Alvor was now completely under my thrall. I had a feeling that I didn't even need to use my vampire abilities on him to get him to be my slave. Being a woman was definitely a blessing in cases like this. I ordered the blacksmith to go out and find me more slaves to build my army. 

Meanwhile I was currently looking at the strange new notification I had gotten when I found a strange golden coin that wasn't like the gold coins from this world. 

For one, it had Greek letters etched onto it and it was much rougher around the edges. It seemed like a normal coin for all intents and purposes so I just put it back in my Inventory. 

I was growing quite bored in this world. Technology wasn't developed, the people weren't exciting, spare a few, and I had gotten what I had wanted. I was immortal, I had power, riches, and I could get men eating out of the palm of my hands with a simple look. 

So why did it all feel so empty…

"You having fun?" 

I spun around with a blur of vampire speed. A man had snuck up on me, without me hearing him. I was shocked, a little angry, and extremely wary of the unassuming man. 

"Who are you?"

He ignored me, I stepped forward to kill him but he looked up and smiled annoyingly carefree.

"Hmm? Oh, didja you say something?" 

I grit my teeth in annoyance, my human mask slipping of my face. I calculated the odds of my ability to take this man out. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Anna." 

"Who are you?!" I tried again, "and how do you know my name?" 

"Me? My name… hmm, I guess you can call me V." The man smiled. 

'V? Like the one that sent me here? Gaahh! I'm gonna kill this man!' 

I jumped forward and tried to stab the smug looking bastard. Unfortunately he caught my arm and with seemingly very little effort, slammed me into a nearby tree. 

"Anna, Anna, don't you ever listen?" His tone was soft, almost seductive. 

I growled at him and tried to break free of his grasp. Key word, tried. V's grip was like iron, I slumped in defeat and glared at him hatefully. 

His smirk grew and I felt a chill run down my spine. Something washed over me, it was like I was just dunked into a tub of ice cold water. V's smile never left his face, I wanted to rip into his throat and drain him of every drop of his blood. 

"There, now you're all clean. Wouldn't want to catch anything from you." V chuckled. 

I felt white hot rage at his implication that I had some sort of disease. I opened my mouth to spit some insult at him but my eyes widened when he suddenly crossed the distance and kissed me hard. 

Pulling away he licked his lips and eyed me hungrily.

"Fuck you're hot as fuck. I think I made the right choice in bringing you here." 

"What?" I asked, still confused at the turn of events. 

"Yeah, I brought you over here. Snatched you away from your old life just as the police were about to kick down your door." 


"Such monotonous one word questions… why? Well because I got lonely and I thought you would be the perfect fuckhole." 

I grit my teeth, this being had taken me out of my relatively comfortable life because he was lonely? If I didn't know that he could potentially crush me with little effort I would have tried to kill him again. 

"So you brought me here because you were horny?" 

"Well, that's not all. Originally I was just going to pop up in your world, bend you over, fuck you silly, then leave. Luckily for you I changed my mind."

"Why me?" 

"Why not? You're hot as sin and I need someone to rule the multiverse at my side." 

"Multiverse? Do you realise how crazy you sound right now?"

"Yet here you are in another world, as a supposed mythica creature." 

I huffed, "Fine, what do you need from me?" 

"Nothing much, just be my loyal servant. Do what I tell you and I may just reward you for your service." 

I scoffed, "What makes you think I'll do anything you say. I'd rather you kill me now." 

I regretted those words the second I said them. V's face remained unreadable but I could tell he was planning something. He raised his hands and snapped his fingers. Before I knew what hit me, my arms and legs exploded into gory messes. 

A strangled scream escaped my lips as I fell to the forest floor. My healing tried desperately to fix the damage. V stepped over to me and stood over my bleeding form. 

"Hmm, shame… could have had something beautiful here." 

He snapped his fingers again, I screamed at him, fear filling my heart for the first time in my life. I felt my head explode and my vision went black. 

