Chapter 15: Fanatic Fight

Back at the mansion, Yuuto began to speak in full about the past and where all his current emotions were spawning from. Most of them were well aware, staying silent and solemn. Keiji's face never broke focus as he only listened, never reacting, no matter how twisted. The same couldn't be said for Asia, who had to cover her mouth in horror, as not even she had suffered as much as Yuuto had.

Keiji sighed as Yuuto continued. It felt like he was starting to go off the rails as he began talking about his urge, that it felt like a necessity to do it—

Yuuto grabbed his head as Keiji smacked him. Before anyone could complain, Keiji held his shoulders and gave him a deep, serious look in the eyes. "Yuuto. Honestly... you have a right to get angry, and I can't compare to what you've gone through. But... keep chasing metal to your death is stupid. The friends you lost will agree. I just want you to see that."

The Knight came to open his mouth but Keiji just nodded. "Look, this is probably something you need to get out of your system. I probably can't stop you, so we'll be there to lend support. Will destroying at least one sword suffice?" he asked, shock running through Yuuto's eye at the surprised support being offered.


Keiji gave a contemplative face. "Well, I can't fully guarantee anything but I do want to try. First things first, we need to find those two girls. I'm not keen on getting the whole Church on our case. You understand, right?"

It took some time for Yuuto to respond, still dealing with the turbulent stream of emotions that was flooding him. Finally, he was taking steps to erasing the nightmare that had plagued him. And with help to boot.

Rias met Keiji's eyes, and nodded. She smiled as she also went to look closer to Yuuto. "Don't forget you are still a precious member of the Gremory Household. I can't allow you getting harmed like that."

Sona looked in surprise at Rias looking at her. "What? You want my help?" she asked.

"Well, we just hope it's okay with you, after all. We both share this domain, so I don't want to go out of my way and do something big without notifying you."

Sona shifted her glasses up. "Well... so as long as the church girls agree, I think it will be fine to go on as is."

"I can get the Peerage back home for support as well! All that's left is locating the two crazy Exorcist girls."


Keiji blinked in mild surprise. "Well, I didn't think it'd be that easy, but I'm not one for complaining," he noted, seeing the two Exorcists with red faces. "Still... just what the hell are you two doing out like a pair of plants."

Irina pressed her fingers against each other. "W-well, we kinda lost all our money."

Yuuto would have smirked at the fact but he was more focused on the verdict, so he only tapped his fingers against his arm in anticipation. 

Before Keiji could ask how, Xenovia lifted a giant portrait with a printing on it. "Irina spent all our money on this fake picture of a saint. So now we must rely on charity, as much as it shames me," Xenovia said with a flushed face.

While Irina argued with Xenovia over the loss of money, Keiji was gripping the restaurant couch in frustration as he tried not to lose his cool at the scene. "J-just... sit down and shut up. I'm really gonna explode if you keep at it!"

Obeying, for many reasons, the two of them calmed down as Keiji—very begrudgingly—offered them food to help relive them. The two of their face becoming more brighter and red from the kind gesture.

"Oh, thank you so much!"

Keiji groaned. "Don't eat with your mouth full, girl! And I'm not doing this because I'm a saint! There's something I want to talk about afterwards." Seeing their needy faces, Keiji frowned. "What is it?"

Xenovia nervously opened her mouth to speak, her pouty lips quivering—

"C-could we have more?" Xenovia's partner spoke, a ditzy smile on her face.

Yuuto had half a mind to go berserk with his Sword Birth. Were they this stupid to waste time like this?! Even if they were hungry.

Keiji stayed in silence to their response. 'I'm going to fuck them super silly after this!' he darkly swore. "Sure," Keiji said, in perhaps the slowest tone he ever spoke. "Just hurry up so we can finish it!"

After many plates after, the two were ready to talk, with Keiji having to grip his thighs to keep himself from pouncing on the two. "So you two definitely aren't going to be able to beat that Kokabiel guy from what I'm hearing but we're all willing to help. Just allow us to, and I can't believe I'm saying this, destroy one of the Excalibur's."

