Chapter 11: Rating Game

Chapter 11: Rating GameChapter Text

Today... Today was the day where Rias would fight for her freedom from Riser as well as to be able to truly indulge in Keiji's dick. While it may have been an intense situation, Rias couldn't help but feel confident

"Best of luck on the Rating Game. I still need to pay you back for the dodgeball match," she reminded her.

Rias smiled at her close friend, flicking her hair. "I'll hold you to that, Sona. But I assure you we will be victorious."

Sona also met Keiji's grin, her cheeks and her Queen getting flushed. "Best of luck to you, too, Keiji," Sona said, with the male waving her off.

"We've got this!" he replied.

The buxom figure of the Strongest Queen appeared with a smile. "I'm sure you are capable of succeeding'" Grayfia stated with a smile.

Rias was about to thank Grayfia only for her and the rest of the girls to look in jealously as Grayfia moved forward and was engaging in a strong good luck kiss.

"Make sure to pound my fat ass when you win," she commented, pulling back and moving away with her hips swinging.

'You're damn right I will!'


Keiji and Koneko began in the gym. Three piece of Riser were there to meet him; the Pawn twins, Ile and Nel, and his Rook Xuelan.

"There you are, members of Gremory!"

Keiji sighed. "Okay, let's bounce."

In an instant, Keiji disappeared from sight and grabbed both Pawns by their shirts and flung them to the side. His senses were keen enough to easily dodge Xuelan's kick, who gritted her teeth. She almost went in for another attack but Koneko stopped her with a hard enough punch to send her flying.

"I'm your opponent."

The twin girls both pulled out chainsaws from their bags. "Let's get him!" they said in a cheerful voice, though their faces were a bit red.

'I'll play with them for a bit,' Keiji thought, dodging their blows and watching the fire that emitted from the murdering weapons.

Nel blushed as she saw the graceful movements of their opponent. She was a bit ashamed to feel like that but the way he carried himself and the atmosphere around him was addictive in a way she had trouble describing.

The twins struggled to land a blow, even worse was Keiji was intentionally holding back his attacks but still stunning them hard enough as he tripped and stuck his legs out from time to time.

'W-why is it so hard to hit him?!' Ile thought, panting heavily

"Okay, I'm bored. Done!" Keiji declared, a fearsome look on his face.

Moans came from both of them as the Red Dragon Emperor fisted their stomachs, making them groan painfully. At this close, the aura radiating from him was really getting to them. While they were still up in the air from the punch, Keiji did a dual Dragon Shot technique that sent them both into the wall.

Discount Chun-Li groaned as Koneko knocked her back with a super-hard punch. "I can still fight!" Xuelan groaned out.

The familiar demonic power of Akeno sparked in both Keiji and Koneko, the two of them making a break for the exit as the whole gym went apart from a yellow bolt. "Ara ara, did I put too much into it?"

"Two of Riser's Pawns and his Rook have retired from the game!" Grayfia called out.

The hairs on Keiji's arm stood up as he took control by instinct, grabbed Koneko and threw the both of them as far out from their original position. The next moment a large explosion went off right there.

"Thanks, Keiji," Koneko commented, feeling his body against hers; she could tell he trained hard, even before the training.

Yubelluna clicked her teeth. "I was sure that I got the little girl," the big-boobed woman remarked, making Koneko's brow tick. "In any case—"

"I know you're hot and all," Keiji told her, making Yubelluna blush from the words, "but this is enough playing around. Ilulu... get them..."

It was the work of an instant. Like lightning, Yubelluna was struck once and only once for her to be defeated. The purple-haired vixen's body crashed right through the edges of the dimensional filed, her body dissipating into blue dust.

"Riser's Queen has vanished!" Grayfia spoke out, this one shocked the blonde-haired, arrogant devil.

But Riser was not the only one shocked. Everyone was left agape at the display of power and the sight of a shortstack appearing; her razor teeth pronounced and out for violence.

From that moment on, the process became a literal walk in the park for Keiji as the master of the rampant dragoness lazily walked along and followed the path of Ilulu as everywhere she went to, Grayfia had to announce the defeat of another set of Riser's pieces.

'I never thought this would happen,' Grayfia thought, having a moment to think and process just how well prepared Keiji was. At this rate, he definitely was going to fuck her sweet ass again. And she was all for it.

