closing the distance between us. 

"I accept." 

His reply made me shudder as his power washed over me. My eyes widened at the sight of his growing cock. It soon reached past the fifteen inches mark and stood proud. His testicles looked like they were the size of coconuts. His obscenely large cock swayed as he stepped closer. 

Taking the initiative I reached out and grasped his shaft with both hands. I could barely wrap my hands around his cock. I was starting to doubt that I could take it. 

'This is for the sake of gaining power… I have to do this.' 

Stroking him slowly I spat on the flared tip and jerked him faster. Molag Bal seemed pleased with my ministrations as a loud rumble came from his chest. 

Without warning he grabbed me and pushed me down onto the ground. I gasped as his cock head pushed against my entrance. The roughness of the treatment instantly made me aroused. 

That and the thought of been fucked silly by this demonic entity sent me into my first orgasm. A deep chuckle left the Daedra's mouth. 

Then, without waiting for me to be ready he thrust nearly ten inches of his cock deep into my pussy making me scream in pain. Pain that was soon replaced by pleasure as a glow surrounded us both. He pulled back slowly, his flared cock dragging along my walls, stimulating me even more. 

Then he thrust forward, shoving another inch on his cock inside me. His large hand held me down, preventing me from moving too much. I could feel every inch of his massive tool sliding in and out of me. 

Each thrust pushed him deeper, each thrust was punctuated with a large burst of precum that nearly flicked me to the brim, each thrust pushed out the precum he had released inside me. 

Soon he was buried all the way inside me and I was shocked that I managed to take all of him. It seemed that he was also shocked but that didn't last long. An evil grin formed on his face when he realised he could go all out on me. 

A cry of pleasure echoed through the forest as he began to rut roughly into me. My stomach bulging each time he thrusts all the way in. I was constantly moaning a throwing out profanities as he destroyed my pussy. 

My hands clung onto his boney shoulders as he plowed me roughly into the ground. He had bitten me several times, drawing blood and even stuck his long tongue all the way down my throat. 

I had already had nearly two dozen earth shattering orgasms by the time he let out a roar and buried himself all the way into my womb. 

His cock flooded my pussy with gallons of spunk making my belly swell, and just when I thought it was over he pushed the cum out of me with his magic. Then he flipped me onto my hands and knees. 

I felt his cock prodding my asshole and my eyes widened. Before I could protest he had already pushed his entire cock into my guts. 

I cried out in pleasure as he railed my ass too, his hand on my shoulders pulling me back with each of his thrusts. Slamming his hips forward I gasped as his heavy sack slapped onto my clit hard making me see stars as I orgasmed again. 

He let out a grunt as he painted my bowels with his cum. There was so much that I eventually ended up vomiting and nearly blacking out. 

Molag Bal pulled out of my ass and picked me up again before pushing me up against a tree. In one swift thrust he was buried in my pussy again. 

At that point my body was already tired, barely holding on to consciousness I felt him burst in my womb again, this time he pulled out before spinning me around and forcing me on my knees. 

He then shoved his entire cock down my throat and proceeded to fill my stomach with his spunk. It was there that I finally passed out from the lack of air. 

[Scene Break]

 I woke up in a daze, with no idea how much time had passed. There were several notifications from my system that I ignored for the moment. I was too busy examining my body as it had once again changed. 

My heartbeat had slowed to a point where it seemed like I had no pulse. My skin was significantly cooler to the touch and my senses almost overwhelmed me with how dialed they were. I already had pale skin so I didn't notice if I had gotten any lighter. I did notice that my skin was much smoother and despite being soft, it was deceptively tough. 

I could also feel fangs in my mouth where my canines used to be. I walked over to my discarded dress and put it in my inventory while also taking out a change of clothes. 

My body was unmarked, there was no sign that Molag Bal was ever present. It looked as if the ritual had been a dream, except the burned corpses of a hundred bandits were still scattered around the clearing. 

My body felt much lighter than it had ever felt in my life. All this power in exchange for some raunchy sex with a demon… definitely worth it. Though I wish I remembered more of what happened after I passed out. 

Yeah, I'm definitely glad that I got my tubes tied when I turned eighteen. With that stupid ability I would definitely be a hundred percent pregnant now. Wonder if they have any abortion methods here. 

Once I finished getting dressed in my usual outfit; tight black leather trousers, white pirate shirt, and fur cloak. I sat down on a stump and pulled up my system. Surprisingly I wasn't even sore from the punishment Molag Bal put me through with his ridiculous horse cock. 

I read the notifications my system gave me and smiled. 

Race Changed To 'Pure Blooded Vampire' 

Weaknesses Removed

Racial Abilities Enhanced 

Stats Adjusted 

Divine Essence Absorbed

+1000 To All Stats

'Status.' I mentally commanded. 'Time to see the fruits of my labour.' 

Name: Anna 

Race: Vampire (Pure)

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Level: 23

HP: 1100/1100

SP: 1100/1100

MP: 1100/1100

Stat Points: 23

'Not bad.' I hummed. 'Now for the next part.' 

I navigated the system and looked at the list of skills and perks I now had. Quickly scanning what I had now I honed in on the three new abilities that popped up.

True Vampire (Perk):

The Host has become a true vampire through the acquisition of the 'pure blooded vampire' perk. As a true vampire you do not suffer the normal weaknesses of other vampires. The sun no longer affects you, and you control your thirst with an iron will. Host also gains true immortality, host HP can no longer drop below 100 Unlocks 'Dominion' perk. 

Dominion (Perk): 

The innate ability that all true vampires possess. Your dark power compels all nocturnal creatures to obey your will. Creatures of the night will subconsciously know that you reign over them. Lesser vampires will not be able to harm you. Unlocks: 'Dark Shift' Skill. 

Dark Shift (Skill) Level 10/100

The True Vampire's ability to shift into dark creatures. The higher the level the more forms you can unlock. 

Unlocked Forms: Bat/Wolf/Raven/Mist/Bat Cloud. 

These new abilities would be really handy for what I had planned for this world. A laugh bubbled out of my lips, yes… with this, my first step in taking over this world was on its way. 

I checked the time in the clock my system was so nice to include in the bottom of the screen. It was just a little passed three in the morning. The sun would be rising in a few hours. Until then, I had some time to burn. 

[Scene Break]

I tested my new powers and gained a good amount of levels after using them constantly. I shifted between the forms I had available, only the bat and mist forms were not uncomfortable. Everything else was either painful or really strange. 

I was busy distributing points to my stats, so I didn't notice the lumbering shape that was approaching me right up until it growled. 

'Shit…' I closed the system and drew my dagger. 

A large furry beast stood at the edge of my makeshift campsite eyeing me curiously. My enhanced vision let me see that it was a werewolf. Seeing that it didn't attack me I decided to make the first move. 

Throwing my dagger at it I let my claws out jumped at the beast man. The wolf man dodged me and let out a growl before turning around and running away. Once the wolf was out of sight I retrieved my dagger from where it had sunk into the tree. 

The damn wolf had dodged my throw, clearly I had underestimated the werewolf's speed and agility. A mistake I wouldn't repeat. The next time I saw that wolf, I'd kill it and wear its skin as a nice coat.