Xenovia cleared her mouth as she pondered on the deal. "Very well, we'll accept it. It isn't much but there is nothing we can do," she said, the second part of her statement to Irina, who wasn't all as sure.

Keiji's upper body collapsed on the table. "Thank fuck! I thought this was never going to happen."

Beside Keiji, Yuuto gasped out as he gained his breath back. The suspense had killed him 


Gathered together was Keiji, Yuuto, Irina, and Xenovia. For now, they decided this would be the group they're travelling while in plain sight. All four of them wore priest disguises in order to attract the foul-mouthed Freed. 

"What's up, bitches?!" Freed swore, sliding into the frey.

'He got more annoying. I'm impressed.'

From his priest coat, Freed pulled out a blade in the shape of the kris. Having already seen enough manga to know where this goes, Keiji leaped and swung his leg. Freed having little time to raise the blade, but barely managing to. However, his positioning was weak, allowing the kick to knock him back.

"And he just had to get better as well. Annoying."

A black blade morphed into Yuuto's hand at the sight of the maniac priest. Irina's string turned into the same katana from before and Xenovia heaved the heavy-handed weapon.

"Freed Sellzen! We shall rid you, heretic!"

"Blah! Blah! Blah! I was just doing my job killing devils, so why are you even complaining—"

Being the piece of shit he was was enough for Keiji to quickly snap forward and sock his face, blood spitting from his lips, but it didn't stop there as Keiji kicked him on the face while he was still down.

The grin on Freed's face compelled Keiji's fist forward but he stopped in surprise when shadows reigned from above. Not even able to look up, Keiji went on instinct and moved back.

"He's a quick one. No wonder you couldn't beat him with Excalibur Rapidly, Freed."

"It's not my fault the prick is strong, Valper!"

Yuuto's face morphed into anger and he gripped his blade tighter. "Valper! Show yourself!" Yuuto shouted, to which a shadow appeared into the moonlight to better show their fat figure.

"I'm guessing he's the one responsible for the experiments, Yuuto. He looks like a paedophile. Makes sense."

Valper laughed. "A filthy mouth, but I shouldn't be surprised from a devil."

Irina and Xenovia had enough of being idle and charged. Freed got ready to attack but he felt unsure when the menace, in his eyes, sped forward. "Come slowly, fucking devils!" he cursed, reaching for a gun, and making the three of them split from view.

"I guess I'll go further back—"

Valper found his body paralyzed in the spot as a glowing blue line from the trees showed Genshirou coming out. "I've got this one. Get the other one."

"Already on it, thanks!" Keiji grinned as the desperate unloading of bullets from Freed was useless against him. "Heya, bitch!"

Freed raised his blade but Keiji ducked as Yuuto came in and cut him on his chest, making him scream out. Relishing in the dickhead's pain, Keiji gathered his dragon energy across his fist and plummeted his fist.

But a ray of light happened to crash down as an even darker being descended down; at the same time, it allowed Freed to escape, as Yuuto, Xenovia and Irina had to deflect and weave against the golden rain. Despite the long ears, he was undoubtedly a fallen angel, with a total of ten wings, split into a pair of five. His red eyes shone with the same blinding malice as the wave of light spears that he was responsible for. Befitting his personality, he was robed in onyx robes. Though the seaweed green, gold-cuffed sleeves could be seen poking from underneath it. Near his neck was a golden plate that surrounded the magenta patch around his clavicle.

"Ddraig, this is him, right?" Keiji spoke, completely focused.

"You can tell in his power. He far surpasses everyone here." 

Keiji wanted to ask Ddraig something but the rain of light spears came again, forcing him to focus on the threat.

"Worms in the trees, you can stop hiding. This message is for all of you, too!" his voice boomed, arrogance beaming in it.