Being in close proximity of her master, the pheromones releasing off of him was making Ilulu's blood pump faster. "The sooner as I get rid of you, I get to have some more fun with Master!" she declared, confusing the enemy Peerage of her existence and her frantic state, never mind the lewd licking of her lips.

The two Knights, Karlamine and Siris, both managed to avoid the reckless fire getting thrown. Though it cut close at times.

"Honestly, who the hell is she?!" Karlamine spoke to her fellow Knight.

Siris couldn't help but tremble while she held her weapon. "Still... we mustn't disappoint Lord Riser!"

Both of them were cut down, a groan of pain for each of them as Yuuto swept in while they were distracted, using his Fire Sword and Repression Calm to unleash an infernal waves of strike to take them out.

His weapons disappeared with a puff. "I apologise for not acting like a knight but my King's future is at stake. I can't afford to be as charitable," Yuuto explained.

Marion screamed as Ilulu grabbed her by the face and crunched her into the ground, the ground itself cracking from the force. "Let's play bowling!"

As if she was a baseball, Ilulu's arm flashed like the wind as Marion was sent into the fellow maid Burent and they both crashed right into a tree, leaving them out.

The Priestess of Thunder watched with a blush. 'My, they are getting treated so roughly out there. I wonder if I can have a go,' she thought, pinpointing the lone Pawn Shuriya.

"We can't win—"

As if to affirm her point, Shuriya was knocked down by a sizzling bolt from Akeno's finger. Steam coming off of it. "It's a shame she couldn't put much resistance."

While Koneko was happy that Rias' Peerage was really looking like they were going to win it, she couldn't help but grumble as the bimbo boobs continued to bounce all over the place due to Ilulu's flying and jumping. 'If only they could grow...'

"This wasn't how it was supposed to go!" Ravel cried in fear as Ilulu was chasing her, her melons looking like they were running after her.

Flames arose from Ravel as her body was still healing from the intense powers of Ilulu. "Don't run! Don't run! I want to know if you can regenerate from my poisonous flames! Let me find out!" Ilulu happily said, ignoring the fact that she looked like a serial killer.

It was a dead end for Ravel, her back against the tree as Ilulu was ready to pounce on her like a monster. Despite the fact that Ravel was taller than Ilulu, being on the floor and seeing the tits loom over her first gave the impression of a giant.

"That's enough already!" Keiji told Ilulu, smacking his familiar's boob and watching it bounce in both humour and enjoyment. "We just need to defeat Riser, that's it. His little sis has already given up. No need to be a bully."

Ilulu puffed her cheeks at her master but agreed as she flew off to help while Keiji got to providing some minor therapy to the defeated girl.

Ravel's dark blue eyes widened at the fact she was rescuing. The fact he stood much taller and helped her presented him as some divine hero, despite him being a devil. "T-thank you," Ravel told him, her cheeks flushed.

"Don't sweat it. I don't need to fight you, but I am going to teach your brother a lesson. You do know that, right?" Keiji patted her on the head. "Just stay put and we don't have to go any further," he said, leaving her there as Keiji rose to meet the King.

Ravel nodded. "I can't if I tried," she muttered, fully blushing.

"All of you... All of you are finished!" Riser shouted through his flames, surrounding them in a large enough vicinity to get Rias and the others backing up.

"His flames are too strong to overcome, keep your distance in case he spreads it further out!" Rias warned her Peerage.

"Rias..." Riser muttered from within his flame borders. "You have done a lot of things but this will be the last thing you do! I'll make sure you never have the chance to—"

From above came a meteor that spewed upon Riser's flames. Nothing happened at first until Riser began screaming in pain.

"Those are poison flames!" Ilulu spoke, giving a grin and a nod, making the others smile at having bypassed Riser's way of defending himself.

Keiji came up to see the male just screaming in pain. 'Guess I don't need to do anything,' he thought.

Eventually, Riser couldn't sustain himself anymore. He gave up, as much as he didn't want to, and the Rating Game came to a close.


An after party celebration was thrown to celebrate Rias' victory in her first ever Rating Game. Sirzechs was trying his best not to fan girl over his little sister's victory, so he settled for constantly shaking his drink and downing them rapidly. Among other notable people were Grayfia as well as a blonde couple that looked to be Riser's parents.

Everything was calm until the doors were thrown open, a glaring and panting Riser coming out of it. Following from behind him was his tired Peerage.

'Don't tell me he's still mad,' Keiji begged. He really didn't want to have to deal with any additional shit that could get thrown his way.