Only I was suddenly standing across from him again, body whole once more. Not a single sign that I was injured. 

"Let's try this again. Serve me or die." V said calmly. 

"F-fuck you!" I shouted at him.

He sighed and raised his hand, I felt towards him at high speeds. I cried out in pain again as his hand stabbed into my chest. I felt his fingers wrap around my heart. Blood pooled in my mouth and I coughed hard splattering V with my blood. 

With a hard wrench he tore my heart out of my chest, I had no energy to scream so I just faded out of consciousness again. 

Once again I was standing across from him, body once again uninjured. Fear filled every part of my body. I didn't know if it was some sort of illusion or if he really was killing me only to bring me back and repeat things. 

I hated it, I hated being so powerless. He raised his hand to kill me again. 

"Please, I-I'll do it. Just s-stop…" 

The sting of tears made me grit my teeth, I swore that no matter what, I'd find a way to kill V. He smiled, meeting my eyes he gave me that annoying half grin I had come to quickly loathe.

Pecking my lips as if he were my lover he pulled me to my feet and brushed off my clothes. 

"There that wasn't so hard no was it." 

"I hate you." 

"Hmm, no you don't. Deep down, you want to be dominated. You crave to be held down and fucked so hard that you become a drooling mess." 

"You can go fuck off." I snapped at him angrily. 

"Anna, okay nice. I just might slip and kill you again." 

I shuddered and looked away, this was the first time I had been beaten so badly. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. V kept smiling at me. 

"Alright, what now. Are you going to rape me here and now?" 

"Nope." He replied popping the last letter. 

"What? Then what the fuck do you want?" 

"Didn't I tell you already? I sent you to this world so that you could entertain me. But I had a better idea, I like watching you kill people. Not so much the gratuitous sex, but I enjoy watching you kill things."

"And?" I asked him with a heated glare. 

"Well, I've recently ascended to Godhood, and I find myself increasingly lonely in my plane of existence." 

"So you're a god?" 

"Yes, unbelievable isn't it?" 

"Yes, you're a fucking bastard. How did you become a god?" 

"I killed a lot of people Anna, trillions of people dead and wiped from existence." 

"W-what do you want with me?" 

I hated the stutter, but I was afraid. V was clearly didn't hesitate to kill things. If he had killed trillions then I wouldn't even be a footnote in history if he chose to kill me and find someone else for his game. 

"Be my Queen." He smiled. 


"Be my Queen." He repeated as if it made more sense when he said it twice. 

"What's in it for me?" I frowned my eyes narrowing. 

"Simple, you'll get to do whatever you want… within reason of course, I'll protect you from gods and beings that want to kill the shit out of you for ruining their fun, and in return I own all of you."

"That's a steep price for basically nothing." I continue to frown. 

"I could also just kill you." 

"You could but where's the fun in that?" 

"The fun is watching you try to put on a brave little face." He smirked. 

Growling, "I don't like being controlled." 

"Who said anything about controlling? All I want is for you to be my woman." 

"So you just want to fuck me." I deadpanned at him. 

"Bluntly yes… but more or less I want you for myself." 

"You want me to be your girlfriend and the first thing you do is kill me a bunch of times to prove a point?"

"Yeah? And?" 

A wicked smile forms on my lips. "This sounds like the start of an interesting partnership."

Plans of betraying him and taking his powers for myself forming in my head. 

"You know I can hear your thoughts right?" 

I frowned, "You're no fun." 

"Well, sucks to suck doesn't it Anna?" 

"Go fuck yourself." 

"Nah… I can get you to do it for me." 

I scoffed and crossed my arms, "Why do you have to be such a dick." 

"Cause I can?" 

"Just… just shut up, what's next? What do you want me to do, master." The title tasted foul, I hated feeling like I was subservient to someone else. 

"Well, we could either jump worlds or… we can have some fun in this world first." 

I begin to smile again. "What did you have in mind?"