Following his advice, Rias and her Peerage came out. "You're Kokabiel, aren't you?! What purpose do you serve here?!" Rias questioned, trying not to show weakness in front of someone who could swiftly bring her to the pearly gates.

A skin-stretching smile came from Kokabiel as he laughed at how Rias managed to hold herself composed against him. "That is something you'll find out when you return back to Kuoh! Don't keep me waiting!" Kokabiel shouted, Freed and Valper following him.

"Don't chase after them!" Rias and Keiji said at the same time, to which the three most likely to run off (Yuuto, Xenovia, Irina) actually stopped.

Keiji groaned as blood spilled from his hand. "Those light spears are no joke. It cut me even while I was shrouded in my aura."

"My, my, that looks painful. Should I suck it for you?!" Akeno purred, only for Rias to cough, while the others looked used to it; save for the two Exorcists, who blushed at the seductive suggestion.

"Keiji will be fine, Akeno. He can wrap it up later. For now, we need to contact Sona and get others to help. I don't know what Kokabiel wants but he's definitely thirsty for a fight."


Arriving back at the school ground, they immediately got to organizing. Keiji brought his whole Peerage for support. Though only Ravel and Yubelluna were going to fight on the frontlines, with the rest of them supporting the barrier that Sona and her Peerage were going to make so as to keep the damage to the minimum. While the three fallen angels were an option, they still very much feared Kokabiel for his ruthlessness and so were not comfortable with confronting the cadre-level fallen angel.

"I've called Sirzechs, too."

Rias groaned. "I wish we didn't have to call my brother but we have no choice. Thanks, Akeno. Maybe we should also call Lady Leviathan," Rias suggested, making Sona gasp at her older sister arriving at the scene.

"I-I think Lord Lucifer is enough."

Akeno smiled at her friend. "I called her as well, so we can just focus on the bigger issue we have at hand," Akeno said, turning more serious.

Keiji tightened the bandages around his left arm as he just listened on for what to do. Sona and 70% of his Peerage made their way beforehand and began setting up the barrier. "You ready for this... Ilulu?" he asked with a smirk.

 The bubbly short-stack nodded, chest bouncing. "Yeah. Though... you seem awfully excited about this battle, Master. Shouldn't you be concerned?"

"I am concerned. But I can't help but feel excited at my opponent. Perhaps it's just the times that I fought in my delinquent phase have really made me crave fighting. I shouldn't be as excited but I can't help it. Plus, this is revenge for messing up my hand. I'll give him a good punch." 

With a grin towards each other, they all embarked forward into the field. Immediately, they caught sigh of Freed, a sigil underneath him as several of the Excalibur fragments were in place. "Tch! Great! Please wait for my sword to get super awesome and then I can kill you filthy devils!"

The sky turned into a dark red night as Kokabiel arrived on a steel throne. "Welcome, Rias Gremory. Your hair reminds me of your brother. The pure sight of it makes me want to vomit" he said with a grin.

"Kokabiel! Just what is your goal?!" Rias demanded, feeling more confident than before with everyone around her.

The madman grinned. "It's simple! I want to restart the Great War! Those fuckers left it when everything was getting good! How dare they?! That damned Azazel running away! I'll bring it all back by taking the heads of both sisters of the Satans! That should definitely get Sirzechs angry enough! Michael still hasn't made a move, the pacifist prick! Looks like I'll be plucking from the church again to get him to be serious!"

'Ugh, this guy is worse than the delinquents!'

"And stronger, too. Not that you will but every attack must be given with the drive to kill. Nothing else will suffice."

Keiji grinned. "Like you need to tell me that!" 

Kokabiel grinned at the outpour of aura. "Oh? Looks like the Red Dragon Emperor isn't half bad. But a test is in order." 

With a snap of his fingers, a group of magic circles dirtied the ground. From the pits of the paint, colossal, three-headed canines sprouted up. "How did Kokabiel get the Cerberus from the Realm of the Dead?!" Rias sprayed her Power of Destruction towards an incoming hellhound.