"You're a cheater! Red Dragon Emperor!" Riser shouted. "Just what in the hell was that flying creature?!"

Keiji groaned, shoving a piece of pie in his mouth. 'Can I just play dumb?'

Rias didn't take too kindly to her favourite and only Pawn being talked to like that. "I think it's better if you admit defeat, Riser! That is Keiji's familiar. The rules of the Rating Game harbour no restrictions on such a thing!"

Riser didn't hear a word of what the "freed fiancé" said. His blue eyes continued to lazer onto Keiji's uncaring form. "So he's just a lower class devil that can't fight by himself! I challenge you!" he shouted but Keiji continued to ignore him and instead sample the treats. "Do you hear me, coward?!"

Keiji swallowed what was in his mouth before turning to face Riser. "Okay, fuck off. Seriously, I don't have anything to gain from fighting you. We already won Rias' freedom and I don't want to waste time on someone like you. Bye."

Riser continued to hurl insults but none of them reached Keiji. Desperate, Riser reached for the one thing that worked; Keiji said he had nothing to gain, right? "MY WHOLE PEERAGE!" Riser announced, sending shockwaves through everyone at the bet. "If I lose, I forfeit my entire Peerage!"

"Riser!" a busty blonde called out, just as shocked as the betrayed Peerage behind him. "This is atrocious and asinine!"

A hand came and stopped her from advancing further. "This is to recover the honor of the Phenex. He is allowed to do this!"

Lady Phenex glared at her husband. "Need I remind you that our own daughter, his sister, is in his Peerage, too!"

Richard Phenex waved off the worry. "Do not fear. Now that he can't use that dragon pet, he shouldn't stand a chance against Riser."

Layla Phenex gritted her teeth. "That's not the point!" she argued back.

Keiji stopped eating and glared at Riser, his aura flaring up as he went to approach Riser. "Fine, then! I'm going to crush you and win. Then that will teach you that you don't deserve to own those beautiful girls!" Keiji told him, being serious and focusing on Riser, so he wasn't aware of the blushes that he received from the Peerage.

With a click of the fingers, they were once again in the dimensional field. "As both participants have agreed, you may start now!" Sirzechs said.

Flames surrounded Riser. "I'm going to—!"

Keiji's knee was already rising up and connected, a painful thud issuing as Riser felt like his jaw had just been broken. While he comprehended the pain, Keiji, who was still in the air, gripped his shoulders and flung him far across.

The Boosted Gear in hand, Keiji channelled the power of the Red Dragon, green lights blasting off in a dazzling light.


Feeling bloodlust perk up inside of him, Keiji fired off the swirling wave of destruction. Flames and lightning packed into the attack. Riser groaned. His life flashed before his eyes, right as his whole being was consumed by the gaping attack.

"I-impossible... H-he's just a low class devil, I'm a high class devil—"

Keiji's high kick sent Riser back, bloody pouring from his nose as his regeneration was running low, evident by the cindering sparks instead of mighty flames. "And what's a high class devil to a dragon?" Keiji inquired, swerving his leg and sending it straight into Riser's neck, making him grit his teeth in pain. "Give up. You're too weak to continue."

Seeing Keiji walk off set off Riser. Impressively, Riser got up and swooped to get Keiji. Through his peripheral vision, Keiji witnessed this pitiful attempt and side-stepped. Riser looked in fear and shock to see Keiji just staring at him with such uncaring eyes.

His whole stomach felt like it became deformed as a green glowing kick knocked him miles into the air like a rag doll. "Let's hope I time this right... Show me rock!"

Keiji settled into a low squat, the aura of the dragon surrounding him as he focused his demonic and draconic power into a ball that began rapidly spinning and shining. "Paper..."

Riser's body began falling back down, in a very comical way. His consciousness was waning at this point. 'For me to lose like this...' were his fleeting thoughts.


Pulling back, Keiji's fist lodged itself into Riser's face, scrunching it up and dragging it into his stomach. The force of it was not only external but the output caused the aura to flare inward and eject Riser like a canon, his wayward form crashing through a whole area of trees and leaving him a twitching mess.

"The winner of this agreement is Keiji, the Red Dragon Emperor!" Grayfia announced. Internally, she was blushing and squirming at the power. 'Oh, he's gotten so much stronger already. I can't wait for him to fuck me again. It's already been long enough.'