Keiji side-stepped the paw's potential perforation. Using the open space to his advantage, Keiji gripped the paw, twisted it into a limp lump of flesh and shoved it right into the creature's mouth. Screaming in agony, the Cerberus could only watch as Keiji began to beat its face into the ground, killing it from the inside as the claws struck against the canine's brain.

Conjuring a sphere of lightning, Akeno sprayed the vicious volts in wave, burning the creatures while protecting Asia, who was only there for healing.

The two fighting members of Keiji's Peerage used a combination of their smouldering heat attacks to snuff out the lives of the creature. From time to time, they looked to see their Master brutally pounding the beasts into submission, never losing steam and laying waste as their bodies collected.

"Is it done, Freed?!" Kokabiel asked, interested but impatient at the same time.

Freed grinned as he brandished the morphed weapon. "Yep, yep, sir! I'm ready to cut some devils!" he shouted.

Immediately, he went on guard by the two upper strikes to his blade from Yuuto, followed by the lower up strike. "I'm going to break that blade!" Yuuto warned him.

Freed had his usual crazy look as he took his stance. "Just try, you shitty devil! I think I'll try the new Super Excalibur on you!"

Yuuto swiped but Freed was faster, pushing him back. Yuuto looked up but saw Freed nowhere. 'He's using on the fragments to turn invisible!'

Remembering Keiji telling him not to rage out, Yuuto calmed his nerves as he waited for a signal to point his blade. Fully aware of Freed's craziness, his body tensed and automatically swung to the loud hum, successfully preventing himself from being bifurcated. 

But Freed was already past him, and only the thick blade of Xenovia's Excabliur Destruction stopped it from ending him. Irina came in at the side with her katana, making Freed jump back as he counted their numbers.

"Ooh! Three people to chop! My blade is going to be so full after! But I'll have to kill that prick there for sure!" His blade was pointed to Keiji, who just finishing crushing the throat of another Cerberus. 

Multiple clones of Freed began to appear as Yuuto felt his demonic sword break suddenly and a cut appear on his cheek. "There!" Xenovia shouted, brandishing her sword in a long arc and releasing a wave of destruction.

The real Freed appeared to be struggling with the attack but managed to send it away. "Saw ya, exorcist!" Freed spoke, rapidly waving his attacks and fending Irina off.

Yuuto came in for a double slash but Freed side-stepped it and broke the two swords in one go. Once again, Xenovia pushed Freed a miniscule amount back. "He's a tough one... but nothing we can't beat together," Yuuto said, though it definitely wasn't said without him feeling a sense of embarrassment.

If Freed had enough Excalibur fragment, he might have had a chance. But dealing with all three of them at once was starting to take a toll on him. Unable to hack the devil and the duo of exorcists made him lose focus, and his movements became wild and predictable, leading to more struggle.

"Die!" Yuuto shouted, raising Holy Eraser to split him in two.

Unfortunately, a wave of magic forced Yuuto back. This alone would have been enough to piss him off but seeing Valper was responsible made him not hold back on screaming angrily at him.

Valper ignored the gluttonous roar from Yuuto as he looked to Freed. "Ah, Freed. You're having trouble. Seems we should have gotten a few more Excalibur fragment blades."

"It's not my fault!" Freed shouted like a spoilt child. "But with that shitty devil out the way, I can focus better!"

Yuuto's hands shook with rage as he looked at the carefree smile on Valper; the same one he bore long ago when they all were experimented on. "Just what do you want?! We all suffered under you!"

Valper looked at Yuuto. "Oh! Isaiah! So you were a survivor from the Holy Sword Project. Well, it matters not. You all paid with you lives, and it allowed me to develop my research beautifully!" Valper pulled out a blue crystal, something which made Irina and Xenovia's eyes widened.

"That crystal?!" Irina remembered the crystals that they had given to those chosen to wield holy swords.

Valper smiled. "So you know of it! Yes, I despaired when I found out that I didn't have a high enough holy energy affinity! My dream of holding the legendary Excalibur's were over! But my research bore hope! But that Michael! He deemed it unethical! And banished me! Then he dared to use my own research!"

Yuuto's eyes were going mad. "All those lives."

"It's not needed anymore, so here!" Valper tossed the crystal fragment, while Yuuto cradled it like a protective mother.

Arising from the blue diamond was a swirl of ghosts. His eyes widened as all the ghosts from his time in hell in church supported him. Almost everyone looked in shock as, between his hands, a new blade began to form. 


One half of the blade was a melted black, contrasting the pure cloud half. Black and gold swarmed the handle while green jewels in a square space were formatted as such. A small hole was present at the bottom of the blade. From above it, red runic writings rode up the blade.

"He's done it. The overflowing emotions pouring into him have allowed him to pull out the Balance Breaker of his Sacred Gear."

From his throne, Kokabiel's head arose from his weary knuckles. "Oh-ho! It seems things have gotten interesting."

Dust kicked up as Freed was confused as to why Yuuto was suddenly in front of him and overpowering him. "The fuck?! Stop it!" Freed shouted, swinging.

Yuuto pushed his blade back and pierced the side of Freed, making him rush back and look in shock at the sudden improvement.

'That's the way, Yuuto! Proud of you!' Keiji thought.

"Keiji! Look out!"

Keiji didn't need to be told in the first place as he stopped the arm in its place. "I'm celebrating my friend, so be a kind canine, and fucking die!" he shouted, ripping the whole arm out and shoving it through it's own stomach.

"I-impossible! What is this merging of elements?!" Valper muttered, trying to get his brain to wrap around it all.

Xenovia raised her hand to the side. "I suppose I'll get serious, too. Let us destroy that Excalibur together.


Yuuto looked in mild surprise. "Are you sure?"

"It's supposed to be a holy weapon, but there's nothing holy about it."

A golden circle broke through the air as Xenovia mentioned the names St Peter, St Basil, St Denis and the Virgin Mary. Chained up, a sword began to show. It was a arge uniquely-shaped broadsword with a blue blade and a golden edge. The sword has a semi-circular guard on the left side of the handle that extends to the bottom just above the pommel, with a small extension on the right side of the handle.

"I set you free, Durandal!"

Keiji whistled. "Nice blade."

Fear and disbelief showed in Valper. "Impossible! My research never went in on how to use Durandal!"

"That's because I'm one of the few natural holy sword users! Let's go, Yuuto!" Xenovia shouted, jumping forward with him in tow.

Desperate, Freed shouted as he madly used the Excalibur Rapidly fragment to swing his blade as rapidly but Yuuto continued to parry every attack until the last attack made a different sound.

Shock hit Valper and Freed, while jubilation was present on Yuuto, Xenovia, and the others as they saw the Excalibur break into pieces.

"Super Excalibur! You were supposed to be invincible!"

"Don't let your guard down!" Irina warned him, embarking on him with a katana multiples times before giving a last heavy swing. Normally, this wouldn't have been the case, but the broken multi-piece Excalibur wasn't up to par, even against a single Excalibur fragment.

Arms out, he was asking for it, and he received it. Freed's blood met Durandal as Xenovia drew it into his chest. Not wasting anymore time, she spun it in a drill-like effect, effectively splitting him into a meat mess; no chance for a comeback.

"Hehe... I see now. If holy and demonic powers can merge, then that must not only the Satans but God was—"

Valper's body was hanging on a long light spear as Kokabiel finally removed himself from his seat. "Oh, Valper. You were a smart one to figure that out, but your time is up."

"I would have killed him myself, but I guess you saved me the time." Keiji pointed to him. "I'll just crush you as well." 

Kokabiel huffed. "It's amazing still. The fact you of the Church can fight with such resolve after losing your leader."

"And what's that supposed to mean, Kokabiel?!" Xenovia demanded, pointing Durandal to him.

'I don't like where this is going,' Keiji thought. Once again, he had read enough manga to know that the shit they were going to deal with would be heavy.

"Oh, did I accidentally say that out loud? Silly me!" he joked.

"Enough with the games, Kokabiel! Out with it."

The grin on his face would have stretched his face out if it was possible. "HAHA! SO BE IT! I'll tell you. The Great War didn't just end with the death of the Four Satans! God died, too!" he gloriously shouted.

"That almost sounds like a joke," Keiji commented, though it didn't stop the fact that he was shocked. Sure, he may have not been a believer, but come on! How do you react to something like that? 

Violet, golden and green eyes dulled in disbelief at the impossible but truth that had penetrated their entire beings, their entire existence. Irina's loss of battle spirit caused the katana to transform into the simple string she usually had it, except she dropped it in shock. Xenovia's Durandal was almost slipping out of her hand while Asia had completely blanked out to everything.

"You're lying!" Rias shouted, which was funny given she was a devil.

Kokabiel laughed. "I figured someone would say that, though a devil saying it is funny. But it's true. It explains how the Knight was able to mix both holy and demonic energies! That alone is proof of the lack of their existence!"

"So what now?" Keiji asked, sensing the giant decline in their moral boost.

"Red Dragon Emperor!" Kokabiel called out, making him look at the big bad boss. "I have a proposition for you. Use the power of your Boost on the daughter of Baraquiel and the sister of Lucifer. Let us see if you can make this more fun if I give you a free hit."

Rias gritted her teeth while Akeno glared at him. "Are you mocking us?!" she shouted, though Kokabiel only grinned.

Keiji's gauntlet continuously boosted the mantra while Kokabiel waited in anticipation for it to be complete. "He's gonna regret it, so don't worry."

Kokabiel smirked, his fingers anxiously moving as the blood in his body demanded him to purge all of them. "Incredible! This amount of power should surely wipe my boredom before I wipe you from this world!"

Keiji smirked at Kokabiel's ramblings. "That's where you are wrong, Kokabiel," he said, making the cadre narrow his eyes, so as to ask how he, a mighty fallen angel, could be wrong. "Actually, instead of them... you have it, Ilulu!"

Behind him, the miniature menace opened her maw as Kokabiel yelped from the smouldering wave of poisonous flames. Luckily, it was pointed more downwards, so the barrier did not have to deal with the dome-shattering attack. A panting Keiji grinned at the result. Green glows surrounding Ilulu, a sign of the immeasurable boosts given to her.

The explosive display was enough to snap Xenovia and Irina out of their loss of composure, though Asia was still wavering between consciousness.

Agony twisted through every pore of his body. Kokabiel coughed out blood, only to get smacked in the face by Ilulu. Not wasting any time, as her master would tell her to, Ilulu went to boxing Kokabiel into a bloody mess, not giving him time to focus on hardening his wings or manifesting a light spear.

"We can't let her do all the work!" Akeno told the others, focusing her lightning and emitting the heavy yellow beam into his back at the same time Ilulu punched Kokabiel's sternum. 

Rias aided whenever she was sure she'd hit Kokabiel with spheres of Power of Destruction, Yuuto chucking demonic swords, Xenovia firing off waves of holy energy into Kokabiel while Irina increased the length of her blade thanks to the Mimics' ability, clawing into his body; it helped to work their frustration against the one who publicly broke their whole world view. Koneko and Ilulu double-teamed punched him.

"Y-you scum!" Kokabiel spoke out in a broken tongue, his wings crumpled and looking like a failed cosplay at this point. The Sword of Betrayer, Durandal and Excalibur Mimic impaling his body.

Ilulu squashed her fist into his face. "SHUT UP!" she happily spoke, knocking him further into defeat.

Suddenly, Ilulu dropped as the boosts ran out. Kokabiel trotted towards her at a surprising speed, his expression completely gone to the dark side. "FILTHY FUCKING MONGREL!" Kokabiel screamed to the high heavens, where he once provided.

Blinded by the close proximity of the intense light, Ilulu couldn't think of much before her whole insides collapsed under the intense force as she was sent flying with a large cross-shaped light spear in her side, impaling her into the ground, blood dripping as she fell limp off of it.

'T-to think such low life's could get me this beaten! It's unthinkable!' he cursed, struggling to get up from all the pain.

"ILULU!" everyone shouted, except Keiji, still trying to process the sudden change of events. Even Asia had woken up after everything, immediately running to aid Ilulu's injury.

"T-this isn't good!" Asia commented on the obvious, but she couldn't help it.

Keiji continued to look at the scene in shock, not moving but the Boosted Gear on his body began to glow rapidly and morph as his face began to twist in a turbulent swarm of emotions, threatening to tear his face to shred.

"If there's no God, I guess that means I'll be your judge!"

Spreading rapidly over his body was a crimson calcite armour that resembled a dragon, complete with green jewels placed symmetrically over the body.


Through his one-seeing eye, Kokabiel was aware of what was happening but his body couldn't stop shaking from not only wounds, but something more prevalent - fear! Something he never could have imagined was happening. 

In that moment, Kokabiel could only think of one thing as Keiji's aura exploded into extreme entropy:

Like clothes in the washing machine, Kokabiel was spinning wildly into the ground. But his body never made it further as Keiji kicked him up in the air, only to grab him so suddenly and ragdoll smash him side to side on the floor.

Kokabiel screamed in pain as Keiji accidentally broke his leg to the point it was barely hanging by the skin but the Red Dragon Emperor didn't care as he began to bend him like a flexible ruler and started smashing him into the ground.

"HOW... FUCKING... DARE... YOU! STUPID! FUCKING! BASTARD!" Keiji spared no words, and no bones, as Kokabiel's body was starting to become more like paste than flesh.

The red-headed had never felt such a strong emotion from Keiji before. 'He's gonna kill him,' Rias thought, sweating at the intensity. She had never seen Keiji like that, and neither had Akeno, as even the usual S&M woman couldn't help but stare in disbelief at how hard Keiji went into making sure Kokabiel suffered as much as possible.

"That's enough now!"

On the cue of the voice, a similarly armoured being in white, with white jewels to compensate for the green, appeared. 

"The White Dragon Emperor!" almost everyone commented.

"PARTNER, STOP!" Ddraig shouted, knowing that it was the only thing that would have made Keiji break from his rage out. "The White One is here."

The White Dragon Emperor approached Keiji, then turned his head down to the barely breathing Kokabiel. "I'm surprised he's breathing. Looks like I arrived just in time, I'll be taking him now," he said, making Keiji's green armoured eyes glow and growl. "It's orders. Besides, I think you've done enough. You don't want to scare the girls there, do you?"

Crimson cracking, and Keiji was not in his Balance Breaker form anymore. "I guess you have a point. And who the heck are you?!" Keiji said, sounding exhausted.

He was ignored as Kokabiel was hefted on the shoulders of the White One. "You'll find out soon enough. Just know that I'm impressed with what I'm seeing. See you around."

Keiji gave a middle finger, still seated down. He tried to get up but his muscles ached, making him stop. "Whatever you do, make sure Ilulu lives! I'll Boost you Asia if you need it."

"Keiji! You need to rest!"

Keiji lunged there, painfully. "I can deal with the exhaustion just fine. Ilulu's in more need than me. Just accept it!" he said, to which Asia reluctantly took his aid while the Twilight Healing began to work faster, more colour coming back to Ilulu's skin.

Rias held Keiji's side. "Careful there. Just rest easy, okay."

Akeno grinned as she took his side. "We'll reward you later, Keiji" she joked to him, to which the other girls gave jealous looks while Keiji grinned weakly.